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The Attack of the Lump Monster!

Brian crawled out from under the sink as he heard the front door open.

"Babe, no peeking!" his wife called from somewhere near the front of the house. "I bought your birthday present today and I need time to hide it!"

"Can I snitch it from Baylee?" he called back.

"Daddy!" He chuckled, hearing Baylee’s laugh.

Her fading voice answered him. "You could try, but it wouldn’t work."

Brian smiled. He’d never get tired of their birthday teases with each other. Though, that was nothing compared to Baylee’s excitement as the days counted down to Christmas.

Well, he’d probably given Leighanne plenty of time to hide his present.


He watched, waited in silence as the birthday present was hidden in the bright pink box under the bed, the one place the birthday boy would never dare look.

"Now, Baylee, don't you tell daddy what his present is. Orwhere it's hidden. He'll try everything he can think of to get you to tell him." She wiggled a finger. "Don't say a word!"

"Promise, mommy!"


Brian entered the bedroom and paused. He stared at the bed for a moment.


"What?" Leighanne called from the bathroom.

"Did you buy that body pillow you wanted?"

"No," came the confused reply. "Why?"

Brian grinned. "Then we have a lump on our bed."

"Oh do we now?"

The lump twitched, and Brian thought he heard a small snicker. His grin widened.

"Yeah. Guess the lump monster’s back."

"Oh, dear! Brian heard the feigned fear in her voice. "It must have eaten Baylee, because he was on the bed just a minute ago."

Brian gasped. The lump twitched little more and began to giggle. "Oh, it’s a giggly lumpy monster!" He slowly approached the bed.

The lump tried to suppress its giggles, but it still shook with silent laughter. Brian sat on the bed and began to speak.

"Now you listen here, Mr. Lumpy Monster," he announced. "You have eaten our son Baylee and that just won’t do! So you give him back right now."

The part of the lump hear the pillow wiggled, clearly indicating that the answer was "no."

"Hmm." Brian scratched his head, then smiled. "Well, then, I guess I’ll just..." his hands crept toward the lump, "have to..." he wiggled his fingers; "tickle you!!!"

He pounced on the lump, fingers flying. The lump shrieked with child-like laughter.

"Give him back, Lumpy! Give my Baylee back!"

"No!" The lump laughed.

"I’ll tickle you more!" he threatened.

Leighanne bounced on the other side of the lump and joined in the attack.

"Give my boy back," she demanded.

The tickling and laughing continued for nearly a minute until -

"Mommy!" it gasped. "Daddy! Stop!"

The parents stopped at once and Leighanne pulled back the blanket to see Baylee red-faced and gasping for breath.

"Baylee, you’re back!" she cried.

"Silly mommy," Baylee replied once he could breathe again. "I didn’t go anywhere."

"But there was a lump on the bed and you had disappeared," Brian remarked.

"Nuh-uh! I was here the whole time!"

Brian just grinned and pulled his son into a hug. He’d loved these "Lump Monster" games since he was younger than Baylee. And now that it had passed onto the next generation, he would enjoy them again, but as the recipient of the "attacks."

But when would the next Lump Monster attack come?