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When we got to Carrie’s house Carrie told me to come out of the car.

“My mom’s been bugging me about going to the concert for weeks,” Carrie explained.

“Yeah?” I asked.

“She said that I shouldn’t get to do things off of other people’s money,” Carrie answered.

“It’s fine, none of us mind,” I replied.

“Please come in and tell her that,” Carrie told me, “or else she’ll bug me about it.”

I nodded. Giving Nick the ‘wait’ signal. Carrie opened the door to her house and we went in.

“Hi mom, I’m back,” Carrie announced.

“Oh good I’m glad,” Carrie’s mom replied, “Did you have fun?”

“Yeah it was so much fun,” Carrie exclaimed, “we sat in front row and D got to work the controls. It was so cool!”

“Carrie I wish you’d stop lying about these things,” Carrie’s mom replied, “You know trained professionals do that.”

“But she did,” Carrie stammered.

“Look, I know you think she did this,” Carrie’s mom replied, “and I know you think that she’s going out with one of the Backstreet Boys, but that could never happen. You must be dreaming.”

“No mom, it’s real, it’s true,” Carrie stammered.

“Look, tell your friend that she’s got to stop making up these lies because people like you will believe her,” Carrie’s mom replied.

“She’s here, she can tell you it’s true,” Carrie told her mom.

Carrie’s mom gave Carrie a look that said ‘sure’.

“Tac, Tac, tell her, tell her it’s true,” Carrie told me.

Carrie’s mom then turned to me and said, “Look, I’ll let you and Carrie stay friends because you are very good friends, but please, tell your lies to someone else.”

I nodded.

“Carrie, go to your room,” Carrie’s mom ordered, “We’ll talk about this later.”

Carrie then started up the stairs, very slowly, then as she got further up she ran, you could tell she was crying. Carrie’s mom then showed me to the door.
As I ran out back to Nick I saw the light turn on in Carrie’s room and someone peak out the window. I knew Carrie was watching to see what happened, I just kept going to Nick.

“That took forever,” Nick commented, “what happened in there?”

“Carrie told her mom about us going out and she thinks Carrie’s lying,” I answered.

“If you wanted to prove it you could’ve come and got me,” Nick replied.

“I know,” I agreed.

I then looked at the back of the car and realized that Carrie had left her sweater.

“What do you see back there that’s so interesting?” Nick asked.

“Carrie left her sweater,” I answered.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Nick asked.

“I dunno, what are you thinking?” I returned.

“That you should go up there to return it, and I should come with you,” Nick answered.

“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking,” I agreed.

“Then let’s go,” Nick ventured.

We then started up the steps to Carrie’s house. I rang the bell and her mom answered.

“What do you want?” Carrie’s mom asked.

She then realized Nick was there and lightened her tone.

“I mean, what can I get for you?” She asked again.

“Could you bring Carrie down here?” Nick asked.

“Of course,” Carrie’s mom replied.

She then went up the stairs and brought Carrie down.

“Hey Tac, Nick, what’s up?” Carrie asked.

“You left your sweater in the car, thought you might want it,” I answered.

“Yeah,” Nick agreed, “I mean it could get chilly.”

“Oh it is,” I replied, “I’m cold.”

“D do you want to wear my sweater?” Carrie asked.

“No,” Nick answered for me, “there are easier ways that let you keep your sweater.”

Nick then held me close to his chest with his arms around me. I think Carrie realized it was just an act for her mom because after all, I was wearing my blazer.

“Would you to like to come in and have a cup of tea or coffee with me and Carrie, I have hot chocolate and some wine also if it suites you better.” Carrie’s mom suggested.

“What do you think D?” Nick asked

“Sure,” I replied.

We then walked into the house.

“Sit in the living room while I get it,” Carrie’s mom told us, “What will you all have?”

“Hot chocolate,” Carrie replied.

“Yeah,” Nick and I agreed.

We then sat in the living room while Carrie’s mom made the hot chocolate.

“Do you want marshmallows?” She asked from the kitchen.

I shook my head then realized she couldn’t see it.

“No,” Nick answered.

“Do you want marshmallows Carrie?” Carrie’s mom asked.

“No,” Carrie answered.

She then brought out the hot chocolate. It was in silver cups on a silver tray.

“You three are very easy to make hot chocolate for,” Carrie’s mom commented.

Nick smiled as he picked up a cup and handed it to me, then he picked up a cup for himself.

Carrie’s mom tried to carry on a conversation, but it was the same type of thing Nick always got, it actually quite bored him. Carrie’s mom got up to add more chocolate to her cup and Nick started talking of other things.

“So D, I heard Mike wants you to do the controls for the rest of the tour,” Nick said.

I nodded.

“But you couldn’t do that if you stayed here,” Nick told me.

I shook my head and then added, “I could probably do it for Friday’s show.”

“No, that’s not what I’m getting at,” Nick told me.

“What are you getting at then?” I asked.

“I was wondering if you wanted to come on the rest of the tour and then spend some time in Cali with me afterwards,” Nick explained.

I was surprised, I was really surprised. I was so surprised that I dropped my cup of hot chocolate on the floor.

“Oh no!” Carrie exclaimed.

She then jumped up to get something to clean it with.

“Carrie it’s all my fault let me help you,” I told her.
I then jumped up and ran to the towel closet with her.

When we got there Carrie stopped.

“You don’t really care about the spill, do you?” I asked.

“No,” Carrie answered, “Are you really gonna go to Cali with him?”

“I don’t know,” I replied, “I mean, you guys need me here.”

“No we don’t,” Carrie disagreed, “We’ll be fine, go have fun with Nick.”

“But, I’ll miss the meetings,” I replied.

“Wait stay here, I’ll go ask Nick how long he wants you to stay afterwards,” Carrie told me.

She then ran off with a cloth to clean the spill. About two minutes later she returned to where I was.

“So?” I asked.

“It’ll only be two, maybe three weeks,” Carrie replied.

“How long is the rest of the tour though?” I asked.

“Only Vegas and the Cali shows, they only last a week,” Carrie answered.

“But then I’ll be gone a month,” I told her.

“So,” Carrie disagreed, “that’s only four meetings.”

“But you guys need me to keep the order,” I told her.

“Look maybe you should leave and talk to Nick about this, maybe he can convince you to go stay with him,” Carrie replied.

I then went back to the living room.

“Do you wanna go for a walk D?” Nick asked.

“What do you mean?” I returned.

“Maybe we can talk more about this, and then come back to the car,” Nick answered.

I nodded. We then waved see you later to Carrie and walked out the door.