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He closed his hard cover journal book and had swiftly but quietly rose from where he was seated. He slowly passed in front of Kevin, whose eyes were half open, half closed. Nick stood there for a while, waving his hand back and forth, making sure that Kevin was out for the count. When he realized that he wasn’t going to get a response, he continued his journey to the bunks.

For some reason, something was telling him not to go straight to his bunk, that he should go all the way towards the end of the bus. He looked over towards AJ, who was sleeping in his bunk, and then glanced at Aaron, who was sleeping in AJ’s bunk. He bypassed Kevin’s bunk, following his instincts and going towards the back of the bus.

He opened the small door that led to their lounge room, and looked around. Everything was as it should be, nothing seemed out of order, so what was it exactly that had led him here? Just as he was about to turn to make his way towards the bunks, two headlights in the window had caught his attention, it was nearing the back of their bus faster and faster. Just when he thought the car was going to slam into them, it swerved to the side, speeding right past them.

He sighed in relief, but all of a sudden, something had slammed into the side of their bus, running them partially off the road. He quickly turned to alert the fellas, but he found himself frozen. He was standing there, that much he was certain, but at the same time, he seen his own body fly out from Kevin’s bunk, his head slamming into the bunk across from him. He found himself wincing, actually feeling the pain in his head as if he was really there when he flew out and had hit his head on the bunk.

AJ had awoken around this time, and he tore his bunk curtains apart. He was looking down at him, “What the fuck is going on?”

He watched his other self as he looked up at AJ, not responding, but simply touching the blood that was pouring from his head. AJ’s eyes had widened. “What the hell happened to you?”

He knew he wasn’t going to respond, for some reason, he knew he wasn’t. He continued to stare at his self, watching the blood trickle down, gasping when the pain in his head was slowly becoming too much. He put his hand to his forehead, feeling no blood, but when he brought his hand down to look at it, there was blood that stained his fingertips. What the hell is going on? he thought to himself.

“Um… stay here, I’ll go and get something to get that cleaned up.” AJ had told him as he got up from his bunk and began to make his way towards the bathroom, near the back.

The car had slammed into the side of their bus again, throwing AJ off guard. Nick had thrown his arms out to try and catch him, but AJ fell right through, crashing into the wall. “What in the hell is going on up there?” AJ shouted to Kevin.

“Someone’s trying to run us off the road.” Kevin responded. He watched Kevin as he bent down towards his other self, making sure if he was alright. Meanwhile, AJ was in the bathroom, pushing everything aside in search for a washcloth.

“I’ll check up on Aaron… just make sure that D. and Rok’s alright.” Kevin said as he rose from his crouched position, walking towards the back, towards where Aaron was sleeping.

He remembered everything now. The car was going to slam into them one more time, running them completely off the road this time. They will tumble down a hill, and the bus will be severed in half. He, Howie and Brian will be the only ones in the front part of the bus, while Kevin, AJ and Aaron remain in the severed back part of the bus. He had to get them away from the back.

“Kevin… go back!” he shouted. Kevin reached up towards Aaron’s bunk to awake him.

He turned towards the bathroom, AJ was now soaking the washcloth. “AJ!” he screamed. “Get outta there… go back to the front of the bus!”

But they couldn’t hear him, nor could they see him. That’s when it happened. The car had slammed into them once more, running them off the road. Everything was set into slow motion from there. The bus tumbled down the hill, tossing them all around. They were falling at such a fast and hard rate, that once they crashed into a large tree, the whole bus severed in half, the front part of the bus came to a stop, but the back part continued to tumble down.

Everything went black from there on, there was only the faint glow of the bus lights flickering. He looked up through hazy eyes, seeing that everything was a total wreck. The bathroom area was completely smashed in, trapping AJ inside. He seen a body on the ground, wedged between the bunks, it was Kevin.

“Aaron… Kevin!” he heard his other self shout. He was looking down towards the ground, he had accidentally kicked Kevin’s hand. He bent down to survey the damage, then quickly arose to find Howie behind him.

“Damnit D., didn’t I tell you to stay up there with Brian?” he heard himself say.

“Brian’s fine, where could he possibly go?” Howie replied. “It’s them we need to worry about.”

His eyes shifted to the person standing behind Howie. He wasn’t anyone he knew, and with the evil gleam in his eyes and the berretta protruding from his waistband, he knew otherwise.

