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When the stage hands came the Boys stuck around for a little bit, then they had to leave so that they could get changed for the opening of the show. The stage hand named Mike showed me how to work the flying things and how to set the sound mixes.

“I would show you how to work the fire now,” Mike explained, “but it stays on for a certain amount of time and you can’t turn it off.”

I nodded then asked, “So what control is it?”

Then Mike pointed to the only red button on the screen. I nodded.

“Oh and one more thing Deanna,” Mike said.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“When you fly the Boys out the order they come in is Kevin, then Nick and Brian, then Howie and AJ.”

I nodded.

“Oh and in the beginning if you talk into the microphone on your headphones the Boys can hear you,” Mike told me.

“Cool!” I exclaimed.

“But as you set the sound mixes they won’t be able to hear you any more,” Mike explained.

I nodded then asked, “Do I have to set the sound mixes in any particular order?”

“No,” Mike answered, “you just have to set them all.”

I nodded.

It was almost time to fly the Boys out, I had five minutes to talk to them. I put on the headphones and began to talk.

“Ok, can you guys hear me?” I asked.

“Loud and clear momma bird,” Nick answered.

“What?” I asked.

“It’s your code name,” Nick answered, “and I’m the flying drums.”

“Oh really?” I asked.

“No,” Nick answered, “I was kidding.”

“What Nick means is that we can hear you fine,” Brian told me.

“Ok,” I replied, “So who wants what sound mixes?”

The Boys all started talking at once.

“Ok, guys one at a time,” I broke in.

“I want me and the piano,” Kevin answered.

“Me and Nick,” Brian answered.

“Me and Howie,” AJ answered.

“Me and Brian,” Howie answered.

“Me and the drums,” Nick answered.

I nodded.

“Ok guys, are you ready to fly?” I asked.

“Cowabunga dudes!” Nick yelled.

“D,” Brian told me, “when you go to California with Nick, whenever it might be, don’t let him watch that show.”

I laughed then agreed, “Alright Brian.”

“Good,” Brian agreed.

“Alright guys, here we go,” I told them.

I then pressed the navy button and Kevin flew out into the audience, you could hear all the girls scream, even with the headphones on. I then pressed the blue button and the green button together, while still pressing the navy button, and Brian and Nick flew out. The girls screamed even louder. I then pressed the red button and the yellow button together and Howie and AJ flew out. The minute AJ’s feet touched the stage, I started the fire. When the music started I talked once more and then started the sound keys.

“Good luck guys,” I said, “AJ, here’s your sound.”

I then made the sound for AJ.

“Brian, here’s yours,” I told him.

I made Brian’s sound.

“Howie, here’s yours,” I told him.

Then I made Howie’s sound.

“Kevin,” I said, “here’s yours.”

I then put in Kevin’s sound.

“I love you Nick, don’t say anything or the audience will hear you,” I told him.

I imagined Nick nodding, or smiling.

“Nick, here’s your sound,” I finished, “I love you.”

I then set Nick’s sound and took off my headphones, then Mike came over.

“Deanna, you’re great!” He exclaimed.

“Thanks,” I replied.

“If you come along with the rest of the tour will you do this at the beginning of all the shows?” Mike asked.

“If it’s alright with the guys,” I answered.

“I’ll ask them, but if they say you can will you?” Mike asked.

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Great!” Mike exclaimed.

I smiled.

“The security will take you to your seat,” Mike told me as he manned the controls.

After the security guard came he sat me down.

“What did you do?” one of the girls in the second row asked me.

“Oh my god,” Carrie exclaimed, “D you were great!”

I smiled and went back to the concert.

When the concert was over security pushed all the fans outside, except I was grabbed by one of the security guards and pulled out back where Nick was waiting with his car.

“C’mon D!” Nick yelled when he saw us.

I ran up to Nick and kissed him.

“D you were great,” Nick told me, “you did even better then Mike.”

I laughed. I bet I didn’t, but it was a nice compliment anyway.

“No,” Nick repeated, “you seriously did better then Mike.”

We then got into Nick’s car and drove to Carrie’s house.