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Marcus pulled up to Brian’s house, parking the black SUV in his driveway. “Make it quick Littrell!”

Brian nodded and jumped out of the car, walking up to his house while fishing out his house keys. As soon as he opened his door, he left it open and rushed over towards the security keypad to type in his password so the security alarm systems would shut down for now. As soon as he punched in his password, he turned around to face his empty house. Everything was left as it should be, or at least how it was left before the accident. He looked over towards his empty couch and envisioned his wife, Leighanne sitting there, crying because of the words he said to her when he first awoke from the accident. He shook his head and began to slowly walk up the stairs.

As he slowly walked through the hallway, he came across his son’s room… little Baylee. He stopped in front of the door and just stared at it, envisioning him and Baylee playing around, laughing and smiling. Again, Brian shook the image from his head, wishing they could just live their normal lives again. He walked into his room and sat on his bed, empty bed. He placed his hand on the mattress, slowly inching it towards the other side where Leighanne normally slept. What he wouldn’t give to be with her now, in this room, lying in this bed together, holding each other.

He stood up from off the bed and walked up to his dresser, pulling the top drawer open, revealing a mass of his clothes. He began to dig through it, reaching for something that was underneath all his clothes. He pulled out a small, black velvet box. He opened it, which revealed a platinum band with three emerald cut diamonds. He brought this ring a week before their accident. Before their little “mishap”, they were headed to the next venue which was in California, not far from where they lived. As soon as they had reached the next venue, he was going to go home and grab the ring. He was going to use that free time to get on his knees and ask Leighanne if she would renew their vows. But everything changed after the accident.

He closed the small velvet box and had placed it in his pocket. This time, he’ll surprise her by going to pick her up and taking her out to a fancy restaurant. Yeah… he had it all planned out now.