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Author's Chapter Notes:
I know, I'm sorry...it's been forever, since I've updated. I'm sorry that this chapter is a little shorter, than usual, but there is only one more chapter after this!!!
I stared up, at the immense building, wondering what was in store, this time. Hearing, another explosion, made my heart jump. Who knows how many people have been killed, so far. Was there ever going to really be an end, to this? I mean, what are the odds of all these people getting killed or locked up? There is always going to be a relation or friend…you know? Am I going to be dealing with this, for the rest of my life, or what? Okay…that thought alone, just ruined my entire day!

“High this snot, Bumblebee.” AJ’s eyebrows furrowed and I could see the fear and anxiousness in his eyes…it matched mine. Besides our communication, while I was in the WPP, we hadn’t actually spoken our code in years!! It was amazing that we could still remember it, to begin with.

“Ho hashneko hooch nay fragadelous, Silver Ring.” I smiled weakly. He attempted to return the favor and we gave each other a brief ‘guy hug’. “No matter what, man.”

“No matter what, Nick.” He nodded, as we drew in deep breaths. Yanking on the large door, we gained access to the warehouse. The entire room was empty and very dark.

“Over here!” The voice scared the crap out of me. I felt AJ jump a little, too, as we whipped around looking for the voice. My breath was knocked from my lungs, when a large duffel bag was thrown at my chest. My hands rose up, and caught it, as the man came into the small stream of light, that came from the open door.

“What the…?” I gasped, finally finding my breath, again.

“Deliver it. 265 South Bend Alley. You better make it timely. Oh and remember…If, sir, you, sir, chose to chew, sir, with the Goo-Goose, chew, sir. Do, sir.”

“What the fuck?” AJ raised an eyebrow. The guy just shoved us, out the door, and slammed it shut. “That’s juuuust fuckin peachy.”

“Let’s move…he didn’t even give us a time. It’s probably five minutes, or some stupid shit.” AJ was actually right along with me, as I picked up pace, and began to run. Rounding the end corner, we tried to hail a cab…yeah…it didn’t work.

“Fuck it!” AJ scoffed, running across the street. He started trying the handles on various cars, so I joined in. We scampered up the street, trying every car, in sight.

“Over here!” I yelled, a couple minutes later, motioning to the silver Mustang. I crouched down and proceeded to work on hot wiring the car. “Come on…come on…” I was becoming more irritated, as I coaxed the car, to fire.

“The other wire, dude.” AJ offered advice, as he sat in the passenger seat. “There it is! Awesome, Bumblebee.” He patted my back, as I slipped into the driver’s seat.

“Let’s ride!” I punched the gas, and we took off, squealing the tires. I yanked the wheel, swerving around a junky truck, as the speedometer climbed higher. My heart pounded, as we flew through a red light, barely missing an 18-wheeler.

“I think I actually look up to you, right now, Bumblebee.” AJ smirked, holding onto the ‘oh-shit’ handle. “Truck comin, on the left, dude.”

“You think we’ll get in trouble, for this, Silver Ring?”

“Who knows…who cares…this kinda rocks!” He chuckled, as the car gained air, after going over a hill. I was now reaching 90, as we swerved in and out of traffic. “You know…’rocks’ in that weird ‘this is absolute fucking bull shit and I am ready to kill these fucking assholes, so I can go the fuck home’ kinda way.”

“Riiight.” I snickered, squealing the tires, as I made a turn, down a side road. “We’re almost there. I think it’s the next road up.”

“Woo freakin hoo.”

“Oh, I know, right?” I rolled my eyes, bringing the car to a sudden halt. We climbed out of the car, in time to have three guys appear and start shooting, at us! What is that? I am really getting sick of this SHIT!

“Eat lead, bitches!” AJ crouched, beside the car, popping up to shoot back. I stooped low, making my way around the car. Jumping up, I fired, catching one in the temple. Man…I have a pretty good shot! I give that credit to all my hours, playing video games…I am pretty damn good with hand, to eye, coordination!

“Come on, Silver Ring.”

“You got the ‘dise?”

“Hot and illegal!” I lifted the bag, slightly, for him to see. He took a last shot, knocking off the last guy. We, hastily, made our way, to the door. “Locked! What the…”

“Over here…the fire escape!” AJ waved me, towards him. I don’t think AJ or I have ever climbed a fire escape that fast, but we were clambering, up them, like nobody’s business. AJ kicked in a window, gaining us access to the fifth floor. Too bad, it was a bad window, to choose.

“I’m gonna blow your fuckin brains out!” We were met, by a big black dude, with a shotgun! Just our luck, I tell ya. Trust me, when I say that he did not look friendly…or reasonable.

“I’m having a real bad day…” AJ got a cocky look, on his face, and pulled his gun. He brought his arm up, lining the gun up, directly in front of the man’s face.

“Me too,” I added, raising mine, “…so eat our shit, and back, the fuck, off!”

“Alright…alright…” The man lifted his hands, as we neared him, guns getting closer to his face. He stepped aside and AJ put an elbow in the guy’s nose, as we exited the apartment.

“Which way?” AJ asked, as we got into the hallway, looking both directions.

“Beats me…the guy didn’t give us the apartment number!” We started down the hallway, looking for any possible signs, of where we were supposed to be. “Hey…you think it’s that door that says ‘Ben bends Bim’s broom. Bim bends Ben’s broom.’?”

“Well…it sure sounds like it’s the Dr.” AJ sighed. I tell ya…I person has got to be pretty sick in the head, to play these sorts of games, using the lines that come from children’s books! I shook my head, approaching the door. I lifted my hand, nervously, knocking somewhat lightly.


“If, sir, you, sir, chose to chew, sir, with the Goo-Goose, chew, sir. Do, sir?” It was more of a question, than anything. Butterflies erupted, in my stomach, threatening to overtake my entire being. The door quickly swung open, allowing us into the apartment. AJ and I walked in, slowly. The next thing I knew, I could feel something hard come down across my head causing everything, to go black.