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the Truth

Back as the party faded and it was time to leave, nick dropped Jamie back home, walked her to the door and as he kissed her goodnight he realized something, she didn't flinch to his kiss, he hoped that it would be a new start for what ever was keeping her away.
She went inside and closed the door and sigh with a big smile on her face, not only she had the perfect birthday party ever, and also Tiger is leaving this house by the end of this week, nothing can get worst nothing she thought.

As Jamie went back home she tiptoed to her room but suddenly the lights were on and there at the top of the stairs stood her dad he was mad and she never understood why he has been so hard and tough with her she opened her mouth to speak up but he looked at her and said.

"So are you expecting me to allow you bitching around the neighborhood?" his words were so shocking because no girl would expect her dad to say such a thing

"DAD... I am not.. we were having my birthday party and ..." she wanted to continue but he stopped her

"Why the hell you were late? And what about this outrageous thing you are wearing stupid Bitch."

"Don't DAD me for god's sake, something that obscene couldn't ever been made for a party! You have to understand that if you want to stay in this house you have to stop f******* around that Carter, ok!" he was shouting at her and she never understood why

"DAD... but I love him and we are really happy and you don't know Nick even!!"


She only heard her mother gasping and calling him
From the looks on both their eyes Jamie knew that some thing was wrong
"Is that true mom" she asked "he is not my true father!" her mother never answered but she knew from the look on her face that she was true, so she only took a breath and looked back to them.
She didn't know how to feel she was sure something like that would be out one day she had a feeling of it.
"All of my life I felt you are hiding something from me, the way you treated us both, me and tiger were just toys you can control without telling us the truth behind it, Why?" Jamie snapped out at them.

"Jamie don't yell at your Dad." He mother was trying to calm things down
"My DAD! Who the F*** is he, he doesn't want me to say that word, and he is not My Dad,"


It was his hand rested on her face; hitting her; she looked back at Henry Martin the man that was her father couple of hours ago

"What else do you find your self wanting to do, what else?" she looked at him defying him.
She grabbed back her bag and went to the door
"Where do you think your self going?" his voice insulted her ears
"I am leaving you for good, I don't have to take any more of this bulls shit from you."

She didn't know what she said to trigger such an attack from Him, just before reaching the door she found him holding her neck.
"You miserable f*** I had to take care of you for the past 20 years, I had to put up with all the stupid acts you played, and I thought that once you turned 21 you'll be kind to pay something back, oh you rather….."

She knew that she couldn't breath, or take any more of the stupidity he was saying, she could only try her best chance.

She heard her mother trying to stop him, but that was all she didn't want to take it any more, she was struggling, then she hit him right in his stomach.

As his hand released her, she managed to reopen the door.

Holding where his hand was choking her, trying to regain her breath, "Well since I am old enough, I am leaving, I'll call you back mom but I want to know about my real father and don't lie to me any more"

That was the last thing she ever wanted to say to both of them she wished to scream at her mom telling her how could she do such a thing and she would have called Henry martin some more names since he had been treating her like shit for ages but then she didn't say a word she didn't want to deal with them any more.


As the door got opened welcoming him, he saw an unexpected, ordinary yet a small spaced penthouse; not too feminine, not too muscular, some corners were simple and plain, while others contained many colors, this controversy gave the place its taste, "cool place" A.J. said
"Thank you, it reflects who I am, it's my safest place to hide, Anything to drink?" Alexis offered as she headed to the kitchen
"Water please" he asked while checking everything around him.

Near the couch he saw a guitar leaning, next he saw this opened note book, the paper already been scratched and he saw that it what ever was in this paper got there the hard way, for it was erased too many times, he took the not book and started to read the scribbles,

"I want a hero
I need a one
To cheer me up when the storm comes on

I need a hero to live near by
When my heart just aches&starts to cry
When life just takes a way a little dream of mine
A hero to rejoice my day and nights

I need this hero to keep my faith
To give me love when skies won't rain
To be my shelter when I'm in pain

I need a hero to make me safe
To stay by my side
To take my joys and share my smiles

I need a hero with me tonight"

"Did you write this?" he asked, looking at her coming out of the kitchen.
"Oh…Gosh … yeah, I did… but I totally hate them, it is one of the scribbles I keep to fix later", she handed him the water, and for a moment she was struck back.

'Gosh, he is here with me in my penthouse, me & A.J. McLean together, Gosh Jamie, you won't believe that he's in my place now'.

She didn't realize the big grin that was on her face.
"thanks Alexis" she heard him saying giving her back the cup of water, she tried hard to hide it her grin she didn't want A.J to notice her and start asking what was that grin all about.

"You seem to be really tired A.J. I'll bring you a pillow and some blankets if you wanna go to sleep. I would give you one of my pajamas, you know, but I don't think you'll be happy to wear mine" she winked,
"hehe..Yes please, I really need to sleep now. I feel really exhausted"

He was completely exhausted, and he needed to sleep, but once he put his head on the pillow he regretted not spending more time with Alexis, he knew that he has just met her today, but this girl made him feel like no one could.

He was confused, he had the same strange feelings for Jamie just a few hours ago and still as he recalled her, but now what made it more absurd now that he feels almost the same way towards Alexis, he never been that confused in his life.

He was lost, thinking about Jamie and how he was about to kiss her today.
"But she doesn't feel the way I do, plus I can't do this to Nick, Jesus, how could I do this? I know how much he loves her...What the hell I was thinking?" he felt guilt.

He sat in the bed clasped his hand in front of his mouth, he could need a prayer for tonight he needed some sweet distraction, something to allow him to move a notch form this situation, he walked to the window looked at the sky, some scattered clouds appearing in the sky and the smell of the rain filling his senses, a hat would be useful if it rained in the morning, Hat!

