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“We are having dinner remember all together…even you maid of honor, my sister is looking for you.”

I shook my head and began to walk away, I tried to make out what they were saying to each other and if I wasn’t mistaken it sounded as though she was asking him where he knew me.

I was wondering if he would actually tell her, wait a minute that meant that he had never mentioned me to her. Was I mad about that? I guess I didn’t really have the right to be.

I reached my room and found Becky rummaging through her luggage “Kayla I can’t find that stupid dress…I really wanted to wear it”

I took her hand and sat her on my bed “Now take a deep breath and calm your ass down. I will look for the dress ok…didn’t you hang it up in the…” I opened the closet and there dangled the dress that she was so frantically looking for.

She hugged me tight “What would I do with out you?”

I faked a smile, all I wanted to do was tell her, scream it out to her don’t get married

“Did you say something…your always mumbling girl.”

I shook my head “No…you know me I am always talking to myself…I was just asking my self what the heck am I going to wear…such a special night.”

“I know we have to hurry, we don’t want to be late…Trevor will be waiting for me. I love him”

I need to run to the bathroom and just throw up, really how could she not see how fake he was. Well I guess no one could; I wouldn’t have believed it, if I hadn’t seen it for myself.

We all arrived at the same time, these dinners were to fancy and such a process to me…first would be the appetizers with cocktails, followed by salad, then dinner and last desert.

I sighed with annoyance, the worst was mingling, I knew no one to mingle with…and I was not going to dance. I sighed again as I pulled up the strap to my dress and I could feel some eyes on me, yes I could imagine Tiffany and Trevor devouring me with their eyes, wanting to get rid of me.

But when I looked up, I was surprised to see him, Kevin looking directly at me. I couldn’t help but smile and it must have been contagious because he smiled back.

I looked back down, god forbid that Tiffany see me…eyeing, flirting…uh what was this called, well doing what I was doing to her fiancé. So I walked around the room looking at everyone and their fancy ways.

Suddenly I was yanked and dragged through the hall and thrown against the wall of the janitor room. “Listen bitch, you didn’t see a thing and you wont tell Becky nor Kevin… we’ve been at this for years and some southern girl is not going to come and fuck it up for us.”

I stood looking at Trevor who now looked somewhat like Jaws about to eat me. “Listen if I wanted to talk I think I would of done it from the first time I saw you guys at the engagement party. Excuse me but I don’t think I want to be the one to do that to both of my best friends”

I broke free from his grip he stood a little confused and he hollered “Both best friends…” I walked away, without an answer.

I tried entering the party as if the encounter had not happened or affected me one bit, but I guess Kevin still knew me to damn well.

“Hey are you ok…you look a little flustered?” I took a sip of wine, which by the way tasted as bitter as I felt.

“I’m fine…I just fill a little tipsy again. That seems to be all I can do around here.”

I walked away and was approached by Becky “I’m so gone…and we are supposed to rehearse…this is fun.”

Her eyes twirled and she seemed to slur, “Do you want to catch some air?” I asked her, as she shook her head and we headed out to the garden.

“I’m so nervous about this that I keep getting drunk. I’m sorry I haven’t been paying much attention to you, but with all these people around I don’t have time…I don’t want to get married.”

I wasn’t surprised and really didn’t know what to say. I stood in silence right next to her, she looked at me probably waiting for reassurance from me, but this time I didn’t have it in me to tell her to go on with it.

“Uh…” Trevor somewhat came to my rescue.

“Honey what are you doing out here it’s about to rain.”

The sky was gray and I had felt a couple of sprinkles on my bare shoulders.

“I was just talking to my best friend…” he glared at me “Yeah well I don’t think she has anything interesting to talk about right now…so let’s head back inside ok.”

As they walked away, he turned to glare at me again. I couldn’t tell if that frightened me or it just made me feel irritated.

I was ready to head back inside, but the door was locked and now the sprinkles where actual drops.

One after the other fell on me as well as on my dress and I couldn’t find a way back into the reception area.

Out of no where it was as if there was a band playing in the sky and if I wasn’t mistaken a ray of lighting had hit somewhere near by, my worry became panic and I was about five to seven minutes away from the actual hotel.

When I came to realize it, I was soaked and my shoes made a squishy sound when I walked. I stood under a door entrance where according to me I wouldn’t get wet anymore.

“Hurry its starting to rain” we ran as fast as we could, I had never seen the sky light up like it was, not even on a fourth of July.

I held on tight to Kevin’s hand as we flew across the fields and past the barn, suddenly out of the sky a funnel cloud fell right over it, things flew everywhere and I froze, Kevin continued running not noticing he had left me behind.

In the distance I could here our names being called, I couldn’t believe our barn was gone and my horse Rocket too. Kevin had returned and without a word dragged me towards the house both of our families waiting for the cellar to open.

I still stared in awe at what was left of our barn. “Come on get in Kayla” Kevin yelled at me, as I began to cry and yell “Rocket I have to save Rocket” He hugged me tight “Rocket is gone Kayla…he’s gone.”