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“So Brian, you going to worry now? I have to tell Bruce, he needs to know that Nick’s AWOL.”

“Kev, just give him more time,” Brian begged.

Kevin narrowed his eyes at Brian. “How much more you thinking?”

“For the love of God, Kevin, let it go for now! God, you drive me to chain smoking, I swear!” AJ hissed from his chair.

As Brian opened his mouth to speak, the door to the greenroom swung open, slamming against the wall. All eyes turned towards the sound to find Nick breathing heavy, sweating and looking completely washed out.


“SHUT THE HELL UP! Where’s Devon?” Nick questioned.

“I dunno,” Howie answered. “You want me to page him?”

“Please,” Nick replied.

“Why do you want Devon? Did you get laid and need to pay her off now?” AJ suggested.

“God AJ, it’s not always all about sex,” Nick snapped.

“Who says?” AJ snickered.

An young man wearing a red polo shirt with the words ‘EVENT STAFF’ in bold white letters stepped in the doorway to the greenroom. “Did someone page me?”

“Yeah I did, I need six front row, can you get it?” Nick questioned.

“Best I can do Nick is six second row, center, will that do?” Devon replied as he pulled the tickets out of his pocket.

“Good, gimme,” Nick demanded as he held his hand out. “Thanks Dev.”

All watched as Nick turned and sprinted down the hall towards an exit. Within a minutes, he returned.

“I gotta shower quick and I’ll be back suited up, okay?”

“Whoa... whoa, wait! Just where the hell were you and why are you dressed in your sleepwear and why are you barefoot?” Kevin demanded.

“Long story Kevin, remind me to fill you in after the show,” Nick replied as he turned away to look for his dressing room.


Nick stopped in his quest for a shower. “Okay, I was robbed at that damn shithole of a motel. What you see on me is what I have left. Happy?”

“No, but I guess it will do for now,” Kevin replied.