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Jesse's POV

Have you ever wondered what life would be like if you didn't have any friends? The boring nights sitting at home thinking you could be anywhere else but here, having a good time, having no one to talk to you, or leaning on a shoulder to cry on. Did you know there are actually people out there who DON'T have any friends? People shut them out for what they wear, what they do, or what they say. They never take only 5 minutes to even talk to them. It's sad. They are so lonely and so heartbroken, because they don't have any friends, they end up doing crazy things. Ending up getting in trouble. They give up to soon, which shouldn't be done. Wishes will soon be granted and you never know, a special friend might fall right into your lap. Have you ever heard that saying that goes, ' If you stop looking for love, you'll find it? Or it will find you? ' That's the same way with friendships. You stop looking, then all of a sudden it finds you. But you're so distant and bitter, you turn them away and leave the other sadden by your actions, with you not knowing you hurt them, just like you were. That's the problem with today's young folk. You're too blind to see it.

I never had to experience this. And I hope I never do and I'm grateful I haven't. It saddens me that people can go through that. I honestly think you can't get through life without friends. Who will be there to catch you when you fall? Honestly, you'll be like a sitting duck with out them.

Now...this all leads to my friendship with a very very close friend. My best friend. My brother. Aaron Carter. We have been friends, since as long as I can remember. We became best friends years before we both became famous. Which is really special. We share this special bond that know one knows about. The bond only a best friend could have. We have been through thick and thin and we always come out alright. Even when he was going through all the drama with his family. Even though I never knew what he was going through, I was there. Every time he turned around, hoping I'll be there, I was. I was the one who catched him when he fell. Every single time. I can't even imagine myself not lending a helping hand. I'm not the kind of person, who will just walk on by, ignore his outstretched hand and pleases, telling me to help him. I would be there, grasping that hand and never letting go.

Never take a your friends for granted....because you never know when you are going to lose them. When that day comes, don't fret. Cherish the moments you've had with that person. Smile and laugh at every memory. Cry when you have to, but don't despair. This is life, you only live once, which means you will be united again.

On a warm summer night, my best friend was taken from me. A car going 100 miles an hour can ruin everything. You're life, you're future....everything. Once it crashes head on into the other car, everything stops and all you want is a remote where you can rewind or fast ward so you would skip the dreadful feeling when you get when something bad happens to someone you love.

And that's how Aaron died. He never knew he made a difference in my life. But I did. Even though he's gone, our friendship would live on and on. Aaron was my brother....my best friend....and this is our story.