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Part II Chapter 55

“I heard you and Win arguing and woke up. I waited a little while, and then I saw that display out on the patio, and you know which one I am talking about.” Denise said, leaning in the doorway, her arms crossed.
“Mom, I didn’t mean for it to happen, it just did.” AJ pleaded, but his mother’s face remained stony.
“I don’t think I have ever been this disappointed in you in my entire life. AJ, how could you do this to Winifred! Don’t you care about her?”
“Of course I do, it was just a mistake!” AJ said panicked.
“You have been so irresponsible it makes me sick! You better find her and you better tell her what happened! You hope to god she understands, and forgives you and makes you pay for what you have done!” Denise turned on her heel and marched back upstairs. AJ shook his head and grabbed the phone.
She wasn’t anywhere he called. Finally he remembered Nick and Howie. He dialed the number and got Howie. He didn’t know anything, so he went to find Nick.
Never in his life did Nick ever talk to him like he did now. Deep down he knew Nick was right, but he just did not want to admit it. He wouldn’t let him talk to Win and hung up before he could say anything else. If he wanted to salvage anything with Win he had to break it off completely with Edith.
Walking out the kitchen door he knocked on Edith’s door and she answered quickly.
“What is it AJ?” she asked.
“Edith, we both know what happened up there was wrong, and we both know that we cannot be together.”
“AJ, I have something to tell you, I don’t think you’re going to be too happy about it either.” Edith replied.
“What’s that?”
“Robert is not Latecia’s father.”

"You want something to eat?" Nick asked as he reentered the room.
"Huh? Oh, no thanks. Was that AJ?" Win asked distantly. Howie was sitting on the bed next to her.
"Yeah, he wanted to talk to you."
"Is he still on the phone?" She asked worriedly, her eyes wide and stricken.
"No, I hung up on him. He needs to talk to you in person, he'll see you at the studio tomorrow when we start recording." Nick replied sitting down on his bed and watching her. She had stopped crying, only waiting now for the final blow to strike.
"Look, you can stay here as long as you want. Why don't Nick and I clear out the party, we'll go downstairs, listen to some music and just veg, you just relax." Howie said getting up.
"Okay." Win replied, nervously chewing on her nails. Nick looked at her sitting on the bed, hunched over, nervous looking, pathetic, broken, scared, he wasn't looking at the Winifred he knew anymore. AJ had hurt her deeply, he had never seen Win look so down trodden. He would make up for AJ had done, no matter what it took.
Howie pulled him back to reality and made him leave the room to get the people out of the house. It took the better part of an hour to get everyone to leave and when Nick returned to the room, Win had not moved. It took a little prodding to get her to come downstairs, but she finally did it.
Howie was in the kitchen scrambling eggs and frying potatoes. The smell of burnt toast was in the air and Howie popped up the toaster to empty its contents. Nick and the silent Win sat down at the counter. Howie placed a plate of eggs, home fries and toast in front of her with a fork. He leaned down on the counter and looked at Win's face.
"Come on, have something to eat, you'll feel better." Howie said going to the refrigerator.
"I doubt it." Win replied.
"Oh come on. Like my mom says, if you don't eat anything when you are sick, you'll have nothing to throw up later when you are sick. It always feels worse when you feel like throwing up and you've got nothing to vomit." This made her laugh.
"See, I knew I could do it." Howie said pouring some juice for her. Timidly she picked up the fork and ate some of the eggs and potatoes.
"Good?" Howie asked. She nodded.
"Although the image of throwing it up later does take the enjoyment out of it a little." Win replied with a small laugh. Howie dished some eggs for Nick and himself and then stood at the counter eating. The only sounds for a few minutes were the clinking of plates and forks.
"What are you going to do Win?" Nick asked.
"I don't know. I love him, I do. And he must really be hurting himself." Win replied.
"Don't try to defend him Win." Howie said skeptically looking at Win.
"So I should just give him up?"
"That’s not for me to say.” Howie replied.
"He is the best thing to ever happen to me, and I love him, I'm not just gonna throw that away because I'm jealous of his friend!" Win said angrily.
"Why are you settling for him? There are plenty of other guys out there that would die to be with you." Nick asked.
"Don't you get it Nick? He is the best I can get. A former drug addict, a homeless drug addict, with a famous, talented guy like him? It's an oxymoron right there. I'm lucky to have him." Win replied.
"No Win, I'm talking about people actual people, and how they act. Not their pasts and their roots or their social status. I'm talking about how people treat one another. And if he can’t trust you, then, he’s not good enough for you." Howie said, putting his dish in the sink. She nodded her head, a few tears falling out of her eyes.
“You’re right.”
Howie made a motion with his head towards the stairs. Nick nodded and said,
"Come on, you can stay in my room, I'll sleep on the couch." Win got up and followed Nick to the stairs, she turned and said,
“Thanks for listening.”