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Author's Chapter Notes:
If this story ends up not being as accurate as the show, well, I'm proud to say least I tried. Also, so you're all fore-warned, it might end up not entirely based on what goes on at the Station. It may end up mostly focused on my two main characters. I haven't fully decided yet, though there are things I know I want to have happen. So for now, Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Only own Lenore & story idea. The creators of Law & Order own everything & everyone else. Thank-you!

Detective Olivia Benson was sitting at her desk doing paper work, when she happened to look up and spot a young girl standing in the entranceway. She was extremely surprised to see the appearance of the girl, as it was highly unexpected.

“Lenore! What happened?” Olivia exclaimed, quickly rushing over to her side.

Lenore winced as Olivia placed her hand on her back, and squirmed away slightly. “Where’s Elliot?”

“He’s busy at the moment,” Olivia replied.

“I want Elliot,” Lenore stated.

“Lenore, he’s with the Captain,” Olivia said.

“I want Elliot!” Lenore insisted firmly, as she took a seat in the chair at his desk. She wanted him, and she wanted him now!

Just then Detective Elliot Stabler came out of the Captain’s office, and froze a moment in shock at the sight of the one sitting in his chair. Her clothes were torn to shreds and her face was bruised and slightly bloody.

“Lenore! What happened?” Elliot demanded, quickly making his way over to his desk, where she sat.

“Elliot!” Lenore wailed, not caring if she sounded her age or not. She’d just turned thirteen a few weeks beforehand, and was extremely upset at the moment.

Elliot immediately embraced her gently, feeling her tense up when he hugged her. “What happened, Honey?”

Lenore pulled back slightly to look at him through her tears. She’d been so scared earlier, and was now so relieved to see Elliot. She sniffled some, before daring to speak, feeling all eyes on her.

“I-I walked in on something I-I shouldn’t have,” she whimpered.

“What did you walk in on?” Elliot wanted to know, staring into her terrified hazel eyes.

“A-A drug deal, gone wrong,” Lenore hiccupped, her brown shoulder length hair falling into her face. “I-I had to-to play dead – to get away. They-they were gonna k-kill me!”

Elliot embraced her once more. “Let’s get you cleaned up and checked out, okay? Then you can give us more details.”

“Okay,” Lenore choked out, allowing him to lead her to where they kept the first aid kit.

“Elliot,” Captain Craigen began, causing Elliot to look over at him. “Take her to the ER and get her checked out to be on the safe side. Then come back here and we can get her statement.”

“Thanks Captain,” Elliot replied, turning to usher Lenore out to his car, only she’d suddenly froze.

“I-I can’t go back out there!” She whined desperation in her voice. “They’ll-they’ll find me!”

“Lenore, nothing’s going to happen to you as long as I’ve got you, okay?” Elliot assured her.

Lenore swallowed nervously, but nodded slightly in spite of her current state. She clung tightly to his side – so tight, that he ended up just picking her up and carrying her out.

“Alright, back to work people,” Captain Craigen ordered, returning to his office.

Awhile later, Elliot returned with Lenore practically glued to his side. He led her over to his desk and had her sit in his chair, while he grabbed another one for himself.

“So, what’s the verdict?” Olivia asked, looking up from her desk. She was still working on paper work.

“A couple bruised ribs, black eye, fat lip, a bruise on her back the size of Texas,” Elliot rattled off. “A few bruises here and there, and a sprained wrist.”

“You’re lucky, you know,” Olivia said, looking at Lenore. “Usually they just shoot whoever catches them in the middle of a deal.”

Lenore shuddered slightly, gulping. “I know,” she choked out quietly. “They-they almost did. I-I just – know how to-to play dead – good.”

Elliot turned his chair so that he could face her, taking her hands in his. “Now, tell us what happened, Sweetheart.”

Lenore swallowed the lump in her throat, then began to tell them everything that had happened from the moment she’d left school.

“I-I was walking home – like always – and I-I heard shouting,” Lenore began. “So I-I went to check it out. I-I thought somebody from school was-was getting beat up or-or something. I-I wanted to help.”

Elliot nodded, as Olivia wrote it all down. He knew he had to stay calm and be strong for the girl sitting across from him. He was all that she had left.

“So I-I turned the corner and went into-into an alley,” Lenore continued. “And there was four-four guys beating another guy - another guy up. And then-then they-they shot him.”

“What happened then, Honey?” Elliot asked, rubbing the backs of her hands with his thumbs in a circular motion to try and keep her calm.

“I-I think I-I screamed,” Lenore admitted sheepishly. “I’m - I’m not sure. It - it all happened so - so fast. The next thing I knew I-I was being attacked. They – they kept kicking me and – and hitting me. I-I couldn’t do anything to-to stop them!”

Elliot felt her squeeze his hands and squeezed hers back gently, not wanting to hurt her any.

Lenore’s voice was starting to rise, as she began to panic, though she was perfectly safe at the moment. “They wouldn’t stop! I-I had to do something to - to make them stop! I-I had to play dead!”

“Shh. It's okay. You’re okay,” Elliot told her, trying to calm her down. “Just relax.”

“I had to play dead!” Lenore shrieked, her breathing becoming heavy and hitched. “I had to lie there and play dead, while they kicked the crap outta me! I hurt like hell and I couldn’t do anything to make them stop! Why wouldn’t they stop!?!?!

“Lenore look at me!” Elliot ordered as he moved to crouch in front of her. He could tell she was about to hyperventilate. “Look at me!”

Lenore finally made eye contact with him, as tears streamed down her face, the frantic look slowly leaving her eyes.

“You’re safe now,” Elliot told her. “You’re going to be okay. We’re going to catch these guys. I promise.”

Lenore allowed herself to fall into his protective arms – the arms she’d known and loved her whole life. The only arms she’d known as comfort for the past six years, seeing as her family had been killed in a tragic car accident.

Elliot held her tight, as he lifted her up and set her in his lap, once he was sitting back in his chair. “Shh,” he soothed. “You’re safe now. I’ve got you.”

“They’re gonna kill me!” Lenore wailed, clinging to him as tight as she possibly could. “They’re gonna find me and kill me!”

“Shh. They’re not going to kill you,” Elliot stated firmly. “I’m not going to let them anywhere near you. I promised to keep you safe, and I’m going to.”

Lenore hiccupped some, as she sat there snuggled into him seeking the comfort and safety she so desperately needed. She didn’t care right then that her ribs hurt, nor the fact that she was sobbing like a baby. All she cared about was that she’d gotten back to Elliot – the one she trusted more than anything and anyone. The one she knew could and would keep her safe.