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Part III Chapter 59

The rest of the song was recorded without trouble. Between the guys schedule of concerts and appearances it took two weeks to record the entire song and edit it.
Win’s lunch with Nick was uneventful except for the fact that she stopped worrying about AJ. She enjoyed herself immensely, it was great talking with Nick, about something besides AJ and the tour.
Her date with AJ was a different story entirely. AJ showed up early, picked a fight with Nick, yelled at Howie for no reason at all, and ended up in another fight with Win. By the time he had convinced her to go out with him, they had missed the movie and she was in no mood to talk to him. Finally she agreed to go out to coffee with him. But that was a bad idea as any. He tried to hold her hand in the coffee shop and made a scene in front of a crowd when she pulled her hand away.
When she got back to the house, she got out of the car before it had fully stopped and went directly inside.
Over the two weeks it took to record the song, Nick and Win went out on seven, official dates. He was always so sweet to her, always listening, but also always talking to her. It was nice getting to hear so much about him, his life, his family. He never even so much as pretended to accidentally brush his arm against hers, or try to hold her hand.
Once, when they were out for dinner, his foot bumped up against hers. Immediately he pulled it back, apologizing and blushing profusely.
Dating AJ turned out to be a lot harder than just being with him. When he wasn’t begging her to come back to him, he was making rude comments about the other guy she was dating. She was getting fed up with him very fast. He still wouldn’t open up to her at all and his recent bitterness was annoying. She was glad at the end of the two weeks when he told her that he had asked out another girl he had met a few days ago. She was pretty sure it was just to make her jealous, despite the fact that she didn’t feel anything but happy and relieved that AJ had finally taken to heart one of the things she had said.
In reality Win doubted her decision to try it again with him. She was looking for a way to move away from him, slowly, gently, without hurting his feelings or his pride. She thought her efforts with him were fruitless. She felt like he was closing up even more.
AJ wanted to be with Win but he couldn’t get himself to talk to her. It was a constant fight between opening up and closing down. He wanted to talk to her and get her to trust him again. He knew he had hurt her, but he resented her for putting a limit on their relationship and wanting him to bring up all those painful memories again. If she really loved him she wouldn’t want to make him relive that again.

On the last week of their Miami visit, Brian invited everyone to his and Brianna’s house for dinner in honor of completing the song. Because they lived so far away, AJ offered to drive Win so that he could have a chance to be alone with her. But she had already agreed to ride with Nick, Howie, and his girlfriend Rene that was staying with them. When Win said she wouldn’t go with him, he said he would invite his new girl to the party instead.
News that Win and Nick were dating had gone no farther than Howie. No one had told Kevin and Brian, although both were aware Win had been dating someone else. They however had avoided bringing the subject up to Win, because they agreed that it was none of their business. And considering the mood AJ was in, it was a better idea not to discuss what was going on. AJ didn’t know for a fact that Nick had been dating Win, but he had an inkling, and was constantly pushing Nick to get him to admit it.

Nick knew it would not be smart to fall in love with Win now. She was still attached to AJ, and there was always the possibility that she would go back to him. But he couldn’t help it. Not only was she the perfect woman by his standards. She was smart, independent, ambitious, funny, great fun to be with, interesting and interested, talented, humble, honest, the list went on.
So far he’d been able to resist temptation. He had dreamed of kissing Win since they had met six months ago. He had resisted the temptation just to take her hand while they were walking or sitting on the couch watching movies. He had resisted reaching out and stroking her mud-colored hair as it fell over her shoulders when she fell asleep on the couch or when she tossed it over her shoulder to keep it out of her face. But now that he was so close to her he couldn’t keep his thoughts free of her. He couldn’t stop thinking about her all the time. He knew it was wrong, he’d have to just keep his heart in check before he got hurt himself.

