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Kevin, Howie and Brian snapped their heads up when the door opened, Marcus and AJ walking in, supporting Nick between them. “What happened?” Kevin asked, getting off the couch and approaching them.

“Nothing happened!” Nick replied bitterly, Marcus and AJ setting him down on the loveseat.

Brian got up off the couch as well and stood behind his cousin. “So you lied to us AJ…”

“I didn’t lie! We went to the store, look… I brought Cookies N’ Cream candy bar.” he replied, pulling out the candy. “You guys could’ve had something too and I asked you guys… but ya’ll said no!”

“So what’s Nick doing here?” Howie asked.

“We seen him on the side of the road and decided to pick him up.” AJ lied.

Nick sighed heavily, he knew that there weren’t going to stop asking questions, so he decided to tell them what had happened. “Look, I went out to the cemetery by myself and was attacked… stabbed in the leg. I called AJ, and he called Marcus and they both came to get me. I decided to come back here to stay, does that answer all of your guys questions?”

Kevin’s eyes widened. “You were stabbed in the leg?”

Nick groaned, “Yeah, but I’ll live. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go upstairs to clean up.”

Brian turned to look at Marcus. “And you didn’t bother to tell anyone?”

“Here we go… making me the criminal!” Marcus grumbled, turning away from them.

“No one is making you a criminal… but this is serious Marc!”

“Yeah, and so was the car accident…”

Nick turned to look at Brian. “You guys were in a car accident?”

“Yeah, that guy ran us off the road again, but that’s not the point! The point is that Nick was stabbed in the leg, the man attacked him at the cemetery, and if you told anyone, we could’ve caught this man and put him away for good.”

“You know what?” Marcus asked, turning back around to face Brian. “I’ve done this whole damn group a fucking favor, and it almost cost me my job! Maybe I shouldn’t have given you guys the keys in the first place, then the accident wouldn’t have happened. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone out of my way to pick you guys up, then AJ wouldn’t have been attacked. But you know what… I did all those things YOU GUYS asked of me! I gave you guys the keys because you convinced me. I left the hospital to pick you guys up because you didn’t want management to know what happened at that moment. I’ve done favors for everyone, and now I’m done! I don’t want any of you to ask anything of me anymore! I never seem to do anything right anymore… instead of doing things that might cost me my job, how about I just fucking quit already!”

“No Marcus…” Kevin quietly said, placing a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “That is really not necessary…”

They all started talking at once, everyone except AJ and Nick. Nick was holding his head in his hands, and AJ was just staring at the chaos that was unfolding before him. “EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP!” AJ bellowed, causing all of them to fall silent and stare at him. “Nothing is said to anybody… got that? Marcus has done a shit load for us, so I really don’t know why the hell you guys are ridiculing him. Marcus, there is no reason for you to quit your job. Nick, go up stairs and get yourself cleaned up, I’m sure you can borrow some of Kevin’s clothes for the time being.”

They all remained silent for a while, taken aback by the new AJ who was taking charge.

“Uh… could someone help me upstairs?” Nick asked no one in particular.