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Four months had passed since the traumatic trip down memory lane for Alex. She was slowly recovering emotionally. Justin had had a lot to do with that too. He had been there for her smiles and her tears. He had been there when she needed someone to talk to and when she needed someone to hold her. Most of all, he was just always there for her.
Sometimes though Justin still wasn’t sure of Alex’s feelings for him. She had become more than just a girlfriend to him. She had become his best friend, lover and confidante. There wasn’t anything she didn’t know about him. There was nothing he didn’t know about her except if she loved him. Even though he hadn’t told her since the first night they spent together. She had never said it and that was what bothered him the most.

Talk had turned to the break they would be getting at the end of the month. The guys were busy in the studio recording for their next album for three weeks so they only got one week holidays. Shae and Alex would have four weeks off. Shae had plans to go home and visit with family. Alex was still undecided what she was going to do. Luckily, no one had quizzed her about her plans. Yet.
"Wow, four weeks without all of you! I don't think I'll want to come back." Shae grinned
"Oh I think there is a certain someone who will keep you coming back. Maybe two." Alex smiled ruefully
Shae elbowed her in the ribs and blushed, turning away so no one could see.
"I'm going to veg right out in my backyard for the entire holiday."
"That's what you do every holiday, Chris." Justin laughed. "What are you going to do Alex?"
All eyes in the room turned to her. "I think I'll rent a cabin and catch up with some trashy historical romances. I'm looking forward to the quiet." She replied
"Aren't you going to be lonely?"
"Nope, hopefully I can get the same cabin I rented at Christmas."
"You mean you didn't go home for Christmas?" Shae's eyes wide.
"Shae, I didn't exactly have much of a home to go to at Christmas." She looked straight at her and then turned away.
Shae bit her lip and silently chastised herself for being so insensitive. How did Alex manage to sneak away at Christmas without any of them knowing she would be alone? Between the six of them, how did they manage not to figure it out?
"You told me you went to your sister's for Christmas." Shae said carefully.
"Shae, I’m an only child." Alex replied evenly. "I'm sorry I lied to you. I didn't want your pity. I needed the time alone too. Please don't be mad."
"Mad at you? Never. But next Christmas, you are coming home with me. Maybe my Mom will think you're my lesbian lover and stop nagging me about grandkids."
"It's a deal."
"All right! Lesbians! Can I watch?"
"Get lost Joey."
"Abuse, that's all I get! Shit and abuse!"
"Hey! Why don’t you guys come and join me at the lake on your week off? Your families will probably be sick of you after three weeks. If anyone wants to join me, you are welcome. It's a huge, 5 bedroom cabin, with a fireplace, private beach down at the waterfront. Gorgeous scenery, the lake is a little cold but you get used to it after 10 minutes.
"I'll have to pick you up at the closest airport and we'll drive in together. I wouldn't trust any of you to find it yourself. It's way up north."
Chris gasped in mock horror. "I don't have a snow suit! How are we going to get there with no roads? Is there running water? I don't have to use an outhouse, do I?"
Alex whacked on the shoulder. "Everyone but you gets to use the indoor plumbing, Chris!" She laughed, happy that she wouldn't be alone for the entire four weeks.


Alex was glad to have a break. Being alone at the cabin had given her lots of time to think about where she was in her life and where she wanted to go with it. She had avoided thinking about Justin as much as she could but that was pretty much impossible. She had started to have dreams about him again too, which didn't help matters any.
They had said good bye to each other the night before she left for the cabin. She didn’t want to make it into a long drawn out process. They had dinner together and kissed their good bye’s at the hotel where she stayed at the airport. She flew out the next morning, tired and cranky. She had been up all night thinking about how much she was going to miss him over the next three weeks.
She wouldn’t be able to even call him, but she had deliberately come to the cabin because it had no phone, tv or computers. Being completely cut off from the outside world for three weeks had really relaxed her. She ached to be close to Justin again.
She rose early the morning she was to meet them at the airport. Alex savoured the four hour drive of peace and quiet before she was invaded. It would be her last quiet hours for a very long time.

“Hey Alex.” Chris called from the luggage carousel in the airport. Alex turned her head just in time to be ambushed by Shae. Alex yelped as Shae gave her a tight bear hug.
“You’re not allowed to go on holidays where I can’t phone you. Missed ya hon!”
“I missed you all!” Alex replied. “It has been so quiet by myself. I’m ready for a little excitement in my life once again.” Alex hugged Lance, Chris, JC and Joey one by one. She turned to Shae. “Where’s Justin?” Panic edged slightly in her voice.
“Relax, he’s here. He had to pick up his luggage at the oversize baggage counter.”
Chris slapped his forehead. “I told him not to pack all of his hair products!” Alex turned and swept her eyes over the sea of people, searching for a blonde figure. Spying one that looked familiar, she rushed over to it and tapped him on the shoulder. Justin turned around and nearly fell over when Alex thrust herself into his arms. Neither one said a word. They just stood there in a tight embrace.
“That was the longest three weeks of my life.” Justin finally whispered, breaking off the hug and holding Alex out at arm’s length. “Wow! Are you a sight for sore eyes.” He smiled as she hugged him again. “I brought something for you but you have to let go of me so I can give it to you.”
“I don’t want to let go.” Alex grinned.
“It’ll be worth it, I promise.”
“Well since you put it that way…” Alex reluctantly let go of Justin and took a step back. Justin bent down to a large gray carry case that Alex had just noticed for the first time. He opened the door and reached in.
“Oh my god you didn’t! Justin! Oh my god! You…I…Oh my god!”
Justin stood up with a sleeping puppy cuddled in his arms. “You worried me so much being alone for the past three weeks that I had to get you a bodyguard to protect you when I can’t be around.” Alex gently took the dozing dog from Justin.
“Justin, this is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me! Thank you. He’s… she’s….?” She trailed off and looked at him quizzically.
“It’s a he.” He smiled.
“He’s beautiful. He’s gorgeous! What’s his name?”
“I thought you’d like to name him.”
“Oh wow! I can’t believe this.”
Chris and Shae joined them with their luggage. “Hey! Let’s get going Alex okay? I’m anxious to see this cabin.” Shae said.
“Yeah and the outhouse and everything.” Chris groaned.
“Okay Chris, if you promise that you won’t bug me about being Canadian, I’ll let you use the bathroom and the shower and even the microwave.” Alex teased.
“You have a microwave at a cabin?” Chris’ eyes widened.
“Oh yeah, it’s really roughin’ it! I parked the car out this way. Come on.” Alex beckoned.
JC volunteered to drive the entire four hours back to the lake. Alex was more than happy to let him. It gave her a chance to cuddle her new puppy and to be cuddled by Justin. It was going to be a fun week!