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Ciara pulled away from him, getting up from their comfortable spot on the chaise and walked away. No, he couldn’t be saying such things. He had no idea what he was saying or what he’d be getting himself into. She wasn’t ready for this talk. She was not ready. “Nick, you don’t know what you’re saying.”

“Yeah, Cici, I think I do. I’ve thought a lot about this, and I know…someday…”

“NO! Stop! Please!”

“Why are you doing this, Ci? Why do you pull away like this? I’m not proposing to you. I’m just saying…”

“Well you need to quit ‘just saying’, Nick. You need to just get the idea totally out of your head.”

“Why!? You’ve done nothing but push me away since I got back from LA last month. We haven’t made love in…in weeks. What the hell happened that’s making you shut me out?”

“Nothing, Nick. It’s nothing you’ve done. It’s…it’s nothing.”

“Bullshit. We’ve pansied around this for too long. I sat there in your kitchen and listened to every word you had to dish out to me about the…the…” He couldn’t even say it. He was still so humiliated he’d lowered himself to that again. But, if he was going to expect her to be honest with him, he’d have to be honest as well. “….the drugs. I never told you I didn’t want to hear anymore. I listened, I took in everything and I realized what an idiot I had been.”

“I know, and I appreciate that, Nick. I really do.”

“Now it’s your turn, Ciara. You now know everything. Every god damned ugly part of myself. I had a drug problem. I used. I got treatment. I used again last tour and I used again once I got home. I never got out of control again, but I went back to my stupid behavior and leaned on something rather than myself or someone who could help me. You found out, you told me where to take my sorry ass if I didn’t get it fixed and let me decide.”

“And your decision?”

“Is you. Me and you. I’m not gonna do it again, Ci. Partially because I don’t want to lose you, but mostly…because I don’t wanna lose me.”

She turned from her spot on the porch, arms still crossed, message of closure still being sent, but broke the barrier a bit with a smile. She knew this evening was the moment to make or break their future. But, no matter which way it went, just hearing that, she knew he’d be okay. His decision to stay clean was for him. This was good. “I’m glad to hear that, Nick. I knew you’d reach that point.”

“Now it’s time for me to make an ultimatum. You can’t push me away anymore, Ci.”

She turned back around, not able to look at him, not wanting to hear this. Do or die. Make or break. Fight or flight. It was too much.

Wanting to be assured he had her full attention, he walked to her and ran a hand through her hair, causing her to meet her sad green eyes with his scared, worried blue. “Half of my life has been with you in it. Half of my life. I don’t know what life is like without you in it and I never want to know that. But, Ciara…I can’t keep this up.

I can’t just be your toy. I can’t just be your caretaker. I can’t just be your companion when you’re lonely. That worked for awhile, but now…you have to see that everything’s different. Please tell me you see that.”

“Yeah, Nick. I do.”

“Then I need you to…open up. Let me in. All the way. Tell me what to do to break through that goddamned wall you’ve spent so long building.”

“I’m scared, Nick.”

“It’s okay. We’re partners now. I know that. We’ll work it out.”

“Don’t promise that. You don’t know.”

“Then tell me so I will. No more hiding, Ci. No more.”

“Can we take a walk and talk? I’m about to jump out of my skin.”

“Yeah, sure…whatever. You want to go back to my place and we’ll head out to the beach?”

She thought about that for a minute. She couldn’t run then and neither could he. Yeah. That might be good. They’d have to finish this out. Take their time if ‘good-bye’ was really going to be their parting words. “Yeah, let’s go there.”


Ciara had gone over this scenario in her mind so many times, she should be able to just close her eyes and make it all pour out. But now that it was here, now that she was laying next to Nick, propping themselves back on their elbows, toes digging into the sand, the quiet rush of the surf rolling in, feeling more love for him and from him than she could imagine, she suddenly felt completely incapable of spitting it out. She had to; she would. Whether it would make any sense or not…well, that was another tale altogether.

“First, I’m sorry for pushing you away. Physically, emotionally…I’m sorry. I’ve done it to every man in my life and lucky you…I didn’t want you to feel left out.”

“I think I could have handled missing that little adventure.”

“Yeah…I bet you could have.”

She leaned over and rested her head on his arm wishing this was over, scared for it to actually be. “I’m so sorry Nick.”

“I know…”

“That’s not what you wanna hear, though, is it?”

“Not totally, no.”

“Hmmm…was hopin’ I could eke out of this.”


Stubborn mule. Fine. “Okay, let me go back in time. Way back.” She sat up and turned to face him, sitting “Indian style” with her knees resting against his thighs.

“Okay. How far back we talkin’ here?”

