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Part I Chapter 9

Win marched down to the lobby and went to the front desk.
“Hi, I need some information about your garbage, yeah it seems that my friend’s wife lost her engagement ring and I have a funny feeling that it ended up in the trash. Now since the trash has been taken out, I need to look through it.”
“Oh miss, I am so sorry about that! Our maids are so clumsy sometimes, I’ll get someone to look through it right away!” the manager said hurriedly grabbing the phone.
“No, no, that won’t be necessary, just tell me where the dumpster is, I’ll look myself.” Win replied.
“It’s straight through the kitchens, but I’m afraid that the garbage truck is coming right away.”
“Well then you better hurry up and lead me to it, cause if I don’t find that ring, I’m in trouble, not to mention a certain young man who is married to that little lady.”
“Oh, yes miss, follow me!” the manager squealed, high-tailing it out from behind the desk and towards the hotel restaurant. Win dashed after him and soon they were running flat out through to the kitchen. They burst out the back door and found the garbage truck just pulling up. The manager waved his arms at the driver and started screaming at him that they could not take the garbage yet.
Win saw a ladder on top of the ten foot dumpster and started climbing. At the top she looked into the abyss of garbage bags and shook her head. She took a step up onto the edge of the dumpster and jumped in.
For the next three hours Win dug through the garbage, bag after bag, finding several rings, none of which matched Brian’s description. She also found several necklaces and odd earrings. She was nearing the bottom of the dumpster and beginning to lose faith that she would find it.
There it was, the last bag. Win crossed her fingers, tore the bag open and began to wade through the contents. After a few minutes of fruitless searching she was ready to give up when drawing her hand out, she saw the ring. It was stuck on a banana peel. She pulled it out and looked at it. Yellow gold, circular diamond, four blue bagets on either side. She let out a long sigh.
Back aching, brow sweating and smelling distinctly like garbage, she stuffed the ring in her pocket securely and climbed out. She went back into the hotel and strait back up to Brian’s room. When she knocked on the door, Kevin answered again, only this time the sounds coming from the room were much different. It was laughter.
Kevin jumped back a little at the stench on her from the garbage and she made a look as if to say, “Yeah, I know I stink.”
She approached the table to find Brianna feeding Jack a small piece of banana while he sat on her stomach. He responded by rolling over a few times, to make her laugh.
Brian saw her walking towards her, and noticed her clothing.
“What the hell happened to you?” he asked.
“Don’t ask, hey Jack, come here,” Win said putting her hand on Brianna’s shoulder.
“Oh hi Winifred, you’re rat is so cute!” she squealed as Jack climbed up her shoulder and sat waiting for Win to put her hand out. She pulled the ring out of her pocket and held it in front of Jack who grabbed it in his front teeth.
Win went around to the front of Brianna and said,
“Tell Jack to come here and pat your stomach while you do it.” Brianna did as she was told and Jack ran down her arm and sat in front of her.
“What have you got there Jack?” Brianna asked as Jack sat up for her to take the ring out of his mouth.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! You found it! You found my ring! Oh honey, look! Look!” Brianna screamed in delight. Win scooped up Jack and placed him back in the cage. Kevin rushed over and Brian stood up to look.
“You found it? You actually found it?” he asked picking up Brianna’s hand and examining the ring.
“Where was it?” Kevin asked.
“One guess, that’s all you get.” Win said smiling.
“At the bottom of the dumpster?” Brian asked. Win pointed at him, nodding her head,
“You betcha, this stench doesn’t just come in a bottle. Now if you don’t mind, I’m going to go shower, and destank myself.” Win said going for Jack’s cage but Brianna jumped up and threw her arms around her.
“Oh thank you! Thank you, thank you thank you!” she squealed.
“It was no problem honey. Just do me a favor and don’t get this nasty stuff all over you too.” Win said laughing.
“I’ll catch you all later.” Win quickly grabbed Jack’s cage and dashed out of the room.