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“You’re drunk.” She glared at his disheveled appearance and invasion into her pleasant evening already well under way with a girl friend. She’d told him to come over when she heard how distraught he was. She was not, however, expecting this. This was not the man she knew. Who was this idiot standing on her stoop?

“I know…please. Trust me…let me in.” Please, I’m about to fall over.

“You’re not coming in here drunk, you son of a bitch.”

“Lani…I’m sorry…you’ve got to listen to me.”

“I can’t believe you’d show up here at 1 in the morning totally shit faced. What’s the matter with you!?”

“Lani…please…I’ve not…just…god, don’t push me away too.” He rested his arm on the door frame and followed suit with his head. She couldn’t push him away…he’d lose everything. How could this all have happened in a matter of days? Nothing made sense any more.

Something was going on besides an apparent drunken booty call. Against her better judgment, she let him in, but no further than her foyer. “You need to puke, you do it outside, understand?”

“I’m not sick…I just need you to come with me.”

Another female peeked in on the scene, excusing her presence with her eyes. “Lani…go on. I’ll take Rosalie home with me.”

Solana looked between her two friends, not sure what was going on, feeling like she was the only one in the dark. Not a place she liked to be. She shoved a chair under Nick and told him to sit down while she spoke privately to her friend.

“Katy…you don’t have to do this. I don’t know what he’s doing here.”

“I don’t either, but Lani, look at him.” They both did and he looked up lazily and waved, the alcohol wearing off slowly. “Something is up and that’s why he’s drunk. Maybe he came by before he does something stupid.”

“Since when am I the savior of the damned?”

“Since you cared. Now, stop bitching and let me take Rosalie. Go…” Katy pushed her friend to the door, picking up her purse along the way. “I’ll pack her a bag and lock up. Do whatever you need to do. She’ll never know what happened.”

Solana looked to Katy one more time for assurance that she was doing the right thing. Going god-knows-where with a drunk man, and her with a couple of Margarita’s in her as well. This could lead nowhere good. “Go. Rosalie’s fine and you’re fine. He needs you.”

“Please, Lani…the cab’s waiting.”

“Yeah, okay…thanks, Katy.”

And with that she was out in the cab, heading…where? “Where are we going, Nick?”

“My place…you’re not gonna to believe this.” He leaned over, resting his head on the door wishing the alcohol would last a little longer. He could already feel again and honestly, he wasn’t ready for that.

She said nothing else, but took hold of his hand and rubbed it between hers. Katy was right. Something besides too much alcohol was up. He wouldn’t have come by otherwise.

Keeping his head on the door, he looked over to her and offered a weak smile. At least he hadn’t lost her. It felt like he’d lost everything else in a matter of days. He didn’t know why. Nothing made sense. But, feeling her hand in his, knowing that even though he showed up at 1 am in this state, she trusted him anyway…that helped. He’d get through this.

“Okay, buddy. This is it, right?”

Nick finally lifted his head and saw his home…be that as it may. It suddenly didn’t feel like home anymore. “Yeah, thanks.” He scrounged around his pocket for some cash and tossed it up front, grabbing Solana’s hand as he got out. “I’m sorry to have pulled you into this, Lani…I don’t know what else to do.”

“It’s okay, Nick…just show me what you need to. Whatever it is, we’ll fix it, alright?”

He handed her his key, knowing full well he couldn’t focus enough to get it to work right. Before she opened the door, he stopped her. “I think I blew it, Lani…I’m so sorry.”

“You blew nothing…now come on. What’s in here that has you so upset?”


Solana wiped Nick’s brow with a cold cloth as he sat back on the bathroom floor. Seeing everything again combined with the loads of liquor in his system finally did its number on him. And now, he was totally humiliated at having upchucked in front of Solana. Could this day get any worse?

“You okay?” She handed him the washcloth as she flushed…poor guy.

“Oh yeah, just great…let’s invite some people over and we’ll have a party.”

“Eh, looks like someone already had a party without you. We need another plan.”

“Mmm.” Nick closed his eyes and leaned back against the wall. He just wanted to rewind the past few days. Was that too much to ask?

“You’re sure there’s no forced entry?”

“Did you see any?”

“No…I’m just trying to ignore the obvious. It’s ugly.”

“You’re telling me.”

“This makes no sense, Nick. You bailed on one fucking game. He…Ben…he loves you! Why would he do this for one…dammit.” She couldn’t sit anymore. Her anger was boiling and she had to move. Had to do…something. “You alright? I need to pace or something.”

“Yeah, go on. I’ll be out in a minute.”

Nick watched her go and groaned as his stomach turned again. He sat for a few moments, hoping it’d pass and when he felt it had, slowly got up to try and wash away the gross feeling surrounding him. He threw cold water on his face and brushed his teeth, never looking in the mirror again. His reflection felt like one of the enemies. He’d tried to run again. When would he learn?

Meeting her in the office, he had to chuckle as she sat on the floor in the middle of the mess. “What are you doing?”

“Thinking.” She put down the stack of papers she’d collected and sighed. “They stole nothing?”

“Nothing that I’ve seen, no. But I’m still going to have to replace a lot.”

“But nothing’s gone?”

“Nope. Just like at the school. At least the peckers didn’t use spray paint this time.”

“You think there was more than one?”

“Oh yeah…this was a huge job. Too big for one of ‘em.”

“How’d they get past security?”

“Ben knew my code. I trust-…I trust-…God DAMMIT!” He knew he’d been too calm about this…and now he’d had it. Slamming his fist into the door frame, he finally got a little out. And was now in pain. Yeah, the day could get worse.

