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Author's Chapter Notes:
Alright...I hope this is as funny for you guys, to read, as it was for me, to write. I had some fun with this chapter and hope you all like it.
Psst...enjoy the calm before the storm!
Oh, and, thanks a ton for all the feedback! You guys are great!
“So, Morgy, baby” Sean leaned forward, on the table, “are you going to help me study for Monday’s Biology exam?”

“What?” Morgan looked at him, sideways. “You’re not talking about this chapter, are you? The one we just finished?”

“Um, yeah…” Sean nodded. I sat back, looking from one to the other. This was going to end up being a very interesting conversation…I could feel it.

“Why do you, even, need help with this chapter? It should be a breeze for you two.” She looked over, to me, and then turned back to Sean.

“I’m not good in Biology, you know that.” Sean argued. I was fighting to hold back my laughter. Morgan was making the funniest faces and Sean looked, seriously, clueless.

“But…Sean,” Morgan quirked an eyebrow, “This chapter was on the male reproductive system.”


“Good grief,” I snickered, as our drinks were delivered.

“But…Sean...how could you possibly need help? I mean…it’s the male reproductive system…you have one.” Morgan looked at him with disbelief. I just continued to snicker, under my breath.

“That doesn’t mean I understand how it works. Well…I understand how it works, obviously…” he nodded down, towards his lap. I rested my elbows on the table and covered my face with one hand. This was leading to a bad, bad place. Sean wasn’t, exactly, known for being discreet, about things. “I mean…all you gotta do is find the right speed and…”

“EEW! Shut up Sean!” Morgan waved her hands in front of her face.

“She’s right, Sean,” I finally piped up. Someone had to, try to, put an end to this. “First of all, you shouldn’t, really, need any help on the subject. Secondly, you don’t need to share what you do know.”

“Well, I have to tell you guys because you’re my best friends! And, I can assure you that I know how, at least one part of, it works.”

“O my gosh, SEAN! You’ve used it?!? No! Don’t answer that…I don’t wanna know!” Morgan threw her hands in the air and turned her head, to look in the other direction. This was getting pretty comical, but, now our food was arriving. I just hoped that no one was listening in.

“No I haven’t used it…not like that. I’m as much of a ‘V’ as you guys are. I’ve just…you know…”

“Okay, seriously, I don’t care about your snake charming habits. That’s gross! Didn’t you guys get ‘the talk’? Between that, and the week we spent discussing the chapter, you guys should know yourself, inside and out…literally.” She lifted an eyebrow, stealing a fry from the plate in front of me. I cut both sandwiches, in half, and swapped half my burger with half of her chicken.

“Hey…I got the talk from Nick…you can imagine what kind of mess that was!” I shook my head, at the memory. I don’t think I have ever, in my life, seen a man stutter as much at Nick did, that day. I shook a fry as I continued, “I think the poor guy confused himself more, by trying to explain it to me.”

“It’s not as bad as when I got it from my mom. You remember that, Bay?”

“Oh yeah!” I smirked at Sean, remembering the day it happened. He had called me right after it all went down. “She caught you and decided it was time.” I started laughing and the look on Morgan’s face just fueled it more.

“I don’t think I have ever seen her cheeks that red before, or after, that! She stuttered for almost 10 minutes before she blurted something about giving me ‘the talk’. Besides, you’re one to talk…Nick gave you the talk after he caught you!”

“It was a little different, Sean. You’re mom caught you during the act! Nick just…sorta…walked in afterwards.”

“OKAY! Enough! I don’t want to hear another word about either of you doing anything to, any part of…yourselves!” her shoulders shuddered, as she shook her head. See? I told you that this conversation would get interesting! Sean and I tend to forget that our other best friend is a girl. We, kind of, just keep talking as if she were one of the guys.

“Sorry, Morgan,” I shrugged, apologetically.

“But, you can’t blame us. I mean, you are our other best friend. If we didn’t tell you everything, it would be like leaving you out and that’s not fair.” Sean reasoned. Morgan got a weird glint in her eyes as she rested her chin, on her folded hands.

“Good point, Sean. Since we’re looking at it that way…I have got to tell you guys…my PMS is killer this month! I am so bloated that I feel like a beached whale and my cramps are kicking in, big time. Don’t even get me started on my chocolate cravings, this month! I swear, I’ve already gained an extra pound…just from yesterday! Not to mention…”

“OKAY! We get it!” I blurted, throwing my hands up, in defeat.

“Eeeeeew, you’re on your...GROSS!!!” Sean scrunched his nose.

“No, I’m not, Sean…PMS is PRE-menstrual syndrome. Give me a couple days and I will be, though.” Morgan had a smirk of satisfaction, plastered, on her face. She was enjoying this, entirely, too much! I hate it when she makes her points, like this.

“Alright…some things shouldn’t be shared. We get it. Don’t we, Sean?” I looked at him, expecting his agreement.

“Right…no more talking, to Morgan, about jerking off…got it.” Sean nodded. His statement caused me to laugh and Morgan to choke a little. I patted her back and she threw a fry that stuck to Sean’s forehead.

The rest of lunch went pretty uneventful. We talked more about school and Kevin’s progress. Honestly, I had tuned out during the counseling session, so Morgan had to fill me in on what was said. At any rate, it wasn’t too long before we had gone to get our stuff, and met back at Morgan’s house. Yes, she was going to help us study. I think Sean was faking it, just, because he enjoyed seeing Morgan get frustrated, which is rather funny. He spent the whole time coming up with new names, and repeating old ones, for it, causing Morgan to blush every time.

“What about wammer hammer?” Sean snickered, loudly. “Oooo! I’m gonna name our new cat Fluffy Lopart. Get it? Fluffy Low-part…and it’s a cat. A pussy cat named…” he cut off as he rolled to his side, laughing. I had to admit, that was pretty comical. You know, Sean reminds me, a little bit, of AJ.

“Alright…you guys have to leave. It’s getting late and I can’t handle any more of the dumb jokes.” Morgan rubbed her temple and sighed at, about half after…

“Holy Snickers bar! It’s after 10! Nick told me to be home at 10, I have got to hurry!” I started shoving my stuff, into my bag, and jumped to my feet.

“Shouldn’t you call Nick and let him know that we lost track of time and you’re on your way?” Morgan stood up and walked behind me, towards the front door.

“No, I just have to get home before he realizes it!” I gave her a quick hug and rushed out the door. I was so stupid to have forgotten my cell at home. Oh well, he was probably too busy working, to even notice. It’s just too bad, for me, that I was completely wrong. I got home to find Nick, waiting for me, by the front door and he did not look happy!