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As soon as he pulled up the house, AJ was the first to jump out of the car, seeing Marcus on the ground. He quickly made his way towards Marcus and found himself skidding to a stop, turning away from the gruesome sight. He began to hyperventilate, tears spewing out of his eyes as he realized that one of his best friends, his security guard was now dead.

“Oh god…” Kevin gasped as he pulled AJ away from Marcus’s limp body, knowing AJ was freaking out.

Howie approached AJ and pulled him away from Kevin, holding AJ’s trembling form. Kevin knelt down towards Marcus and placed two fingers on his neck, checking his carotid. He released a sigh when he felt a very weak pulse. He brought his ear down towards Marcus’s nose and heard hush breathing escaping every once in a while.

“He’s still alive.” Kevin informed them.

Both Howie and AJ turned towards Kevin, not believing that Marcus would still be alive after being slashed across the throat. Nick looked up towards the house and seen that the front door was wide open. He walked past all of them and up to the house, walking through the open door.

“Brian!” Nick shouted, his heartbeat pounding harder and faster with every second that passed by.

He wandered through the living room, seeing no one in sight. He walked through the kitchen and came up with the same results, no one was around. He finally came to the staircase and gasped, seeing a small puddle of blood on the floor.

“God… Kevin!” he shouted, causing Kevin, Howie and AJ to run over towards where he was standing.

Kevin could only stare down at the blood, praying to god that it didn’t belong to his younger cousin. He made his way up the stairs, stopping every once in a while to see light splatters of blood on the wall and steps. Once he reached the top of the stairs, he walked through the hallway, towards Brian’s bedroom. He peeled the door open, only to find no one in side.

Tears began to fall from his eyes, now knowing good and well that it was all his fault that his cousin was now gone, in the hands of a madman. AJ came to a stop behind Kevin, wondering why Kevin was just standing in the door of Brian’s room.

“Kevin.” AJ softly called out, worried about Kevin’s sudden odd behavior.

Without warning, Kevin slammed his fist into the wall next to the bedroom door, his large, curled fist going straight through the plastered wall. He continued to punch it, dismissing the fact that he would soon crack the bones of his knuckles. AJ snapped out of his daze and grabbed Kevin’s flying fist, pulling it back, preventing him from punching the wall again and causing himself even more pain.

Kevin pushed AJ away from him and made his way back downstairs, breezing past Howie and Nick who were left standing there, staring at him dumbfounded. Howie ran out of the house as well, following Kevin and wondering where he was going.

“Kevin, what in the hell are you doing?” Howie asked.

“Stay here…” was all that he said. “All of you. Wait here for Johnny them to get here. Call paramedics for Marcus.” he said as he jumped into Marcus’s SUV instead.

“And where do you think your going?” Howie questioned, not liking the way Kevin was acting now.

Kevin opened the glove compartment and pulled out a small handgun Marcus always kept on him. “I’m going to get Brian back.” He said as he cocked the gun. “I shouldn’t have let him go, but I did, and now… now I’m going to get him back.” he said as he started the car and pulled out of the driveway, speeding down the road and out of sight.

Howie could only stand there in helplessness, not believing what was going on right now. He couldn’t believe that he just allowed Kevin to leave off to god knows where by himself.