Dinner was wonderful. Win spent most of the evening carrying baby Winifred around and talking with Brian, Brianna, Kevin and Tessa. AJ lurked in the corner, his arm around his new girl he had brought with him to make Win jealous. When he introduced this new girl, Tiffany, to Win he called her his girlfriend, and Win his friend. Win was gracious and smiled when she met Tiffany, much to AJ’s dismay. To this he asked,
“So where’s the mystery man Win?”
“Oh, busy is all.” Win replied with a gentle smile. Tiffany was actually a nice girl, and had Win not been dating Nick, she might have been jealous.
“Win, could you give me a hand with the baby?” Brianna asked putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Oh yeah.” Win replied and followed Brianna upstairs to the baby’s room. Brianna allowed Win in first and then closed the door behind her. Win went to the crib and looked down at the baby smiling.
“She’s so beautiful Brianna.” Win said with a smile.
“Thank you Win. She’s such a good baby too. But Win, what I really wanted you to come up here for, I wanted to talk to you.” Brianna said.
“About what?”
“You and AJ. I know that you are dating Nick.” Win stood up and looked at her.
“How did you know?”
“It’s just a little obvious sweetie.” Brianna said touching her arm. She motioned to the chairs by the window and Win took a seat. Brianna went to the crib and picked up baby Winifred before taking a seat.
“What’s the matter Brianna?” Win asked.
“Win, I heard what AJ did, and I sympathize with you. But you need to break it off. Now, before he thinks that he has a chance.” Brianna said rocking the baby in her arms.
“I know I’ve taken advantage of Nick, and he’s been sweeter to me than I deserve.” Win replied.
“No, not Nick sweetie, AJ. It’s time you made it clear that you are not going back to him.” Brianna replied.
“Oh. I know. It was dumb to try and save it anyway.” Win replied shaking her head.
“I know you love him honey, and I know it’s hard. Once I thought Brian had cheated on me, and it broke us up for a long time.”
“Brian cheated on you?” Win asked surprised.
“No he didn’t, a girl we were both friends with said that Brian and her had slept together. I didn’t know whether to believe her or not. All three of us had been friends for a very long time. Brian swore up and down that he never had anything to do with her. But I didn’t believe him.”
“Well you two got back together, what happened?”
“Eventually the story got figured out. She was trying to break the two of us up so she could date Brian, she admitted she lied. Even though nothing happened between them, I still can’t trust him sometimes. I know he wouldn’t do anything, but that doesn’t stop me from worrying.” Brianna replied.
“I couldn’t go through this again. Not knowing what happened or not. I can’t trust him, not anymore. And if I can’t trust him, what kind of relationship can it be?”
“That’s not called a relationship then sweet heart. It’s called a travesty. He’ll be mad for a while, but he’ll get over it. He has to, he has a daughter he has to take care of now.”
“You are right Brianna. I was afraid to admit it. I still love him even now. Not with the intensity I once felt of course. But I guess you can never forget when you love a person, and I don’t think you ever really do stop loving them entirely. There’s always a piece of you that will love them forever.” Win said thoughtfully as she looked out the window. Nick was helping Brian set up the table on the lawn for dinner. She smiled to herself as she looked at Nick. She had to admit, she wanted to be with Nick, not AJ, and her feelings for him were not nearly as strong as they had once been.
As she watched Brian walk to the house, Nick remaining and putting up folding chairs leaning against the tree she noticed another person walk out onto the lawn. It was AJ and he walked casually over to Nick who looked up as he saw AJ approach.
Brianna gave Win a sidelong glance but she did not see it since her gaze was intent on the two men below. AJ gestured to Nick to leave the chairs and talk to him. AJ was quite calm it seemed. Just talking to Nick and then Win saw it. AJ clenched his fist. His finger shot in the air accusingly at Nick, then he pushed him. Nick held up his hands in defense, trying to talk him down.
“Oh shit!” Win exclaimed jumping up from the chair and dashing out of the room. As she ran down the stairs she called to Kevin to help her.
She burst out the door to the yard running towards Nick and AJ who were now grappling arm to arm.
“Come on big man! You’re not afraid of me then prove it!” AJ yelled as he threw Nick to the ground. Nick popped back up, not daring to turn his back on him.
“I am not fighting you man! This is not the way to handle this!” Nick yelled as AJ dove at him, clipping his jaw.
“Knock it off!” Win screamed launching herself between them, knocking AJ off balance and forcing him back. Nick fell back on the ground holding his jaw.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” Win yelled pushing AJ back when he tried to go towards Nick again.
“So it has been him you’ve been screwing around with!”
“I have not been screwing around with anyone. And you do not have the right go beating up Nick!” Win shouted back. Kevin emerged on the scene and asked.
“What is going on?”
“None of your damn business Kevin!” AJ yelled.
“Knock it off!” Win shouted pushing AJ back.
“What the hell are you doing with him Win? Huh? Why are you doing this to me?” AJ asked.
“What I do no longer concerns you. And you want to talk about doing things, I didn’t kiss someone else. I didn’t hurt you half as much as you hurt me. AJ, we’re through. I don’t know you anymore. I never imagined you could hit someone. So here, take your ring and go.” Win said pulling the ring off her finger and putting it in his hand.
“But Win, please,” AJ said begging.
“No, I will not change my mind. This is no way to resolve anything AJ, I can’t be with a man who acts like this. Forget it.” Win turned and helped Nick off of the ground.
“Win look out!” Win turned around, and got in the way of AJ’s fist, as he aimed for Nick. Her eyes went black and her nose felt as if it were on fire. Blood blossomed down her face and hands. She heard a jumble of voices as she tried to open her eyes but they were swimming with color. She felt her legs fall out from under her and she was lifted up into someone’s arms.
“Brian, you know where the hospital is?” She heard Nick ask from far away. Slowly things were coming into sharper focus.
“Yeah, get in the car, I’ll be right there.” Brian called.
The next thing she remembered was sitting in a doctor’s office and having her nose painfully set. Nick was in the waiting room with Brian, pacing back and forth.
“I can’t believe he did that! I should have pulled her out of the way, at least he would have hit me!” Nick said angrily.
“Nick, no one knew he was going to dive back at you.” Brian replied.
“Oh, it’s all my fault, I knew he would go crazy when he found out I was dating Win. I knew it and I went through with it anyway. Now Win’s hurt again. I’m so stupid!” Nick said throwing himself into a chair.
“You’ve actually been dating her?” Brian asked surprised.
“Yeah, I have. I was too stupid to realize what would happen. God, what the hell have I done?” Nick asked rubbing his forehead.
“I’m not going to say anything Nick, you know what you’ve done. But if you care about Win, you’ll take care of her. And if she means that much to you, you’ll do anything for her. And it will be worth it.”
“I know, I do care about her. I just shouldn’t have gotten into this in the first place.”
“You can’t change that now. Just take care of her.” Brian replied. A few minutes later Win emerged from the emergency room, her nose covered with a bandage. Nick jumped and went to her.
“How is it?” Nick asked.
“Broken. But the doctor said it will be better in a few weeks.”
“I am so sorry Win, this is all my fault.” Nick said.
“No, it’s not all your fault. I agreed to this too. I just never thought he’d hit anyone.” Win replied.
“I know, I know. Come on, let’s go home.” Nick said putting his arm around her shoulder.