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Author's Chapter Notes:


:: Down Stairs In The Kitchen ::

Kevin hung up the phone after having a 30-minute conversation with management.

“So?” Howie said.

“They want them to lie about it and say that it’s all fake.” Kevin said. “That’s the only way that they will set up a press conference.”

“What?” Brian said. “That’s crazy! They can't lie about it, they have hid it long enough. It’s…”

“Yea,” Howie interrupted, “they deserve to be happy and show everyone their love. I mean it has been two years.”

Kevin just sighed, “there is nothing we can do about it.”

“There has to be.” Brian said.

Howie looked at them, “what about… no, that’s not gonna work.”

Kevin just looked at them all and gave an evil smirk, “I’ve got it. We will tell Nick and A.j. that management agreed for them to tell everyone the truth, and we’ll tell management that they agreed to tell everyone that they aren’t together and that it was just a publicity scam. That way management can't stop them from telling the truth and Nick and A.j. won’t have the stress of not telling anyone and they can finally be happy together and be a real couple.”

Brian and Howie just looked at each other and then at Kevin with huge smiles on there faces and said at the same time, “that’s a great idea!!!”

“Oh yea! And I'm sure management is going to love it!” Kevin said with a smirk and then laughed.

“It’s 10 p.m. how bout we tell them tomorrow?”

“Yea,” Kevin said. “Who’s up for a movie and pizza?”

“Sure,” Brian said.

They looked at Howie, “sure, why not?”

:: The Next Morning ::

While everyone was still asleep, Kevin called management.

“Hi Peter, it’s Kevin. Yes, we’ve talked as a group and we all decided to tell the public that it was a scam. Yes, Nick and A.j. agreed as well. No, they are both locked in their rooms now not wanting to talk to anyone. Please don’t call them, they are both pretty upset about everything and we don’t want to stress them even more. Ok great, just call me and let me know when the conference is. Thanks Peter, bye.” Kevin just smiled to him self as he hung up the phone with the head of their management company.

:: An Hour Later After Everyone Is Awake ::

“ Alright guys, I talked to management, and they agreed for the both of you to tell everyone that you’re together.”

Nick and A.j. looked at each other and then at Kevin, “are you serious?! No way would they have agreed.” A.j. said

“After two hours on the phone,” Kevin said, “they got sick of me and said ok. Ask Howie, he was with me”

Nick looked at Howie, “is it true?”

“Um…yea…yea it is,” Howie said confused not knowing what Kevin was talking about but still played along. “Those were a long two hours, I was even willing to beg them to say yes.”

“Wow!” was all Nick could say.

“So,” A.j. said, “when is the press conference?”

“I don’t know yet,” Kevin said, “they are supposed to call me and let me know.”

:: At The Press Conference, Two Days Later ::

They were all sitting at a table that was above ground level. Howie was at the end, than it was Kevin, Nick, A.j., and Brian at the other end.

Kevin looked at Nick, “are you ready?”

Nick gave Kevin nervous laugh, “as ready as I will ever be.”

Kevin patted him on the shoulder, “you’ll be fine!”

“I hope so,” Nick said as he looked at A.j. to see what he was doing. He was playing with the hem of his shirt.

“Don’t be nervous,” Nick told him.

“I'm not, are you?”

“A.j., you’re playing with the hem of your shirt. You ARE nervous. And yes, I am very nervous.”

“Good, that means I'm not the only one.” A.j. said as he stopped playing with his shirt.

Brian over heard that and looked at A.j., “trust me, we are all nervous, but you’ll be fine. Don’t worry, Howie, Kevin, and myself discussed this already. If it gets too much for you and Nick, we will take over. Plain and simple. You guys don’t and won’t have to handle this by yourselves.”

A.j. smiled and relaxed a bit. “Thanks B, you have no idea how much that means to me.”

“Anything to help!” he said as he prayed to himself that he is right and that everything will be ok.

“Ok everyone, welcome to the conference. The guys here have something very important to tell you. Please hold all of your questions to the so they can be answered. Thank you” Peter the head of management said.

Howie was the first to speak, “good morning everyone.”
Everyone answered back good morning including Brian to try and lighten things up. The press as well as the guys laughed at him.

“Lets cut to the chase shall we,” Kevin said, “everyone knows why we are here today. I'm sure you’ve all seen the magazine cover with the picture of Nick and A.j. on it. They are here to tell everyone what is really going on. Like Peter said, keep all of your question till the end. Any questions that are blurted out during the conference and before we give you guy the ok to ask them will not be answered now or later. With all of that being said, we will begin.”

“Well said cuz!” Brian said with a smile.

Nick looked at A.j. and gave the “you start please” look.