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“You guys are to stay here for now…” Marcus said as he opened the door to a new house which was located in a remote area.

The four of them walked into the room, carrying their luggages, which was packed with their stuff from the hotel. They placed their stuff in the parlor and began to wander the new house that was brought for them to hide out in. “We sent a team of FBI agents and body doubles to your homes,” Marcus explained to them. “So in case that man decides to pay a visit to any of your homes, he’ll be greeted by the FBI.”

“When will we be able to go back to our own homes?” AJ asked.

Marcus shrugged, “Who knows? We can’t tell you anything for sure until this man is caught. He’s coming dangerously close to hurting you guys again, and we’re taking every precaution to make sure that it doesn’t happen.”

“But what about Nick? Don’t you think someone should call him and tell him it’d be best to have him here with us?”

Marcus shook his head, “He’s with his family, nothing should happen to him because his family house is already being guarded by a team of security guards.”

“Would we be able to go back to our homes to get some stuff to bring back here?”

“I’m sure we can take you tomorrow, we have to…” Marcus was cut short when his cell phone began to ring. “Hold on.” He said before he walked off to the side to answer his phone.

AJ flopped down on the couch and had grabbed the remote from off the small table that was beside him. “This is going too far…” he said as he clicked on the TV, scanning through the basic cable channels they had.

Howie sat down on the couch next to AJ, while Kevin sat on the love seat and Brian sat on the chair near the TV.

“How does you arm feel?” Kevin asked.

AJ looked down at his wrapped arm, “It’s itchy as hell…”

Marcus walked back into the room, staring at all of them. “Looks like he already paid the FBI a visit.”

All of their heads snapped up to look at him. “What do you mean? They caught him?”

“Not exactly… he showed up at Howie’s house and killed one of the security guards and his body double. Unfortunately, he was able to escape before they could capture him… they did shoot him in the arm though, which will hopefully slow down his process in going after you guys and make it easier for us to find him.”

“How in the hell is this happening?” AJ snapped, tossing the remote control to the side. “This is one man we’re dealing with here, how is it he’s able to kill and hurt people? This kind of stuff is normally not possible unless they have some other people working with them…”

“So you think there’s more people behind this?”

AJ nodded, “Logically speaking, there’s gotta be!”

But Howie shook his head, “No… it’s the same man. You said the man you saw in the café was the same one who ran us off the road. He was also the one who attacked you while you were in the hospital. He’s doing this all by himself, and he’s actually smart enough to be one step ahead of the FBI.”

“Well, I gotta get back to the hotel, there’s a team of highly trained security guards surrounding this perimeter, so there’s no way for anyone to get into this area or get out, unless their apart of the staff of management. That means you four are on lockdown here. And I mean it, none of you are to go anywhere outside of this house.” and with that, Marcus walked out of the house.

Howie groaned and had allowed his head to loll back to rest on the couch. “I really don’t think any of us are be going to be getting any sleep…”