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Anne looked at her clock wearily as she stopped the alarm.


She had to get up and prepare for school.

It was her first day in high school and she was very nervous despite the fact that she might have the same classmates as before.

“Only without any friends.” She said to herself as she remembered her graduation a few months ago.

She remembered the snickering and whispering when she walked across the red carpet to get her certificate.

“She doesn’t deserve to be high school.”

“She’ll never make it.”

“I hope she fails high school, she doesn’t deserve a diploma; she’s too ugly.”

The words hurt her and as much as she wanted to get back at them, she knew it would do her no good and instead do harm to her.

After a while of looking back on the past, she finally got out of bed and put on her black-rimmed glasses.

She looked at the mirror and tried to picture herself as a beautiful, young lady with black hair combed neatly to the side, without glasses, and without the annoying zits dotting her face.

Unfortunately, she only saw the messy haired girl who had zits all over her face with her nearly round glasses complimenting them in a negative way.

She didn’t look like a woman, she looked like a girl; a girl who didn’t deserve to be in high school.

After eating and dressing up, she looked at her image again on the mirror.

She put some baby powder on her face, just to hide some of the awful zits.

She was wearing her new blue shirt and tight fitting jeans barely even highlighting the lumps in her nearly emaciated body.

She thought she looked her best, but her best wasn’t enough to satisfy her classmates.

“Well anyway, at least I tried.” She told herself helplessly.

She had been talking a lot to herself lately since she didn’t have anyone to share her problems to except herself.

“I’m my only friend, I guess.” She looked at herself in the mirror one last time as she carried her backpack on one shoulder.

She descended the stairs, her nearly 3 year old rubber shoes making it known through annoying squeaking.

She opened her front door then stepped outside, the tropical sun beating down on her.

She walked towards her school which was a few houses away.