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**October 15 2002**

Aaron pulled his quilt over his head as the bright sunlight streamed in through the window. He was suffering from and extreme hangover, and wasn’t so sure what had happened at Justin’s party the night before. But the pain in his head was no comparison to the pain in his heart.

No, he wasn’t over Charline yet and he didn’t think he ever would be. There was no getting her back now anyway. He had become someone different – drinking and having sex with a different girl every night was now routine for him. It was hard to believe that this was the same guy who used to sit on the beach with his girlfriend in silence. Physically the same guy, anyway.

Aaron rolled over onto his side and tried to go back to sleep, but was interrupted when Nick stormed into his room.

Sitting himself down in Aaron desk chair, Nick glared at him. Aaron groaned and rolled on to his stomach, turning his head to face Nick. “What do you want?” He grumbled, not in the mood for one of Nick’s lectures.

“mom’s really pissed off at you, you know.” Nick stated, still glaring at him.

“So?” Aaron asked, not caring what Nick had to say. He already knew what he was doing wrong, he didn’t need or want to hear about it.

“So,” nick went on, ignoring Aaron ignorance. “she sent me up here to talk to you.”

“Then talk.” Aaron replied, wanting for Nick to go away and leave him alone. Nick had no idea what he was going through, Aaron was sure of it. He rarely doubted his brother, but when he did he knew he was right about it.

“Okay…” Nick started slowly. “This drinking and partying around all night is going to get you no where. You’re leaving to go on tour soon, so you had better shape up.” He instructed, and Aaron sat up.

“I know…it’s just that I miss Char so much.” He explained.

Nick sighed. “That’s what this is all about?” He asked and Aaron nodded. Nick stood up and walked out of Aaron’s room.

“Where are you going?” Aaron called, wondering what Nick was up to.

“I’ll be back in a sec.” He replied, picking up the cordless phone.


Sophie was channel surfing as she lay on the couch, bored out of her mind.

The two had been home for two weeks, and things were pretty much normal. Except for the fact that Charline was always whining about Aaron and Chris was now in jail, not much had changed.

It also seemed like the media cared less about them. They weren’t going into the studio for about a year now, and they didn’t have plans to release another single for a while. In other words, goodbye pop star life, hello high school.

Sophie sighed, everything was going completely wrong. Why did this have to happen now? Why couldn’t it have happened when they were more respected? Stupid Aaron. Sophie knew this wasn’t all his fault, but if he hadn’t dumped her, she wouldn’t be so depressed. She’d still be pregnant, but at least he’d be there for her, instead of not knowing about it.

The ringing of the phone pulled her out of her thoughts, and she made her way across the room to answer it. “Hello?”


“Yeah?” She replied, knowing that voice but not quite able to put her finger on it. Suddenly, it dawned on her. “Nick?”

“Yup.” Nick replied. “How are you guys doing?”

“Fine, aside from the tour incident.”

Nick started making his way back up to Aaron’s room. “Could you put Char on the phone for a bit?” He asked.

“Alright.” Sophie answered, grateful that Nick didn’t ask about Charline’s health, she was sick of lying. “Char!” She called, putting her hand over the reiver.

“What?” Charline asked, coming into the TV room.

“Phone.” Sophie replied, handing her the receiver and walking away. She didn’t want to witness Charline’s reaction to who was on the other end.

“Hello? Charline said, thinking it was just Joce or someone calling to see if she was busy.

“Char? Hey, remember me?”

Charline groaned. Of course she remembered Nick, and where there was Nick there was Aaron. She scoffed, Aaron; now there’s a part of her life she’d like to forget. So far he had caused her nothing but trouble. “Yes.” She replied coldly.

Nick ignored her tone and kept up his act. “How’s it going?”

“Fine.” She snapped, knowing what Nick was up to. She wasn’t stupid, she knew he was going to put Aaron on the phone sooner or later. ‘Stupid Nick’ She thought bitterly. ‘How would he like it if I phoned him up and made him talk to Steph?’

Nick, getting slightly annoyed with her, rolled his eyes. She and Aaron were both turning grumpy and bitter. It was amazing that even after their breakup and both of them changing, they still made the perfect couple. “Can you hang on for a sec?” He asked, stepping into Aaron’s room. “Phone call.” Nick said to Aaron, tossing the cordless onto his bed and leaving the room.

Aaron was confused, who would call him this early? Glancing at his clock he realized that it was 11:32 am. Hmmm…it was still early for his friends to be calling. Disregarding his thoughts, he picked up the phone. “Hello?”

Charline sighed, she was right. “Aaron?” She asked quietly, half because it still hurt to hear his voice and half because she didn’t want anyone to know she was talking to him.

Aaron’s eyes widened. Why did she bother calling him? But he hadn’t heard the phone ring…Nick must’ve set this up! Mental note: kill Nick later. “Char?” He tried to sound calm, but it didn’t work, and on top of that, his voice cracked. “What’s up?”

“Not much.” She sighed, also trying and failing to sound calm. ‘I’m just pregnant with your kid!’ She thought. For a second, she thought about telling him, then changed her mind. He probably wouldn’t believe her anyway. He’d probably she think she was just lying to get him back.

“That’s cool.” He replied. Did Nick think this was going to be funny or something? “So…uh, how’re the other girls doing?”

“Good.” She answered, wanting to get off the phone. Unless…unless maybe he called so they could get back together! But, if he did ask her, she’d already decided she’d say no. He’d already broken her heart once, what was to say he wouldn’t do it again? “How’s everyone back there?”

Aaron bit his bottom lip. Maybe if they got back together, it would solve everything. Then they’d both live happily ever after. But then he would to go on tour and he wouldn’t see her again because while he was gone, she’d run off with another guy.

Charline looked at her hand and started biting her nails. Should she tell Aaron? He wasn’t the type of person that would think she was playing a trick. Besides, he did have a right to know, it was his kid too. But, at the same time, he had dumped her…didn’t that mean he wanted nothing to do with her? So then why had he called?



Aaron laughed. For a split second, it was like old times again. “You go first.”

Charline hesitated, losing her nerve. “Um, I was just gonna say that my Dad’s calling me and I gotta go.”

Aaron’s heart sank. It sounded like she was trying to get rid of him. Who could blame her, she was probably way over him and hadn’t sounded too trilled to hear his voice either. “Yeah, I’d better go.”



After slowly hanging up the phone, Charline wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. ‘What the hell is he trying to prove?’ She thought angrily as she walked upstairs to her room. ‘He can’t just walk out of my life, and then two months later try to phone his way back in!’ Slamming the door behind her, she pressed play on her CD player and collapsed on her bed, sobbing.

Looking at the framed picture of the two of them on her dresser, she sighed. “Aaron, as mad at you as I am right now, I still love you.”

Another day has gone by, still have your picture by my side…