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Author's Chapter Notes:
This was the very first TMNT fic I ever wrote, so it's not exactly the greatest. But, I hope y'all like it anyway. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lana & story idea. Mirage Studios owns everything else. Thank-you!

Note: There's no child abuse until much later on in this story, but I thought I'd give y'all fair warning.

Donatello was walking through Central Park, lost in his own thoughts, when he stumbled upon something he never expected to find. What he saw before him, left him in shock and pure wonder. He watched silently for a few long minutes, as a child wandered by itself, looking under pine trees. It was as though the child was looking for something, or someone. He watched a bit longer, before realizing the child was lost. He stepped out of his hiding place, and casually, yet cautiously, walked up to the child.

"Excuse me," he said.

The child turn around, casting scared eyes at him. It was at this time that Donatello realized she was only a mere toddler.

"Excuse me," he repeated. "Are you lost?"

She nodded cautiously.

"Where are your parents?"

She shrugged.

"How old are you?"

She held up two fingers.

"Um." he trailed off, as he began to smell something that wasn't all that pleasant.

He watched as she wrinkled her nose and her lower lip began to tremble.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, crouching down before her, as she began to cry.


"Did you go potty?"

She nodded through tears.

"Hmm." he thought. "I wonder if there's anything nearby I could use as a wipe?"

"Do you wanna come with me?" He asked carefully. "I'll change your diaper and help you find your Mommy and Daddy."

She nodded.

"Okay. Let's go then," he said, taking her small hand in his larger one.

He eventually found something he could use as a wipe, and decided to use his bandana for a diaper. He quickly changed her diaper, and ended up not putting her pants back on as they were full of.well, you know. He placed her inside his jacket and began to carry her back to the lair.