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Part II Chapter 39

When Win woke up AJ was not there. However he had left a red rose on her pillow and she smiled at the gesture. Happily she thought about what she now had. An incredible new job, independence, and an incredible lover. AJ was the best thing to happen to her in a long time. He was, he was just indescribably wonderful! The way he made her laugh, the way he smiled, the way he kissed, oh god the way he kissed her. Not to mention the way he made love to her. Never had she felt so complete before. Never had a man ever made her feel loved while he was making love to her. She loved everything about him. Even that annoying habit he had of wearing hats and sunglasses, or painting his nails black, his odd tattoos, she loved it all. Just the way he had of reassuring her, of holding her hand and letting her know that she was safe and loved. How he had invited her into his life, introducing her to his family and most of all, wanting her so much that she couldn’t possibly say no.
She could not believe how lucky she was. A few months ago she had nothing, literally nothing. She was not one to miscount her blessings. Now that she thought back to it, it was kind of silly to be annoyed at people for thinking she could be a singer. She was lucky to even have people who believed in her that much. Maybe she shouldn’t be that hard on them. Next time someone suggested it, she would do, whatever it was, they were only thinking about her. Maybe she would sing for the guys’ label when they came. If they did like her enough, she didn’t have to sign anything.
Feeling much better about her actions and decisions, she got out of bed and went to take a shower. Today was her first day as the Executive Assistant to the Tour Director and Manager.
As soon as she was out of her shower he phone was ringing. Realizing it was already nine in the morning, business would be starting. Still wrapped in a towel she grabbed her phone and her laptop and sat at the terrace table. She flipped open the phone and answered her first ever business call.
It was noon before Win’s phone stopped ringing. AJ was coming into the room carrying some lunch for him and Win and was walking out to the terrace as Win was just finishing her call. She hung up and he said,
“Busy morning?”
“Yeah, but a good busy. I got out of the shower and didn’t have five minutes to get changed.” Win said getting up and walking back into the room.
“Well, that could work to your advantage.” AJ said with a lilt in his voice.
“Very cute, but later.” Win said grabbing her clothes and running into the bathroom as AJ playfully chased her.
“You’re gonna have to come out sometime.” He said knocking on the door. She emerged a second later, fully dressed.
“Too bad.” He said shaking his head. She kissed him lightly and then proceeded back to the terrace.
“So, what’d you get for lunch?” she asked.
“Sandwiches. I got Philly cheese stake, that okay?”
“I love Philly cheese stake. I’m starving, I didn’t have a chance to eat breakfast either.” Win said sitting down, moving her phone and laptop to the side. AJ sat down beside her and handed her a sandwich and a can of soda.
“You know something, we don’t even know each other’s favorite things,” AJ said thoughtfully. Win finished chewing a bite of her sandwich and swallowed before saying,
“Lets see, your favorite food, McDonald’s, which is, disgusting, your favorite color, black, and your favorite thing to do, other than perform, is well, to perform, in the bedroom.” AJ stared at her with surprised stare.
“Did I get it right?” she asked.
“Pretty good. All right, what are yours?” he asked.
“Hum, favorite food, eggplant, favorite color, eh, I’d have to say purple, and favorite thing to do, read.”
“That’s all you like to do?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.
“Well, I also like to sing.” Win admitted with her mouth full.
“Well thanks a lot,” AJ said laughing.
“All right, I also like to do my incredibly hot boyfriend, okay?” she asked.
“That’s better.” AJ replied biting into his sandwich.
“Which reminds me, I should give him a call while I’m at it.” Win said putting down her sandwich and grabbing her phone. AJ nearly choked on his food and put down the sandwich. Win made to dial the phone when AJ gave her a little push.
“You are really funny Win, really hysterical.” He said wiping his mouth, she put the phone up to her ear.
“Shh! I’m trying to hear!” she whispered.
“You pain in the ass!” he said laughing and taking the phone out of her hand.
“Got to keep you on your toes,” she laughed.
“You certainly do your share. Now really, what are your favorite things to do?” he asked putting an arm around her.
“Like I said, reading, singing, just hanging out with you. Kissing you is nice too.” She said leaning in and kissing him.
“I like that too.” AJ replied kissing her cheek.
“Hum, but back to what we were talking about.”
“Oh, yeah, so what’s your favorite movie?” he asked.
“That’s hard to say, I haven’t seen many. But I’d have to say, that Johnny Depp flick, with the pirates.” Win said trying to remember the title.
“Oh, the Pirates of the Caribbean. You liked that?” he asked surprised.
“Who doesn’t like pirate stories? I love reading pirate stories, swashbuckling tails, sword fights, living on the ocean, ships, what’s not to love?”
“Good point. I don’t do that much reading anymore.”
“Really?” she asked.
“Not much time, plus I haven’t really wanted to.” AJ replied before biting into his sandwich.
“Did you used to read a lot?” Win asked.
“When my mom was around. See when we started out, I was just sixteen. She used to come with me everywhere, that’s why we’re so close. She home schooled me, as well as Nick and Brian a little bit too while we were on tour. She made sure that we read something at least three times a week. We used to complain about it, but really we did enjoy it, having some time that was quiet. She even had Kevin reading, and he was twenty-four, I think, anyways. She stayed with us until I was, oh twenty, although she did come on the Millennium tour for a while. She missed me, and to tell you the truth the guys and I both did also. She was kinda like the den mother. She and Nick’s mom both were like that.” Win was sitting with her hand propped up on her hand like she was listening to a story.
“What’s that look on your face for?” AJ asked suspiciously.
“It’s just cute is all.” Win replied smiling at him.
“What?” he asked.
“That you, with your big, macho, bad boy image, the hats, black nails, tattoos, the clothes, talking about how much you love your mother.”
“So I love my mother, I expect most guys who have a mother who treated them as well as my mother did me, would love them too.”
“Yeah, but you’re admitting it, most other guys wouldn’t.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“You’re embarrassed about it, aren’t you?” Win asked grinning.
“I am not embarrassed about it, I just usually don’t talk about it.” He said, although a tinge of pink was crawling into his cheeks.
“You are cute.” Win replied picking up her sandwich. Her phone rang.
“Hold on a second,” she said grabbing her phone.
“Hello? Oh yes, hi, yeah, I’ve got that information right here. Hold on,” Win grabbed her notebook, and flipped through a few pages.
“Yeah, here it is, the concert on the fifteenth has been moved to the seventeenth, that’s October. No, that venue backed out, it’s going to be at Jensen Maynerd Center for Music, right, on route fifty, yup, seven o’clock. Okay, you’ll want what, four tickets you said to that? Okay, I’ll talk to him for you. Yes, I’ll have him call you back. Okay, bye Walter.” Win hung up the phone, made a couple notes on her page and threw the stuff back on the other side of the table.
“Seems like you got the hang of this new job I see?” AJ asked impressed.
“Yeah, it’s nice really.” Win replied grabbing her sandwich again.
“You enjoy it?”
“Yeah, I do miss the crew though. But now I should have some actual free time, not having to just sneak around and try to find five minutes to spend with you when Red isn’t looking.” Win replied.
AJ and Win spent another hour or more for lunch, talking about all the trivial things, likes and dislikes, favorites of this and that and other things. Before he was ready, Dennis called AJ to an appearance and Win had to go speak with Daemon. They kissed each other good bye and went their ways.