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Nick closed his eyes, trying hard to fall asleep, but the earlier events wouldn’t allow him to do so. Watching Brian go into cardiac arrest was scary as hell, but the conversation they had before was even scarier. Knowing that there was a killer on the loose, looking for them put him on the edge.

His thoughts were broken when the door opened, revealing Howie and Dr. McNorton. “Here you go Howie, all set and ready for you.”

Howie nodded and began to walk towards the empty bed beside Nick while Dr. McNorton closed the door. Nick just watched Howie as he slowly and steadily got himself into the bed, trying to make himself comfortable. Once he was situated, he looked to the side at Nick, “Hey!”

“Hey.” Nick replied with a smile. “Don’t mind staying with me, do you?”

Howie smiled as well, shaking his head in response. “Not at all… you need some company anyway.”

They both fell silent for a while, not knowing what to say. “What happened?” Howie finally asked, breaking the silence.

Nick looked over to him and shrugged, “Wish I could tell you, Dr. McNorton doesn’t even know the reason, though he says stress could very well be a good reason. Both Brian and I were just talking to each other, and before I knew it, he went into cardiac arrest. What I want to know, if it was stress that caused this, then what had got him so worried and worked up.”

“Maybe the affect of the accident was getting to him.” Howie suggested with a shrug.

“That could be a…” Nick froze mid-sentence. “D.,do you remember anything from the accident?”

Howie tried to think. “To tell you the truth, no… how come?”

“Cause both Brian and I remember everything… well, most of everything. After the accident, both you and I became conscious, and we had helped Brian out of the bus, do you remember that?”

Howie remained silent, thinking harder and trying to retrace back to the accident. “I do remember that, but that’s about it.”

“There was someone after us Howie, he was the reason why our bus crashed. He caused the accident himself, running us off the road, and then he popped the tires to make it look like a accident. Both you and I went towards the back half of the bus that was a little further down from where we were, and the guy had held you at gun point.”

Howie’s eyes widened. “Your right… he knocked me in the back of the head with the butt of his gun.”

Nick nodded, “He then beat the living shit out of me, the only thing was that I didn’t fall unconscious right away. I was conscious enough to hear what was said. He said he’d be back to finish things off, then he darted off. Everyone thinks that this whole thing was an accident… we need to tell them that someone tried to murder us.”

“But who?” Howie had asked him. “Who’ll believe us? They’ll probably just think that we’re delusional and we don’t know what we’re talking about.”

But Nick shook his head, “No… someone’s gotta listen. They weren’t there when the crash happened, we were… now that most of us remember bits and pieces, we’ll put it together and create one hell of a story they won’t deny. We just need to talk to AJ and Kevin.”

“They both don’t remember anything of the accident.”

Nick rolled his eyes and sighed, he forgot about that. “Well, it’s up to us three… just you, me and Brian.”


“Are you sure this is all that you remember?” Dr. McNorton had asked, writing down everything Nick and Howie had to tell him about the accident. “It’s crucial that you tell me everything right now, so I can alert authorities.”

Both Howie and Nick nodded. “That’s about it…”

Dr. McNorton placed his pen down on his papers and began to massage his temples. “I’ll tell you fellas right now, the scene of the wreckage truly looked like it was all an accident. It looks exactly how people are perceiving the story to be. The bus tire popped, the driver lost control and swerved right off the road, tumbling down.”

“Well, we’re telling you right now doc that this was no accident. Brian, Howie and I remember mostly everything that either happened before, during or after the accident. Brian remembers hearing Kevin tell AJ that someone was trying to run us off the road. Howie remembers this guy knocking him in the back of his head with his gun. I remember this man beating the hell out of me and saying that he’d be back to finish his business.”

Dr. McNorton nodded, gathering his papers and placing it in his clipboard. “I did not say anything about not believing you. All I’m saying is that this story will be hard to present to the officials without them questioning you all severely. I don’t think any of you are ready and willing for a bunch of officers cramping into your room to juice answers out of you. Not only will it be mentally tiring for you all, but physically as well. If you ask me, your all not ready for this sort of thing.”

He had a point. But at the same time, Nick was also trying to make his point, and that was the fact that their killer was still on the loose. “I understand that Dr. McNorton, but if you ask me, I’m willing to go to any extent and take any chances if it means that it’ll keep us protected from whoever this man is.”

Dr. McNorton continued to stare at them, then he rose from his seat, which was situated between the two beds. “As you wish…” and with that, he walked out of the room.