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Author's Chapter Notes:
Hey guys. Sorry it's been so long, and sorry it's another shorter chapter. I'm trying to get myself back to writing more regularly, so wish me luck, LOL. Thank you all so much for sticking with the story and for all your reviews. I will be responding to the great reviews from the last chapter, tomorrow! I love you guys!
Connection. Her lips were on mine…mine on hers…I was really kissing my best friend! Her lips felt as soft as they looked, and the kiss matched that softness. It was sweet and slow…almost…romantic? Her head was now lying back on the pillow as I hovered over her, our lips still in time with each other and my fingers tangled in her hair. My brain had ceased its objection toward the kiss…mainly because my brain had completely stopped functioning, all together. Was that normal?

“WHOA! Hot damn, Bay LEE!” Neither of us had heard the knock, nor had we noticed the door opening, but AJ’s voice sure snapped us back to reality. I nearly jumped out of my skin and immediately flew off the bed, looking from him, to Morgan’s stunned face, then back to him.

“JayJay…hey…uh…we were…just…um…” Seriously. How embarrassing was this? Like the after effects of kissing Morgan wasn’t going to be awkward enough, without AJ’s help! I could feel the blush slowly burning up my cheeks as I fumbled for some kind of explanation for what he had just walked in on. Too bad it was pretty self explanatory. It’s not like we were practicing for a play, or something, and AJ surely knew that.

“Yeah…” If I could slap the smirk off his face, and get away with it…I totally would, right now! “…having a total make out session…that’s what you were doing! You better ask Nick if he can spare a condom.” My jaw hit the floor and I knew Morgan had to be just as red as I was. We just kissed…that’s it…we weren’t even old enough for…well…you know.

“AJ! Shut up man!” Oh yeah…there was a brilliant response! Sometimes I can be so lame. I quickly walked over and tried shoving him out of my room, but naturally I wasn’t getting very far with my efforts. Just as my luck would have it, Nick came walking up and all I could do was groan. I took a quick glance at Morgan, who was now sitting up, hugging my pillow with her head ducked and a bright red flush covering her cheeks. How embarrassing could this get?

“Yo, Nick! You’ll never guess what I just walked in on!” Once again, I tried shoving AJ out the door, attempting to close it at the same time. But now, Nick had stepped into the room, too, and was accessing the situation.

“Uh…the two kids talking?” Nick had that typical confused look, of his, as AJ slung an arm over his shoulders. That grin was still plastered on his face and it was starting to dig under my skin like crazy.

“Come on, AJ….just drop it, ok?”

“Bay Bay here was half on top of Morgan and their lips were locked as tight as a bank vault!”

“It wasn’t like that! Get out of my room!” I was to the point of being desperate, to get rid of them. Nick’s expression now matched AJ’s and this was getting worse. Why do adults have to embarrass us kids like this, anyways?!? It’s like they get some kind of natural high from it, or something.

“Whoa….wait…these two? Kissing?” Another groan escaped from my throat and my brows wrinkled in the center as Nick now let his gaze dart between me and Morgan. “Well I’ll be damned!” If I wasn’t mistaken, Nick seemed to look very pleased about the events.

“Baylee and Morgan…sittin’ in a tree…”

“Oh real mature AJ! Please…just go!” This time, my efforts proved fruitful as both men turned to walk back down the hallway. The embarrassment wasn’t quite over because after Nick yelled that food was ready, they both continued the childish song…singing it at the top of their lungs. Slamming the door shut did the trick of blocking their voices, and I slowly turned to face her, shoving my hands into my pockets.

“They uh…they’ll never…let us live this down…huh?” Her voice was hardly above a whisper and her gaze was fixed on her fidgeting hands. This was, by far, the most embarrassing moment of my life, but I felt worse for Morgan. She was so sensitive to this kind of thing and her feelings were so easily hurt.

