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Tracy logged onto AOL anxious to read her e-mail, talk with her friends and work on her Backstreet Boys website. Since meeting Kristy, she hardly logged on and felt she was neglecting her other hobbies.
Almost as soon as she logged on, an IM popped up on her screen.

BoyCrazyLipstick: Did you hear about Kevin's fiancée?

Kvn4ever: No I haven't, what's the news?

BoyCrazyLipstick: She's in the hospital, but that's all they are telling us on MTV News, I thought that you might have more information seeing as you know like EVERYTHING about Kevin.

Tracy sat silent for a few minutes staring at her screen and what her online friend just told her. She was so out of the loop that she didn't even know crucial information like that.

BoyCrazyLipstick: Hello? Are you still there or did you go to the bathroom and not tell me? :p

Kvn4ever: No, I'm here, just in shock is all.

The two girls continued to talk about other tidbits of information that was going on in the Backstreet world, but the news she received would not stop nagging her.

Right before she was going to log off "You've Got Mail" sounded from her computer. She clicked on the mailbox icon, eyes widening at whom sent the mail.

Tracy, it's Kristy. Change of plans since I landed our girl in the hospital. I'll get back to you later with more details.
Meet tomorrow at our usual meeting spot, we'll talk more.

Tracy re-read the e-mail for what seemed like the tenth time when her words "I landed our girl in the hospital" finally sunk in. Kristy put Danielle in the hospital and she was working with this girl. Her breathing became harder and the room started to spin. What in the world was the goal of Kristy anyway? They started with the same goal, to get Danielle out of the picture, but did Tracy want to go as far as Kristy would to achieve their goal?

She threw herself into bed and lay awake thinking about what was going on in her life right now, she wasn't sure she wanted to continue on the path she was taking. Before she fell asleep, she decided to wait and see what Kristy had to say before making her decision to back out or not.


Kevin sat in the waiting room, eager to hear any news about Danielle. When they brought her in, they took her into the ER, he was not allowed to follow them into the room.

His hands covered his face, he did not want to be seen like this. In fact, he did not want to be seen at all. If Danielle was not in his life, he was beginning to think he would crawl in a hole and let the world pass him by.

He did have friends, and he knew they would be there for him in any way possible, but he felt his life would lose all meaning if he were to lose Danielle.

Keeping one hand over his face, he reached into his front pocket and pulled out a tissue.

"Kev, maybe you should go home and get some rest, you don't look so good." Nick's voice rang in his ears.

"Would you feel good if the love of you life's life might slip through your fingers? If I hadn't pressured her to move, if I insisted that she wait for you three to arrive then she might not be here." He said finally looking at his three friends who arrived with Kristy.

"Nick, Kevin has a right to be here, let's just support him and keep him company." Kristy suggested making sure she was the first to take a seat next to Kevin.

Nick walked away mumbling something under his breath, taking a seat next to Howie and A.J.

The group sat waiting, watching the hours tick away. Danielle's family arrived at the hospital and were unable to find anything out about her condition either. Finally, Kevin was unable to bear the waiting any longer. He marched up to the receptionist and demanded to know what was going on with Danielle.

"Sir, please keep your voice down. I assure you that if it is taking this long there is a valid reason."

"I want to know how she is doing!" He shouted back.

"Kevin, calm yourself." Kristy stepped forward placing her hand on his arm to sooth him. "There is nothing you can accomplish here by raising your voice, you will have to wait." For the bitch to die, she added in her head.

In another few minutes, the doctor finally emerged from the ER. He talked to the receptionist and she pointed to the group that formed in the corner of the waiting area. He approached slowly and cautiously.

"Are you the friends and family of Danielle Fitzsimons?" the doctor asked the group.

Danielle's mom stepped forward, "I'm her mother."

The doctor took her aside and talked in hushed tones; Danielle's mom nodded slowly and carefully as her condition was explained to her. When the conversation was done, Danielle's mom came back to the group looking worse then when she started the conversation.

She took her time explaining Danielle's condition to the rest of the group, Kristy took Kevin in her arms holding him tightly as he cried learning that she was in stable condition but showing signs of amnesia.

"Her family is free to go visit her. You'll find her in room 438 just down this hallway." And with that, the doctor was on his way.

Danielle's family made their way to her room, Kevin, practically dragging them into the room. Kristy followed; unsure she wanted to be in the room, what if Danielle's memory came back suddenly?

She decided she needed to see her condition for herself so she would know exactly what more she had to do to get Danielle out of Kevin's life.

Kristy stood in the back of the room watching as Danielle's family approached Danielle hoping that she would recognize them, tears streamed down their faces as she disappointed them. Kevin only stared at her, willing her to remember him, he did not want to ask, he could not bear it if her answer was 'no' like he felt it would be.

Danielle's mother noticed Kristy standing towards the back of the room and walked over to her.

"Why don't you go and say hello, maybe she will remember you." Her eyes were hopeful and determined that she would find something her daughter recognized.

Kristy, playing the role of dutiful best friend walked towards Danielle's bed. She looked at her, half-horrified, half delighted by her appearance. Danielle lay in bed her left arm and leg in casts, bandages wrapped around her chest. There were indents on her face from where rocks imbedded themselves and doctors pried them out. A small cut apparent over the left side of her face.

Trying to make a joke and get smile from the girl, Kristy spoke without thinking about the others in the room. "Looks like you avoided injuring your right side too much." She smiled broadly showing her friendliness to Danielle.

Danielle stared blankly at Kristy then smiled herself. "Your face is familiar to me. I don't know who you are exactly, but I remember that smile."

Danielle's family and Kevin let out one long breath in unison indicating that they had been holding their breath since their last chance approached the bed.

"Danielle," Her mother started. "This is your best friend Kristy, since you can remember her more then the rest of us," she paused choking back a sob, "I think it would be best if she helped you regain your memory. When you are released I think she will be the one to go with you to your apartment and help you remember everything else about your life."

Kristy stepped back slightly. She did not want to help Danielle get better; she wanted Danielle out of the picture. Of course, she would help Danielle's family, there was no way she wanted them to find out that she was the reason their daughter was in the hospital.

That night, when Kristy was finally alone, she tore around her apartment frustrated. Danielle hadn't died and now she had to be the one to help her memories return. It could only be worse if she awoke with full memories and she was now in jail.

She threw herself onto the couch and turned on the television for noise. Suddenly a thought came to her of how Danielle's amnesia could benefit her.