“Nick! Baby…stop! Please!” She got up and wrapped an arm around him, holding his now throbbing hand and led him to the living room, pushing papers and debris out of the way so he could sit. “Don’t make it worse, now…come on.”

Making sure he wasn’t getting up, she went into the kitchen for ice. Of course, the freezer had been open for hours, so there was none to be had. Finding a wash cloth, she soaked it with ice cold water and hoped it’d be enough for now. “Wrap this around your hand.”

“Thanks…why did he do this!?”

“I don’t know…there has to be more to it, although nothing justifies this mess. Nothing at all.” She knelt down beside him helping him hold the cloth to his hand, rubbing his legs, trying to calm him down. His breathing was ragged and he was looking more ill than he had when he showed up on her front porch.

“I can’t believe I was so stupid.”

“Listen to me, Nick. This is not your fault. I would have trusted Ben with something like your code…absolutely. He’s a changed boy. Miracles have happened inside of him and you are a huge reason for it. You can not blame yourself.”

“Well, I do. And then, I go and do the same thing…something goes wrong and I run to my old habits. Just like him. I’m no better than he is.”

“You stopped yourself. You came for help.”

“Yeah, sucking you into it…”

“Nick. Stop! I’d rather find out this way than in my office. This isn’t just a client screwing up. This is a friend hurting.”

He finally found the strength to look at her. In her. Amazing. No one cared for idiots like this, did they? He felt so foolish. “I don’t cry, Lani.”

“It’s okay if you do, Nick…I won’t blow your cover.”

Nick looked around at the mess surrounding him and just shook his head. He had changed so much in the last six months. Ben had changed…everyone had. Their lives were different now and only for the better. Ben was willing to throw it all away on one stupid baseball game?

“Do I have to call the cops?”

“No. But you might want to…for insurance.”

“Fuck the money. Anything they ruined is replaceable…I don’t care.”

“He needs to be held accountable. He and his helpers.”

“You think Steve is one of them?”

“I’d bet my life on it. Steve was always somehow involved in any trouble Ben found. I always hunched he was the brains behind it all.”

“He’s been messin’ with Ben a lot…always making a point of how much money I have. It’s almost like he’s been plotting this.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised.”

“There’s no way to report him and not Ben is there?”




“I need to sleep…I can’t deal with this any more.”

“Where are your keys?”

“Basket by the phone over…well, where the phone used to be. Jesus Christ.” Nick laid his head back on the couch and let her get up to find the keys. He just wanted to sleep.

“Come on, big guy…you sleep at my house tonight. Let’s just hope my feet reach the pedals of that penis mobile you drive.”

“What!? Penis mobile?”

“Shut up and walk, Carter. I’ll explain in the morning.”


“Nick! You’re back!” Liz jumped up in his arms, acting as though she hadn’t seen him for weeks. It felt like weeks had passed in only a few days, but…it had really only been days. Lousy days.

“Yep…get Jack and Kitty. I brought presents.”

“What about Ben?”

“His is at the house.”

“Oh…he’s been mean anyway. He doesn’t deserve any gifts.”

“He has, huh?” Putting her back down, he whispered in her ear. “Did you bite him?”



“What? He bit me back…so we’re even.” And that was enough explanation for her. She ran out back, calling in Jack and just as quickly found Kitty in their bedroom.

Gifts were given, hugs were shared and Nick felt like Santa Claus. Liz couldn’t stop looking at the picture of the castle that was going to arrive any day and Kitty popped one of her CD’s in their boom box immediately, smiling as though the band were right there in her living room performing live. Jack had already dumped the contents of one of his boxes and was putting pieces together, making a pile of plastic pieces miraculously morph into a giant robot.

And then, all movement ceased.

“Oh…I didn’t know you’d be here today.”

“Yeah…had some gifts from my trip. I left yours at the house though…you free?”

“Um…I suppose…maybe. I’d uh, yeah. Lemme ask mom.”

Liz looked up from her princess and picture into Nick’s eyes. “What’s wrong with Ben, Nick?”

“I dunno, Liz. Maybe you need to ask him.” He was having trouble hiding his rage. But, for the other sibs, he had to. This did not concern them in the least.

Fortunately, she really didn’t care. Ben was a moody kid…so it was easy to dismiss him. Jack was too involved to even look up, which was good. He’d see through everyone. Kitty saw. Kitty noticed. And then went back to her music, not wanting to know what was going on. Nick was mad. Ben was nervous. This could mean nothing but trouble.

“Okay, Mom says I can go.”

“Good, come on.”

“Why couldn’t you have just brought it here?”

“Because I need to show you something. It’s at the house.”

Ben stopped walking and sat on the couch. He didn’t want to go. “You know, I don’t want to. You can bring it next time.”

“Nope…come on. I need you to come with me.” Don’t push me, kid. I’m about to blow as it is.


“Ben…” Nick fired his glare straight through Ben’s eyes into his heart. “You need to come with me. The alternative is no good.”

“Shit…yeah, yeah. Okay.” He grabbed a bandana sitting on the coffee table and tied it around his head as he walked out. “Whatchu got your nuts in a knot about anyway?”

“My nuts are fine, Ben. I just want you to see something. Don’t make this a big deal.”

Ben couldn’t sit still the entire drive in. He flinched when they passed Nick’s security gate and the guard waved them in. He wanted to run, jump, flee. Get the hell out of the truck. But, when Nick pulled into the garage, he couldn’t move.

“You okay, Ben? Seem nervous today.”

“Huh? Oh…yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Just fine.” If wishing that an anvil would fall from the heavens and smash you dead was fine, yeah. He was fine.

“Good…come on in. There’s something I wanna show you.”