“D., watch out!” he screamed, but he forgot, no one could hear or see him.

The man wrapped his arms around Howie’s waist, hoisting him in the air. The other him had whirled around, freezing when he seen the man holding Howie captive.

“One more step and I’ll blow his fucking brains out!” the man shouted, pulling his gun out and slamming it into Howie’s temple.

He was frozen on the spot, not making another move. “Get in that bus…” the man demanded. Just as he turned to walk inside, the man had took his gun and had whipped it across the back of Howie’s head, knocking him unconscious. He turned around once again, seeing the man aiming his gun at Howie, preparing to fire. Without thinking, he had lunged at him, but the man had kicked him in the face, knocking him to the ground.

He touched his nose, that’s how my nose broke , he thought to himself, it wasn’t from the crash. The man continued to beat on his unconscious body, until he completely fell limp. The man finally rose, staring at the bloody mess he created. He aimed his gun once more, this time at his body and was preparing to fire, but stopped when he heard sirens nearing.

“Fuck!” the man swore. “I’ll be back to finish this off…” he said before he dashed into the dark forest.

He began to walk towards his unconscious body, looking down at his bloody face. For some reason, he was feeling sleepy, and an immense pain began to course through his whole body. He didn’t understand what was happening to him, and he could barely make out what was happening around him. Things were slowly growing dim, and all he could hear were voices.

“There was a severe accident involving one bus, the Backstreet Boys tour bus to be exact.” someone had reported.

“Where’s the other half of the bus?” a police officer had asked.

“Down here!” another had replied. “Quick, get the paramedics down here, there’s a few over here!”

“Approximately how much was on the bus?”

“Six males sir, only one was found up there.”

“We found three more, there’s two missing…”

“Oh god…”

“What is it?”

“I’ve found one sir… or, what’s left of him.”

“What in the hell do you mean?”

“Sir, I only found half of him, the top half to be exact. His body was severed in the crash sir.”

“My god, which Backstreet Boy is it?”

“He doesn’t appear to be a Backstreet Boy sir… this one looks young.”

“Who the hell else was on their tour bus?”

“… Aaron Carter sir, Nick Carter’s younger brother…”


He jolted awake, wailing in his hospital beds and setting off the alarms of the machines that were hooked up to him. Nurses had filed into his room, trying their best to calm him down, but they couldn’t.

“Aaron!” he continued to shout. “Aaron!”

Dr. McNorton walked into the room, trying to restrain Nick’s flailing arms, but was having a hard time in doing so. “Grab a sedative!” he shouted to any one of the nurses.

Nick continued to kick and thrash, being unable to wake from his nightmare. “Nick…” Dr. McNorton calmly called out. “Nick, calm down son, your having a dream.”

“Aaron!” he continued to scream, this time, tears was streaming down his face, he knew he wasn’t still sleeping, he was wide awake, but all he could do was scream his brother’s name. There was no way he could be dead, Howie told him that no one had died. He was alive, he had to get to him now, he was probably scared.

Dr. McNorton had grabbed the syringe from the nurse and had ripped the cap off with his teeth. He pushed Nick arms down once more and had injected the liquid into his neck, quickly injecting the sedative and pulling the needle out when Nick continued to struggle.

His eyes grew heavy, he couldn’t fall asleep again, he didn’t want to endure another nightmare. His hand shot out and he grabbed Dr. McNorton by his forearm. “Where’s Aaron?” he had asked him, his voice beginning to slur as he felt the drug take a stronger affect on him. “Tell him… that I said… not to be, scared… I’m here… for… him.” and then he was out.

Dr. McNorton gently pulled his arm out of Nick’s softening grasp. One of the nurses looked up at him. “Who’s Aaron?” she asked him.

He sighed, feeling heavy sympathy Nick. “Aaron was his brother…”

“Wait, Aaron Carter? The one who was…”

“Yes!” he quickly answered, not wanting to hear it, the pain of this whole situation was affecting him more than he thought. “Yes… that Aaron.”

“He doesn’t know that he’s… he’s dead?”

“No,” he answered, sighing again. “He doesn’t know yet.”

“You guys aren’t going to tell him?”

Dr. McNorton turned away, walking towards the door. “He needs time…”