“You know them as well as I do, Morgs.” I moved over to sit beside her, the air seemed so tense…so awkward…so…weird. “I’m sorry. You uh…you really don’t…have to stay…if you don’t want to. Eating with them…is going to be…embarrassing and…probably near unbearable.”

“No. It’s ok. After all these years…I have learned to ignore them…sort of. If I leave…you know it will just…make it worse. We are still best friends, right? It’s better to just…face the music now…instead of putting it off.” Here I was…wanting to run as far away as I could, and hide for…a few years…but she was being all rational, ready to face the problem head on. I guess girls do mature faster than boys…well…at least Morgan does.

“Alright. Only if you’re sure. I mean…they’re going to be…uh…”

“Relentless. And persistent.” Her head bobbed with a slight nod, as she let out a breath and stood up, rubbing her hands down her jeans. She still hadn’t looked at me. Yeah. This was definitely going to make everything awkward for, at least, a few days…maybe weeks…but hopefully not forever.

“Yeah. That.” Okay, I sounded pathetic. It was just a kiss, for pete sake. Best friends always kiss in the movies and it doesn’t destroy…aw man…it doesn’t wreck the friendship because the friends end up together in those movies! To say I was mentally slapping myself would be the understatement of the year. I had made a bad move. A very very bad move!

“Come on, Bay. We should go down there. Otherwise they will think we’re…”

“...kissing….again.” My mind was drifting, as I stood up, back to those movies. Was it really possible that Morgan and I would…ever…? Nah. We were just best friends. That’s all we would ever be. Not that, I suppose, dating her would be that bad, really. I mean, she is a great person…loving, sweet, caring, smart, pretty, talented, funny…oh no! Was I really thinking…I have got to stop these thoughts!

“Although…they are going to think that every time we are alone, now.” Following her down the stairs, I watched her curls bounce, remembering how soft they felt, wrapped around my fingers. And…now I was mentally telling myself to “shut up”. Where were all these thoughts suddenly coming from? Ans why won’t they go away?

“Great. Just what we need. A group of spies, trying to catch us making out.”

“We after that, I don’t blame them. You were totally sucking my face like a Hoover vac.” Her comment and following giggle caught me off guard, as we entered the dinning room to see Nick, AJ and Riley waiting for us.

“So that’s how it’s gonna go down, huh Morgs? Well as least I don’t kiss like a fish!” I stuck my tongue out at her, just as we took our seats. I could feel my cheeks starting to heat up again, and I was sure hers were too. Teasing each other about the kiss, to avoid them embarrassing us more, was a good strategy…but would it work?

“From what I saw, you were both pretty equal in the face sucking department.” AJ chuckled, only to be shut up with an elbow in the side, from Riley. HA! At least she would keep AJ in line. That meant we only had to deal with Nick’s comments…not that I was looking forward to it.

“So…” Nick’s smirk faded, and he was looking between us, with a serious look etched on his face. “Are you two going to start dating, or what? You can’t tell me that after you two finally kiss…that you’re going to just play it off and stay friends…are you?”

“Nicky’s got a point. We’ve had bets about this kiss for the last four years.”

“You men are ridiculous. Leave the poor kids alone and eat your dinner. Placing bets on when kids are going to kiss? That’s just childish.” Riley plopped some potatoes on AJ’s plate before passing me the bowl. “Eat.”

I was under the very wrong assumption that my life was getting back to some form of normalcy. After the road trip, things were looking great. Now I was just all confused about a different matter. Great. My life should be a sitcom…it has enough drama in it.

Why would they place bets on when Morgan and I would kiss? Were the movies right…that a guy and a girl really can’t remain best friends? That they always hook up, at some point? How did I feel about the idea of getting with her anyways? And what about Allison? I couldn’t just ditch her, because of one kiss I had with Morgan. Besides, I didn’t even know what Morgan thought of the kiss. Maybe she hated it. Maybe she thought it was sloppy or gross! She might even think I’m the worst kisser ever. It’s not like she really liked me more than a friend anyways, right?