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Story Notes:
This is going to be the original novel version of my Bsb fic of the same title... see Author's Note.
This is the "original novel" version of my Backstreet Boys fanfic Broken. I'm attempting to re-write it with the intent to possibly look into getting it published someday. That's a long way off though. Right now, I just want to see how far I get re-writing it as original fiction and see what the reaction is, so that's why I'm posting it as I go. Critiques are welcome!!

Just to explain, in this version, Nick is in high school, and he plays basketball instead of performing as a Backstreet Boy. The other Boys are in it as his friends, although, for the sake of keeping it "original fiction," I'm changing their names as follows:

Nick = Nick Harper
Brian = Logan Campbell
Kevin = Calvin Scott
AJ = JD Cleman
Howie = Ozzie O'Donnell

Aaron = Adam Harper
Leslie = Lisi Harper

The basic story will stay the same, but obviously some details have to change to de-Backstreet-ize it and give it more of a young adult novel feel. I'm completely re-writing it to make it the best it can be because I think the writing quality will be better this way, and I also think it will be easier in the long run than trying to edit the hell out of the fanfic. So it will seem totally different at the beginning, but I hope once I get into it, it will be recognizable as the same story.

Thanks in advance to anyone who reads and offers their critiques!