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When we went to my parents house then we went to nick parents house we was drive to Nick Carter house to see his parent that he always see them for a long time. We was get to nick carter parent drive way to see if his parent is home or not. We was got there at the door and Nick Carter was knock on the door then nick father open the door and see two people on his door way and he was so happy that he saw his son Nick Carter and Some woman that Nick Carter was dating. His parent was so happy to see their wonderful boy Nick Carter that they never see for a while when he was in tour with his band and he always so happy about his band and his family so much in the world. He said hi son and how are u doing and what are u doing that far Son.’’ Nick said hi and he was hug them then me and I was do fine and an I was be a work to much for the tour with my band for 16 years and we always go out for a tour to meet all our fan. When nick went to the kitchen to see his mum to see her and talk to her for a long time. Than Nick said hi mum then nick mum said hi nick then she run up and hug him.”  Nick said mum and dad this is my girlfriend Ashley Smith and they hug me and smile at me too. They said welcome to the family’’ Ashley said ok and thank you for that Mr. and Mrs. Carter and I really so happy about this family and I will love this family like my family back home.”  Then nick was look at me so happy because I love his family so much and I want to them to treat me right like a daughter in law to be. Nick Carter said I love you and Ashley said’’ I love you too Nick Carter”. Then let got the rest of the family came down so to spend time with us baby. Nick hugs them all and his parent too. Nick said can u guy hugs my girlfriend please.”  

they said yes we can and there will be no problem for us to huge your girlfriend then they went up to Ashley Smith and hug her because they like her like a best friend to them and they always care about her so much in the world” I said do you guys want hug me and chilling with me?” they said yes of course that we want our hug from u and they ready to hug Ashley Smith because she is happy about Nick Carter and family can be happy about her life. When I was done hug them then nick was walk up to me and hug me and kissed me and they guys said ewes that was gross to see u and nick kiss and get a room please because we don’t want to see u and nick carter kiss in front of us and they was close their eye because they don’t see Nick Carter and Ashley Smith kiss all day. Nick Carter and I went over to the living room to watch the TV and nick said’’ how have you guys been’’ they all said good and they have a good time at Nick Carter parent and Ashley was so happy about her boyfriend and his parent because they alway care about each other so much in the world.When we got home we walk down by the beach then i started running then nick caugt me then he toke me into the water and i said no nick dont you dare put me in the water and then nick ran down to the sea and put me in the water and i said that it then i started chasing him then he was running back to me and fell over me and i said nick get off me and nick said i dont want then i said ok then nick turn around to face me and he was stroking my hair then brian came walked beside us and said hi what are you doing nick and nick said i fell on ashley and i dont want get off and then brian said are you alright there ashley and i said yes i am.