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Alex counted the streetlights from the window of the taxi. Never had she been so angry. But she was not angry at Justin. No. She was mad at herself. She buried her face in her hands. How could have let herself do what she almost did? Now that she had sobered, she was ashamed of herself and the way she was dancing and looking at Justin.

No, Justin hadn't done anything. She whispered a silent thanks that the redheaded girl had intercepted Justin on his way to her on the dance floor. Otherwise, Alex was pretty sure she - and he - they would have done something that she would have regretted.

Had she not told Cracy that she was not interested in Justin? Had she not told Shae that she was going to stay away from him? Yes and yes. She was not more determined than ever to keep true to her word. The only good thing that had ever come from a relationship, she had been unable to hold on to. Incapable.

Tomorrow, she would leave for the holidays. After Christmas, Justin will have forgotten about this whole scene, she hoped. She wouldn't see him until January. A new year. A fresh start. She resolved to herself that when she did return, her relationship with Justin would be strictly professional.


Alex zipped her suitcase and fished her plane ticket out of her purse. One last visual sweep around the room and she was out the door.

"Merry Christmas!" The door man cheered, helping her to a taxi.

"Mornin'" the driver tipped his hat and opened the door for her to get.

"Lex! Please wait!" Alex's heart skipped beat as she saw an out of breath Justin rushing down the steps of the hotel. Jumping two stairs at a time, he stopped in front of her.

"You're up early! I thought your flight didn't leave until late this afternoon." Alex smiled.
"It doesn't. I wanted to see you before you left."
"Oh?" Her face was a mix of surprise and curiosity. She wasn't sure what to think - especially after last night.
"You left last night before I got a chance to give you this." He produced a small box from his pocket. It was wrapped in gold paper and tied with a green ribbon.
"Justin, you didn't have to-" she began to protest.
"I wanted to." He interrupted.
She grinned. "Do I have to wait until Christmas to open it?"
"Only if you want to." His eyes sparkled.
Without answering she tore the paper off, revealing a blue velvet box with a hinged lid. Inside was gold, heart shaped locket. A row of diamonds and emeralds ran diagonally across the front.
"Oh Justin, it's beautiful." She breathed.
"Here, let me put it on." He took the necklace from the box and motioned for her to turn around. She lifted her hair out of his way. Justin slipped the chain around her neck and fastened the clasp.
"Justin, thank you."
"I was right." Justin whispered. "Exactly the same colour as your eyes." He brushed his hand across her cheek and moved closer to her.
"Lady, I don't have all day." The taxi driver yelled from beside the car.
Justin rolled his eyes and touched his finger to her lips. "We'll save this for the new year."
"Merry Christmas Justin."
"Merry Christmas Alex"

Justin watched from the sidewalk as Alex got into the cab and disappeared down the street.