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" Okay sit him down on the couch. Careful." Justin slipped his arm around Carrie's waist, while him and Aaron carefully sat him on the couch. Carrie let out a shallow moan, dark blood poured out from his eye sockets. Aaron tore a piece of his shirt off and gently rapped it tightly around Carrie's eyes.

" There. Everything is gonna be okay, man." Aaron told him in a comforting voice. Carrie shifted and found Aaron's shoulder. He placed his limp hand on the top of his shoulder blade.

" No...it's not."

" Carrie don't talk like that." Theresa's voice quivered. A tear rolled down her flushed cheeks.

" We're gonna fight this, Carrie. We're gonna get out of here and we're gonna get you to a hospital. And we're gonna pretend none of this never happened."

Carrie shook his head, " You guys get out of here....leave me."

Aaron sucked in a deep breath and pushed Justin out of the way. He grabbed Carrie's arms.

" Carrie, we are not going to leave you behind. We are your friends and friends never leave their brothers behind! If you stay, we're all going to stay. If we die, we die together. Do you understand?" A tear slipped from his eye, followed by another and another. Carrie was silent. His head bobbed slowly. He sucked in a shallow breath and finally spoke.

" Okay....." A low shallow breath poured out of his mouth. His body went limp. He let out one more shallow breath and sunk into the couch, unresponsive.