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He stepped out of his bathroom and walked downstairs into the living room, where he found Howie cooking, AJ and Nick was sitting on the dining table eating the eggs Howie cooked, and Kevin was busy straightening up the kitchen.

“Anything?” Brian asked no one in particular.

They all looked up at him, shaking their head no. Sighing, he took a seat next to Nick who was finishing up his scrambled eggs.

“Here.” Kevin said as he placed down a plate of steamy scrambled eggs and bacon, with a glass of orange juice.

“I’m not hungry.” Brian muttered as he pushed the plate of food away.

“Look Brian, you gotta eat something.” Kevin argued. “You’re already not getting any sleep, don’t starve yourself now.”

“I’m not starving myself, I’m just not hungry right now.”

Before they could continue arguing, the phone began to ring. Brian immediately snapped up from where he was sitting and grabbed the phone. “Hello?”

“Did you have a nice shower Littrell?” the voice questioned.

“How do you... How did you…” Brian began to stutter.

“And what about the guys? They had a nice stay at your house? I’m sure they did because they are making themselves right at home why you suffer with insomnia and a eating disorder.”

“How the hell do you know this?”

“I have my sources Brian. Now tell me, why aren’t you sleeping and eating?”

“I find it hard to do anything when you have my son.”

“I see.” he mumbled. “Well, I called to let you know that I will be taking your son to the carnival, and I‘m sure if you ask those two gentlemen out of the five of you, they will be able to tell you where it‘s held.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Just think of it this way, the carnival those two attended basically started off their career and friendship.” Brian automatically looked over at AJ and Howie. “Ahh, I see you understand now.”

“How the hell do you know what’s going on?” Brian snapped.

“Like I said Brian, I have my sources. Well, if I was you, I’d go on and ask those two how to get here. I’m not staying out here forever you know. Toodles Brian.” and with that, the line went dead.

Brian slammed the phone down on the counter.

“Who was that?” Nick asked him.

“Howie or AJ, I don’t care who gives me an answer but someone answer me right now, where the hell was the Latin carnival held at?”

“Orlando Florida.” AJ replied. “Why?”

“Okay,” Brian sighed. “I need you guys to stay here, I’m…”

“What do you mean you want us to stay here?” Kevin interjected.

“Look, I don’t have time to argue right now Kevin.”

“No one’s arguing with anybody, I just want to know why you want us to stay here.”

“I don’t have time to explain myself Kevin because that bastard has my son right now and I know where he’s at.” Brian exclaimed all in one breath.

Kevin remained standing there, arms crossed over his chest. “You are not going alone.”

“What the hell Kevin?” Brian cried. “You’re wasting my time, right now isn’t the time to tell me what I should and shouldn’t be doing.”

“Kevin’s right.” Howie said this time. “You’re not going at this alone… if you go, we all go. Simple as that.”

Brian continued to stare at them, unsure of what to say. He nodded and grabbed his car keys off the counter. “Okay, lets go.”