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I dialed Aaron's number.

"Hello? This is A to the A to the R-O-N."

I giggled at Aaron's cheerful banter, feeling my stress slide away. At least for the moment. Damn, was I glad to have his funky white boy back.

"Hey Aaron, it's me, Amy." Pointing out the obvious, but then again, Aaron sometimes needs explaining to.

"Hey, Amy, this is John Lennon."

"I thought he was dead. And didn't you just say that you were Aaron?"

"Uhh....I was pretending?" I imagined the silly expression he must've had on his face at this exact moment, so different from the sullen behavior Angel had told me he'd been inhabiting.

"Okay, sure, sure." I took a deep breath and prepared to tell him what was really going on, my real reason for calling him.

"So how are you, babes? They gonna let you out of that place soon or what?"

"Aaron, they said...they said that I tested positive for Gonnorrhea..but, but they said that it's curable with antibiotics." All my words came out in a rush, I realized stupidly. Hopefully I wouldn't have to repeat them again.

"You..what? No, Amy, you can't, you can't." A loud shuffling conveyed through the line towards me, a sound that translated him wiping his face, a sound of his happiness draining faster than poop down the toilet.

Too much information, Miss Sean.

"Aaron, it's okay. It's treatable. I mean, we can still do stuff together. We can talk, we can play, we can kiss...just no sexual contact."

"This isn't fair!" He exclaimed. I heard another shuffling, and it sounded like he threw the phone in the dryer or something.

"Amy? What happened?" Angel asked. I guess it was just a game of Pass the Phone.

"I- The tests came back, and I have Gonhorrea." I answered.

"Oh my God, Amy, I'm so sorry." Angel said.

"It's okay," I said lightly, "It's curable. Hey, can you do me a favor?"

"Anything, you name it."

"Stick a bone into Aaron's pants, he seems like he's a ... bit disappointed," I giggled, "that his spell will be dryer than the Sahara Desert now."

"Um... Amy? Are you okay?"

"I'm really tired... I think the nurse said she gave me something to help me sleep..." I said wearily. Wow, was I tired.

"Ohhh," Angel said with a laugh. "Go to sleep. We'll see you soon."

"Alright... Bye."

"Bye." Click again.

I laid the phone back in it's plastic cradle, ignoring all the demands going through my mind: Must call... whoever.

But then again, I didn't really need anybody knowing about it. Well, I could tell Julie and them later.

"Alright, Amy?" The voluptuous blond nurse called out from her office.

"Yeah. I'm just gonna think about some stuff...and some more stuff..." I called back.

But I fell asleep in the process.

Before I knew it, I'd woken up suddenly, breathing heavily. If I jumped up any faster, the tubes still in my arms would have ripped out.

"Are you okay?" Someone asked. I was still too groggy to tell who.

"What? Where am I?" Temporarily memory loss overcame me as I opened my eyes to complete darkness, the only source of light coming from the slit under the door.

"You're at the hospital." He laughed, a friendly laugh.

But who the fuck is it?!

"Amy, honey, are you okay?" I finally recognized the voice: Dad's.

"Yeah...I-I should be fine," I held my head in a vain attempt to make the room stop spinning. "I need to use the bathroom."

I heard my dad say something but I couldn't make it out. Before I knew it he got up and left.

Thinking he had just gone to get a drink or something, I pushed off my covers so I could go to the bathroom. I put my feet on the floor, using my bed to steady my weak legs. I remeber thinking that I should press the nurse call button for help, but the bathroom was only a few feet away, I could make it.

I took a step, pulling the stand that was hold my IV medicine behind me, and still leaning mostly against my bed. I took another step, and another. I got to the end of my bed and stopped for a second to catch my breath, this was hard work.

I took the first step away from my bed, and felt okay. So I dared a second, and a third. By the forth step my breath got shorter and I was beginning to feel dizzy again.

Suddenly I felt unbelievably light headed and the room began to spin out of control. Behind me I heard someone yell my name, or at least, I think it was my name, then I began to fall and everything went dark...

"Shes awake!" I once again heard a mystery voice exclaim.

"Thank G-d!" Said another one. Everything was really blurry right now, and my arm really, really hurt.

"Fuck," I mumbled.

"Oh yeah, she's awake, alright. She's talking normally now."

"Ow," I half mumbled, have spoke. "Wh-What happened?" I asked trying to open one eye.

"You collapsed," mystery voice #1 said.

"Amy, why did you move I told you I was going to get a nurse to help you," Voice #2 (my dad) said.

"Oh, I didn't hear you...which was probably a good indication that I needed help..." I smiled at my own stupidity.

"It's not funny, you could've gotten hurt," a female voice that I suspected was Angel's, said. Looking down at my left arm, I saw a huge, bloody scrape, and felt a bandage on my forhead. "You fell pretty hard." the female voice - which I could safely say was Angel's now - stated.

"Not to mention how badly you scared us." My dad said.

"So what happened?" I asked, gazing at all of the familiar faces around my small hospital bed. All familiar faces... Okay, damnit, where the hell was Aaron this time?

"You fell on your way to the bathroom," Duh. "And landed on your arm." Dad started.

"Then you hit your head on the floor." Nick finished. "We got here in time to help put you up on the bed."

"Where's-" I started while still looking around, but I was cut-off.

"-Looking for me?" Aaron asked, smiling as he walked over and sat by my side. "Sorry, baby." He kissed my cheek.

"Oh, hey there you are," I said with a smile. "My head hurts."

"I would imagine it would, you smacked it pretty well," my dad said.

There was a minute of silence and I broke it by saying, "...I still have to pee." Everyone laughed.

"Can you wait for me to get a nurse this time?" Dad asked, walking to the door. I nodded, and he walked out of the room.

"So, guess what baby?" Aaron asked, planting a kiss on my lips again, obviously oblivious to my dad's eyes burning a hole into the back of his Abercrombie shirt.

"What?" I asked him with a smirk towards my dad, who walked out once the nurse was at my side.

"I'll tell you when you get back." Aaron said as the nurse gently helped me out of the bed and walked me to the bathroom.

~Four Minutes Later~

I walked out of the bathroom, and just as slowly made my way back to the bed.

"So..." I said, looking at Aaron as he held my hand, "Whats the news?"

"Well, the record label called..." Aaron trailed off, looking back at his also grinning brother and sister.

"And..." I said, urging him to continue his sentence.

He grinned at me.