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Author's Chapter Notes:

This one's stupid. He made us interview a classmate then write an entry in like an essay format. I interviewed some junior I didn't even know. She shouldn't have been in our class anyway. It was a senior english class... and besides, she never turned in her research paper so I think she failed anyway. loser.

and if i remember correctly, my whole interview was about my obsession with the Backstreet Boys lmao

Everyone has unique ways of passing time and creating excitment. For Stephanie Holste, video games have been a passtime for many years. Since she was a little girl, Stephanie has been playing video games. "I didn't have many female friends because my friends didn't live near me, so I hung out with my brother's friends." Because of this circle of friends, her interests in video games evolved.

In time, her desire to play expanded, but it also became useful. Refering to her atheletic abilities, "It helps my reflexes and my hand-eye coordination." Furthmore, Stephanie perfers games that deal with strategey and role playing because it helps her think and forces her to use her brian.

Some of Stephanie's favorite games are Final Fantasy, Zelda, Animal Crossing and Mario games. When asked what her desired video game of her creation would be she said it would be a combination of all her favorite games.