What a nice object to recall at this point. It was an answer to his prayers as he remembered the party where he and Alexis danced together. though it was the first time they ever dance their steps matched. Their sways and even the hands moved so right, it was the Hat that choose her, and it was some how this confusion started, after that dance he never thought she would stand against that woman and shut her up, he was there listening to every single word she said about him.

It wasn't weird for him to hear girls saying how much they love him, but this time he felt weird, it wasn't just what she said but also how she said it, her eyes were honest, hurt and free; he could tell that, she wasn't like any other girl he met.

He could tell what Alexis is, he felt he knew her for ages, like he knew every little thing about her and her life, he could bet and win if he tried to figure out what she likes and doesn't, what dreams she might keep inside , even he could guess kind of ice cream flavor she loves.

They just met today, but since he saw her, he forgot his feelings towards Jamie while he was with her, Alexis turned a new page of his life, she made him feel like teenagers again, when life was super cool, when he owned the world, it was like he could fight against the world and nothing or no one can stop him.
He was scared because he was feelings things he shouldn't have, because it early, too early to feel this way, he just met the girl and now he's freaking himself out. It isn't a normal thing, everything is going crazy.

"It seems I’m losing my head now, this whole thing is ridiculous, how could I feel such a thing? We just spent a couple of hours together, damn it, this is crazy" he was thinking.
He decided to sleep now to rest and hoped when he wakes up tomorrow he won't feel insane anymore.


She looked at him closing the door of the guest room, she gazed into the closed door for couple of seconds before heading to her own room, without even thinking twice she lay on her bed, a few feet away from the man she's always loved, her mind was full of happy thoughts about everything that happened that day, she couldn't help but calling Jamie to tell her every detail, but Alexis knew she owed her an apology for leaving her party that way,-

"Jamie, sorry for spoiling your birthday party, I shouldn't have left this way"-
"No, it's ok sweetie, I had the greatest b-day party ever, but I was worried about you.
Now tell me Hun, what happened with you and A.J.?"-
"He's here now"-
"NOWAY!!! He's in your place!!! You weren't kidding! Girl what's up on your mind?"
"No silly, don't get it wrong, I offered him to come here instead of spending his night in a hotel…I don't know how could I offer such a thing"
"I'm happy you offered that, anyway Hun, I'll call you later to know every little detail because I gotta go now, I'm on my way back home"
"Ok cookie, happy birthday and goodnight"


Alexis woke up late at night, it was about 2:15 a.m., she felt weird, she didn't want to open her eyes but the sound that she heard made her up to her feet, hearing the sound of the guitar that filled her home, being played with an unfamiliar melody, she walked out of her room and there was A.J. with his beautiful voice – singing with a low tone- it was an amazing scene for her to see, he was like an angel to her, grabbing her guitar and singing with his eyes closed.

Her senses went alert, She needed to know what he was singing, slowly she got closer in her try to catch some of the words he was singing.

"I need this hero to keep my faith
To give me love when skies won't rain
To be my shelter when I'm in pain
I need a hero to make me safe"

'Wait a minute…oh my God…he's singing my lyrics…these are my lyrics' she was telling herself, trying to catch her breath, trying to calm herself down, she was smiling with a tear flowing down her cheek, it was the most unbelievable things that happened to her in the past 24 hours, just when she thought that she got all the blessing of that day, then the voice stopped, A.J. was looking at her.

"Did I wake you up? oh ,sorry about that, Alexis" he was lying, he knew that, he wasn't totally sorry for waking her up, he wished she's get up to hear him singing her words, he wanted to see how she'd react.
"No, not all" she said
"You didn't, I love what you were singing"

A.J. paused for a moment realizing the trace of the tear which fell in her face.

"I couldn't sleep, I had this melody for your scribbles just the moment I read them, it was stuck in my head and I had to come here to sing" he told half a lie this time, how could he tell her that this was one little reason he couldn't sleep from. That as he was thinking of her and the words sank in his soul, he wished to be that hero, he wondered about her dreams, he dared to indulge himself to imagine her while sleeping, he knew that after all of the dance night she might fall asleep like a baby, if he could stop all of these thoughts, but he couldn't he was thinking about her all night long.

"I was confused for a second to hear you singing my words, you made them sound like an original thing, weird, it was like a dream"
"Hope you liked it"
"Are you kidding me!!!? I love it, it's awesome ..."she sat beside him on the couch and got the guitar from him.
"I was trying to do something with these lyrics, but I don’t know" she played her melody and sang the first couple of lines, "wow!! You're talented, girl"
"No I don't like it that much, it needs some time to be good"
"I think it's really good" A.J. commented
"But I preferred yours! It sounded more…" She looked at him trying to find a word to describe his melody
"It was more out of the Alexander part, not the Johnny no name, or the AJ McLean, it was like you got the soul of an old spirit,,, I am getting into a lot of words, sorry"

"No, don't be, so if you are not sleepy you wouldn't mind trying to fix something in between both of the two melodies?"

"You mean you'll collaborate with me in this?" she was surprised for his willingness to share his music with her.

As time flow AJ took the guitar and started his final version of the song, his whole feelings spilling in it, he knew in his heart this would be a great hit if it got released, better it would be the best Rock Romantic song once it was recorded, he looked at Alexis next him, he wanted to ask her about this final version, but there she was sleeping soundly so cute and peacefully next to him, he thought that when she held his arm while he was playing that she was happy for the song and about ready to get the guitar back but then as he could see she was tired and sleepy.