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Brian immediately ran up the stairs and into their room.

He saw Leighanne hiding in the safety of the comforter.

“Leighanne, what’s wrong?” Brian asked her.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh…” was merely what he got in response.

“Did you see anyone?” he asked her once more.

“No… over there in the bathroom.” Leighanne finally revealed her head above the covers and pointed to the bathroom door which was slightly ajar.

Brian didn’t need anymore urging on the matter.

He opened the bathroom door and was horrified by what he saw.

Scrawled on the mirror using a red spray paint were the words, “I’m coming soon”

The words sent a chilling shiver down his spine.

He immediately picked up the phone and dialed 911.

“Hello? This is Brian Littrell...” Brian began his story.

Two hours later, the house was in frenzy as detectives and officers alike scurried around trying to find any clues to the culprit that might have committed the crime.

Brian watched intently as a detective carefully took a small sample of the spray paint and placed it in a file.

“I’m going to send this sample to the Lab.” the detective told Brian, noticing that he was staring at him, “Maybe we could get a lead on the case.”

Brian nodded silently.

He didn’t know how to react to what happened.

“Sergeant, we found a red spray paint can below the sink.” An officer pointed to a cabinet under the sink.

He gave the can, which was in a plastic bag, to the sergeant, who nodded in approval.

“We’ll find who is behind this.” the sergeant told Brian.

“I hope you do.” was all Brian said.

He just hoped that Nick was okay.

“You didn’t get the right guy!”

“What do you mean? You said he was blond, he’s blond!”

Nick raised his head slightly, then let it fall back again on the hard, wooden chair.

The drugs still had an effect on him.

He closed his eyes momentarily as he listened to their conversation.

“The big boss didn’t want him, he wanted the other blonde!”

“But I checked his house address, it was correct…”

“You went to the wrong house, damn it! You tortured the wrong person for nothing!”

“You were looking for Brian, this is Brian right?”

“No, you horse head, this is Nick Carter. The big boss wants Brian Littrell. Brian Littrell, you hear me?”

Nick’s pulse quickened when he heard them mention Brian’s name.

“Oh my gosh, my gosh, Brian should know about this…” Nick thought desperately as he tried to free himself from his handcuffs.

“Hey, bitch, what are you trying to do?” Nick turned and saw the man dressed in overalls staring unpleasantly at him.

“You want a piece of me, huh?” the man in overalls approached Nick; every stride he took made him shiver in fright.

Nick expected the man to strangle or punch him when the door suddenly opened.

“Uhm… heehee… hi Mr…” the man in overalls stuttered then was interrupted by the dark-haired man who just entered.

“Don’t mention my name in front of strangers.” The man replied looking directly at Nick.

Nick had expected him to be in a business suit, like in the movies, or like one of those drug dealers who would suddenly appear in the middle of the night, but instead, he was dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a polo shirt.

“Leave us.” The mysterious man commanded his two workers.

They immediately left and closed the door behind them.

After a few minutes of pondering on what to say, the man started conversing with Nick.

“Where is Brian?” he asked Nick, his dark eyes surveying him carefully.

“I… I don’t know where he is.” Nick replied.

“Okay.” The man replied rather calmly, too calmly for Nick.

“If I would tell you that he would die in a few week’s time, where would you go if you were free?”

“You’re killing Brian?” Nick asked aggressively as he shook the handcuffs bindings his hands to the chair.

“No,” the man smiled deviously at him, “at the moment.”

“Are you killing him?” Nick shouted.

He wanted to punch the guy for being so cruel to him, but he was unable to do anything with his hands pinned to the chair.

The man approached him holding something in his hand.

“There’s a price to pay if you don’t answer me.” he hissed as he held the injection threateningly at him.