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Aaron and Bucky stood there in the darkness for a few minutes, none of them saying a word. Aaron finally turned the flashlight on and looked around the room.

" Well, this sure does suck." He groaned. Bucky turned hers on.

" Well, I guess we have an hour, er....55 more minutes. Lets explore." Aaron nodded and joined her on the other side of the room, leading into a massive hallway. They stopped in between the doorway and stared down the hall.

" This little lock in those bitches made us do, is not a good idea." Aaron whispered, his eyes staring straight ahead. Bucky smirked and glanced up at him.

" Why, are you scared?" Aaron looked at her with wide eyes.

" Me? Scared? Girl please, it takes a lot to get me scared."

Bucky rolled her eyes and started walking down the hall, " To be honest with you, I wouldn't have came if you didn't, Bucky."

" Why is that?"

" Cause it would be boring. It's boring without you around." Bucky stopped and turned around.

" Is it really?"

Aaron nodded, " Yeah."

" I wouldn't have came if you didn't either. I only came because you did. And besides, why would I let you have all the fun?"

Aaron smirked, " You couldn't." Bucky chuckled and continued on walking down the dark hallway. Their flashlights played eerie shadows along the walls. Bucky narrowed her eyes and stopped short.

" Aaron, I thought you said you weren't scared?"

" I'm not....atleast not yet."

She looked at him, " Then why are you holding on to me for dear life?" Aaron moved his eyes from side to side, when he noticed what he was doing. He quickly let go and gave her a quick smile.

" Uh.....your my buddy, Buck. I love being close to you." He said, putting on a fake smile.

" Then why were you shaking?"

" I was shaking?" He quickly said.

Bucky nodded, " Like a scared pussy." Aaron was silent for a long while. The look Bucky was giving him told him to just give up.

" Okay, okay. Maybe I'm a little freaked out, okay. I'm only human the last time I checked. This house doesn't really have the most warming welcome to it. And don't you deny that this house was staring back at you to when we were outside. Why couldn't we have waited 5 minutes in here, than an hour?"

" Aaron....all houses stare at you." She said, shaking her head.

" Yeah....but not literally."

" Look.....an hour isn't that long when were having fun exploring old haunted houses, Aar! Would you rather spend the night?" She asked sarcastically.

Aaron's expression faded and a look of delight plus terror appeared, " On second thought, this is a experience, why spend our time wisely while exploring an old ancient house?" He said, giving her a big smile.

" That's what a thought." She grabbed his hand and led him into another room beside them. They walked in and gasped in surprise on how big the room was.

" Whoa...whoever lived here had a serious crush on their cat." Aaron raised an eyebrow when he noticed portraits of a feline kitty on the walls.

" Hey, Aar. Check this out." Bucky called him over. He jogged over and looked over her shoulder. She held a watch in her hand.

" Cool you found a watch. Go you." He said sarcastically.

Bucky rolled her eyes, " No look again, you jackass." Aaron sighed and looked again.

" What about it?"

" It's a digital watch."

" And...?"

" They didn't have digital watches back in the 1800's." She looked at him, waiting for him to say something. He was silent for awhile, his eyes on the watch, " You okay?"

Aaron sighed, " I'm just peachy." He grabbed the watch from her, " I assume were not the only ones who have been here in the past years. But....who gives a shit. Hey, it still works too. I'm taking it."

Bucky rolled her eyes yet again, " Whatever." Aaron put the watch on and looked at for a split second. His heart started to beat faster when he started to realize something. Something about the watch.......

" Um...Bucky?"

Bucky turned around and looked at him, " Yeah?" Suddenly a loud ear piercing sound ripped through the air, making them shriek and jump into each others arms.

" What the hell was that?" Aaron said breathless.

" Sounded like.....a cat." Aaron looked down at her.

" Cat?"

" Yeah it must be the spirit of the cat that's on the walls and he wants us out of here. So lets do the pussy a favor." She grabbed his arm and pushed him out of the room.


" Aaron.....what did you need awhile ago?" She asked him. Aaron frowned at the thought.

" Uh...." He ran his fingers over the watch he was wearing. He looked down and looked at it, " Nothing...."

Bucky shrugged, " Okay." But it was something. Aaron took the watch off and looked at it more closely. He swallowed hard, turning the black watch over. His eyes widened as the initials 'AC' appeared on the back. Then he knew who's it was. It was his. But how did it get in the house? This was the first time he has ever been there. Then he remembered. He had let Jake, one of his friends borrow it, three years ago, the same night Jake, Brian, and Branson went to this house. But....that was three years ago. What happened to them? They sure as hell never came back home? They've been missing for over three years. The police even put out missing posters out for them. ' Could it be possible that their still here'. Aaron thought nervously to himself. He put the watch back on and took a deep breath.

" Bucky, how long do we have now?" He asked in a rush. She glanced at her watch.

" 45 minutes." She answered.

" Are you serious? It seems like we've been in here longer than that."

" I know. Hey, lets go upstairs now." She said stepping on the first step.

" Okay." He grabbed ahold of the back of her shirt and started to climb with her. The stairs creaked loudly. A loud rumbling sound ripped through the air. Bucky stopped short.

" Was that your stomach? Or was I hearing things?"

Aaron smiled, " That was me. Sorry."

" Why didn't you eat before you left?"

" My stomach was too unsettled to eat. But I can eat a horse right now."

" Well, there's no horses around here. There's a dead rat right over there. Go help yourself."

" Dead rat? There's no dead rat!"

" Look at that rat!" She said pointing to a dead rat, laying beside a railing. Aaron made a face.

" No thank you, I'll just starve." They continued up the stairs, which seemed like forever to get up. Once they got up, they stopped short on the top of the stairs. None of them talked, nor moved or breathed. They just listened. Listened....to the silence.

" Aar....I can hear my heart beating."

" I can hear mine too....."

And those hearts were beating with fear.