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“This is to the Backstreet Boys.” Howie raised his drink as he awaited the other boys’ response.

All the other boys raised their drinks, including Kevin, who had hosted the party in the first place to tell them that he was leaving the Backstreet Boys to pursue other interests.

“I still support you guys even when I’m leaving.” he said to them, hoping they hadn’t taken the announcement he made earlier too seriously.

“You’ve been a great brother, Kev.” Nick replied in between drinks.

Brian noticed that Nick was drinking too fast, too fast that he was in his fourth beer already in the last five minutes.

“Slow down, Nick, no one’s going to take that bottle from you.” Howie joked, but was secretly concerned by the speed he was drinking.

“I’m sorry if you guys are disappointed with me for leaving,” Kevin began uncertainly.

“No, it’s okay Kevin,” Brian told him, “It’s your decision and we know that you have other points of interests that you want to focus on. We’ll still support you whatsoever.”

“You’re our big brother, anyway.” AJ grinned.

Nick finally slowed his drinking at this point. He started feeling a little light-headed as the world around him began to whirl. He had the sudden urge to puke so he stood up and ran as fast as he could to the nearest bathroom, his surroundings spinning uncontrollably.

“Where are you going, Nick?” he heard a faint voice call to him, was it Brian?

Finally, his knees couldn’t take the weight of his body anymore. He fell on the marble floor and puked, his head throbbing as he did. He felt his eyes close heavily as unconsciousness swept over him like a heavy cloud.

Brian ran over to Nick who was lying down on the floor, barely missing his puke a few inches away.

“Should I call the hospital?” Kevin asked with phone in hand.

“No, its okay, he’s waking up.” Brian replied joyfully as Nick’s eyelids began opening.

“Come on, Nick, get up.” Brian held Nick by his shoulders as he lazily stood on his feet.

Brian sat him on the table as everyone stared at him, dumbfounded.

Finally, Howie brought up the courage to speak, “I….I .. think I’ll go home now. We have recording tomorrow so, yeah, I guess I’d need the rest.” he smiled weakly, hoping they’d by his excuse.

He left the room and closed the door behind him.

“Wait guys, I’ll just clean the mess over there.” Kevin stuttered as he made his way to the puke-covered floor with a mop.

“I’m going home too.” AJ said, “I can give Nick a hitch.” he directed his gaze at Brian.

“No, its okay, I can handle him; his house is closer to mines, anyway.” Brian answered.

AJ shrugged his shoulders then left, leaving the two of them behind in the table.

Brian finally stood up from his seat and helped Kevin clean up.

“How is Nick?” Kevin asked Brian as he threw some tissue paper in the garbage.

“Nick’s okay. He’s just suffering from the alcohol.” he replied as he turned on the dishwasher.

“I need to go now, it’s getting late.” Brian pointed at his watch.


He definitely needed to get going if he wanted to be early for the recording the next morning.

“Yeah, thanks anyway for helping me.” Kevin told him appreciatively, “I don’t think I’d be able to clean Nick’s crap without your help.”

“Don’t worry; I clean crap all the time.” Brian replied humorously.

“See you, B-rok.” Kevin waved as Brian walked towards the door, dragging Nick with him.

“Bye.” Brian said as he closed the door quietly behind him.

Kevin sighed. This was his last day being a ‘backstreet boy’. He wouldn’t be with them when they start recording tomorrow. Somehow, he felt like a piece of his heart was missing.

“Wait, Brian, stop here by this bus stop.” Nick spoke, making sure every word was stressed.

Brian braked, causing a jolt in the car as they leaned backward.

“Your house is just three houses away, Nick. I’ll just drop you off at your house…” Brian was cut off by Nick’s desperate tone.

“Please… I… I have to… I have to… go.” Nick’s hands were trembling; the tinge of fear in his voice reflected the panic that was bottled up inside him.

“Nick, are you okay?” Brian held him by his shoulders and forced him to look directly in his eyes.

There he saw the terror in his eyes. He could see something hidden behind those blue eyes of his, but he couldn’t decipher what it was.

“You need to tell me what’s wrong.” Brian said to him firmly.

“I… I … need to… meet someone… by, by… the bus stop… I… have to be alone.” Nick choked out the words.

“I’ll hide while I wait for you.” Brian told him.

He didn’t’ believe Nick and he wanted to make sure that he went home safe.

“No… no, I have to be alone.” Nick shook his head vigorously.

“Okay, whatever you say.” Brian replied, a hint of suspicion still visible in his tone.

He brought the car to the side as Nick disembarked.

“Good night. Go home after you meet that person, okay?” Brian told him.

He felt like a father who was concerned for the safety of his son, but he didn’t matter how he felt at that very moment, he just wanted to see Nick safe in his house, watching TV or just snoozing around.

“Bye, Brian.” Nick’s face was drawn to something far beyond as he closed the door.

Brian drove towards his house, suddenly feeling guilty for leaving Nick by the bus stop.

Suddenly, a black BMW whizzed past him, barely avoiding a collision.

Brian honked in annoyance at the driver.

Thinking it was just some crazy teenager who just got his drivers license, he drove back to his house still thinking about Nick’s safety.