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Author's Chapter Notes:
I just wanna thank everyone who read and reviewed this story!

Those of us who wrote it had a really good time, and we're all glad that so many people enjoyed it.
~Four Years Later~

I just turned 21 three months ago. Aaron and his family threw a big surprise party for me, and it was by far the most amazing birthday I've ever had. I've been living with Aaron and his siblings ever since that day my mom kicked me out, and I haven't really heard from her since. Kinda sad, since she's managed to stay across the street from us. She won't even look at me if she sees me outside. Wonder what'll happen when she hears the big news...

"AMY MARIE SEAN!!!" She hollared as she stood outside our front door, pounding on it. I guess she read the paper...

Before I could get up from the dining room table, Nick raised his hand to me and I sat back, preparing myself for the outburst I knew was coming. Aaron rubbed my back as he leaned over from the seat next to me and kissed my neck.

"Hello, Mrs. Sean." Nick said as pleasantly as he could. "Can I help you?"

"NO! Where the HELL is Amy??" she screeched.

"Amy?" He looked at her for a moment as if he'd forgotten who I was. "Ohhh... The daughter you threw out of your life four years ago!" Nick said, his sentence tinging with sarcasm.

"Wheres my daughter?" she tried to peer over Nick's shoulder and into the house. When he noticed, he closed the door a bit and leaned over, to block her view. "I want to see her NOW!"

"Ohh, now you wanna see her!" Nick said with a laugh.

"Just shut up and GET HER OVER HERE NOW!" With a look over at Aaron and Angel, who seemed uneasy listening to all the yelling going on at the front door, I got up from the table and made my way to the front door.

"Listen, why don't you just-" Nick began, before I put a hand on his shoulder to stop him from finishing what I knew was gonna be a rude suggestion. I nodded at him and he backed away from the door as I took his place.

"Amy!" She exclaimed, sounding surprised that I actually came to the door. "How could you do this?"

"Do what? Be happy?" I responded. "I have just as much of a right to be happy as you have to ignore me, which you seemed to be doing a really good job with!"

"I can't ignore this, Amy. This is going too far." She stated.

"Your mother is right, Amy." A voice behind my mother said. I looked past her and my jaw dropped. No. Fucking. Way.

"Dad?" I asked incredulosly. Mom turned around and all but jumped up at him. Whether she wanted to slap him or hug him, I have no idea.

"Steve? What are you doing here?" She was just as shocked as I was to see him standing there, right in front of us.

"News travels fast." He stated, now standing beside my mother on the doorstep. "Amy, this is ridiculous."

"No, actually its not." I said simply. "I have more of a family now than I ever had, I'm happy! Why can't you just deal with it?!"

"Because we're your parents!" Mom said.

"We know what's best for you!" Dad added.

I scoffed. "Whats best for me?? You're kidding, right? You," I pointed at my dad, "Were almost never around, and you," I pointed at my mom, "Kicked me out of the house! And out of your life!"

"We love you, Amy-" Mom started.

"Could've fooled me!"

"Enough!" Dad exclaimed. "We're not letting you go through with this. You're too young."

"TOO YOUNG?" I yelled. I didn't care if the entire city heard me, I was settling this right now. "I'm an adult now! I've had to be an adult since I was 17! I can do what I want now, and I intend to."

"Just because you're and adult and can do what you want doesn't mean you should." Mom argued.

"Where the hell do you two get off telling me what I should and shouldn't do?"

"Can we continue this conversation inside?" Dad asked, looking around to see if anyone was watching. "We don't need a audience."

"No." I answered coldly. "You've left me out of your lives for over four years now. Now, when I'm finally happy and I'm finally free, you come back and try to boss me around like I'm just a little kid again. I've had it with both of you. Stay out of my life. Aaron and I are getting married in a few months," I put up my left hand and pointed to the ring he'd given me when he proposed last week, the news of which happened to have finally been released today in the media, "And theres nothing you can do or say to stop me. I have a new life now, and it doesn't include you. Now go away, and I never want to see you near my family again." I closed to door in their faces before they could say another word, smiling when I looked up and saw Aaron, Angel, and Nick standing by the stairs, smiling at me.

"Way to go, Amy!" Angel said, walking over and hugging me.

"That was long overdue." Aaron said, putting his arm around me after Angel had let go.

"I know. I'm just glad its over with now." I saw Aaron and Nick exchange looks, and I knew something was going on. "What are you two up to?"

"Well," Aaron said, walking with me into the dining room, his arm still over my shoulders, "Since we're engaged, I figured maybe we could get a place of our own."

"A place of our own?" I said, taking a moment to think about it, "I think thats a great idea." I kissed him on the lips.

"So its settled then!" Aaron cheered. "We can start looking tomorrow."

I nodded as I sat down and poured myself another glass of orange juice. Looking around the table at my new family - which wasn't so new considering they were family to me for four years now, my new fiancee, and the plan for a new home being set into motion, I realized how much better my new life had turned out to be than my old one.