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Chp 2
The Call

On the drive home, we both tried to make sense as to what had
happened that day. "I can't believe you gave Nick Carter your phone
number," Kerry said with excitement. "Yea well I can't believed he
even asked for it. I definitely wasn't expecting that one," I
said. "By the way, I forgot to tell you. I got an email today.
There's an agency in New York that wants to sign a contract with
me." "Awe that's great," she said with excitement. "Are you planning
on calling them back?" "Yea first thing tomorrow morning." "Well
make sure you call me and tell all the details."
The next day I got a phone call on my cell, it was Nick. My
heart was just pounding and it was about ready to pound right out of
my chest. I said thinking to myself "Get a hold of yourself. You
didn't have this problem last night talking to him." When I finally
had enough composure to answer the phone I barely let out
a "****o." "Hey what's up? It's me Nick," he said. "Hey how are you?
I didn't expect you to call for a couple of days since you're really
busy and all," I said. "Well we have the mornings off and I just
wanted to let you know that I had a great time last night talking to
you." "Yea same here," I said. "Maybe after the tour is over with I
can come back to California and we can go out sometime?" he asked.
"I would like very much but I'm getting ready to move. I got a
modeling contract with an agency in New York and I'm packing right
now as we speak." "That's great. I didn't know you were into
modeling. Although I do have to say you have the beauty for it," he
said hoping he wasn't being too forward. "Awe well thank you and yea
I've been wanted to model ever since I was little. It's something
I've always wanted to do." "Well I'm sure you'll make a great model.
So I guess that means if I want to see you again after the tour I
have to come to New York," he asked. "Yea I guess so and you know we
can still go out sometime once you get here," I said. "Definitely
looking forward to that. Well it's been great getting to know you a
little more. I would really like to continue to call and talk to
you while I'm on tour. Talking to you takes my mind off of things
and I really enjoy listening to you," he said. "I would like that
too. You can call me whenever you like. I will always be on the
other end." "Well I better get going. The rest of the guys are
hollering at me to get a move on. I'll try to call you later tonight
after the show. Ok?" he asked. "That sounds great. I can't wait to
hear from you again." "Well until tonight then." "Until tonight," I
said. "Bye Jen." "Bye Nick."
As Nick got off of the bus to meet up with the rest of the guys
he had a huge smile on his face. "Man, you look very happy. Who were
you on the phone with," asked Howie. "Do you guys remember the two
ladies we met last night backstage?" Nick asked. "Oh no don't tell
me you're falling for another blond," Kevin said. "He's not talking
about the blonde one, he's talking about the tall one with the dark
hair," AJ said standing up for his lil bro. He seen how Nick
couldn't keep his eyes off of her throughout the show or during the
meeting backstage. "Yea you guys should remember her. She was the
one that had the most beautiful blue eyes that I have ever seen in
my life. And that smile. Jesus that smile of hers was gorgeous,"
Nick said as he was blushing. "Well from what I could tell she
seemed like a sweet person," Brian said as Leighanne playfully
slapped him on the arm. They all could see Nick was smitten for her
already. The rest of the day went by very slow. All he could then
about was her. He couldn't wait for the concert to be over with so
that he could get back on the bus and call her.
That night my phone rang. I thought to myself who could that be
calling at this hour. As I looked over at the clock and seen it was
10:00 pm. “Hello." "Hey Jen. It's me, Nick." "Hey what's up? How was
the concert tonight?" I asked. "Great, not the same as last nights
though," he said. I knew he was referring to meeting me. "So how was
your day today?" he asked. "Oh it was ok. I've been packing all day
today. I'm leaving for New York tomorrow." "That's going to be one
long flight. From California to New York. If you hate flying as much
as me, make sure you take something to keep you entertained," he
said. " I would but he's on tour right now," I said. I could almost
see him blushing through the phone. "Awe that's sweet, Jen. I would
love to come keep you company. I'm definitely going to after the tour
is over with though." " I can hardly wait until then Nick. I know
time with fly by. Well I better get going. My flight leaves pretty
early tomorrow." "Ok if you have to go. I'll call you as soon as I
get another chance to. You, on the other hand, call me and tell me
when you get to New York. I want to make sure that you landed
safely," he said. "I will as soon as I land" "I may not be able to
have my phone with me all day so, leave a message if I don't
answer." "I will Nick, I promise." "Ok you better," he said
playfully. "Or what?" I asked knowing he was trying to get arouse
out of me. "Well let me think about it and I'll get back to you on
that. In the meantime, be safe and careful tomorrow. I'll call you
later," he said. "Alright, bye Nick." "Bye Jen."