“Remember the Disney trip way back? Lindsey showed up with Kevin and I had no idea? You guys had just come back from a jaunt in Europe…”

“Yeah, the one where I stuck my foot in my mouth.”

“Yep, that one. How old were we then? You were 16? 17? Yeah…cuz I was 21.”

“Jeez, seems like a lifetime ago.”

“Yeah, in many, many ways it was. Only one other person…well, three other people know about this. And I need it to stay that way.”

“Yeah, sure…” Now he was getting nervous. What the hell?

“Okay…please tell me this isn’t about that!?”

“No, no…not at all. I’m just trying to get the time frame right in my mind too…where you were and stuff.”


She stopped. Fear gripped her and she couldn’t speak. Looking up to him, she smiled sheepishly as her eyes met his. He knew. Had he been forced into spilling his shit with her like this, he knew the fear he’d have had. As it was, he was caught. But he knew. Sitting up and turning so their knees met, he took her hands in his. “I’m here, Ci…I’m here. Just talk.”

Nodding, she took a deep breath. “Okay…do you know why Dwayne and I quit seeing each other?”

“He showed up stoned didn’t he?”

“Yeah, but, uh…I saw him now and again after that too.”

“Oh…I guess I didn’t realize that.”

“I know. That was on purpose. I was being an idiot.”

“Been known to happen.”

“Thank you, dear…anyway, so uh, he’d come over and you know…even though…well anyway, sometimes when you’re not careful, mistakes happen.”


“Like unexpected pregnancies.”

Nick’s eyes bugged out of his head. No way. “Pregnan-…Cici? You!?”

“Yeah, Nick. Me. Pregnant. This was not too long after my thymectomy and right before my eye surgery. My health was in the toilet as it was. Then I got stupid and got pregnant.”

“How come no one ever…”

“Well, that’s where it gets fun…and that’s when I decided that…because of how I handled it and…and everything…that I didn’t deserve…that no one should ever…” She sighed again, not wanting to cry so early on in this discussion, but she was losing out to the emotions she’d bottled up for so many years.

“What happened, Ci?”

“I went to the doc like a good little nurse should. They not only confirmed the pregnancy, but they even let me hear the baby’s heartbeat.” There went a tear. She could still hear it…just like it was yesterday. “I was pretty far into it before I went to the doc because I just didn’t want to face the truth.”

“Yeah, I can imagine doing that…you had to be petrified…almost ready to graduate…”

“Yep…and sicker than a dog anyway…

So, I hear the baby’s heartbeat. It’s real. Like…it sounds like a washing machine. Shook, shook. Shook, shook.”


“Yeah, cool. Until I go see my regular doc. He looks at my chart, checks all of my blood levels and things…kidneys, blood pressure, all of it…and he basically tells me there is no way I can carry this baby safely. For me or for the baby.”


“So, the two doctors talked and I had to make a decision. Risk it or…”

“Or? Or what?”

“Or end it. You add my Catholic upbringing into the mix, and even though I don’t practice my religion, it’s still in me, you know?”

“Totally…so, you had an abortion?”

“Yeah, Nick. They called it a ‘medical termination,’ but the asshole sent me to a standard abortion clinic and everything. I was treated like a common street whore who’d gotten knocked up again and…” Tears. Lots of them. Slowly started sliding out of her eyes but were eventually wracking her to the point where she could barely talk. But she didn’t stop. Now that she had started and gotten over the first hurdle of what she had to tell Nick, she just couldn’t stop.

Nick tried to wrap his arms around her to help her calm down so she could continue, but she pushed him away. “No…I need to…just let me go here. Please.”

“Okay…okay…it’s fine, Cici…it’s fine. I’m so sorry I didn’t know…I couldn’t have been there for you.”

“Well, yeah. I’d have never told you this then, honey. You were 16 years old. You couldn’t have handled this.”

“I could have…I could…”

“No. No one could. Everyone ran.”

“Everyone? You did this alone? Where the hell was Dwayne? It was his kid too!”

“Yeah, I know. He said he’d show but didn’t. Lindsey said she’d sit with me once I got home, but had ‘a headache’ and never bothered. Turns out okay. It was kind of icky even before I left.”

“How’s that?”

“Well, so happens the doc was right. I had started to bleed, my blood pressure went through the roof…and remember my eyes?”


“Yeah, that’s when that buggy eyes shit started. I was toxic.”


“Um, basically my body saw the fetus as a foreign object and was doing everything it could to eliminate it. My body…it just…it hates me. It’s my enemy. Always has been.”

He had nothing to say. Nothing could soothe that kind of ache. Words were empty, she was still too stiff to accept a hug and…he felt totally helpless. It was a 6 year old agony, but yet it felt so fresh, so new, so…painful. After a few moments to allow her to calm down, wipe up the tears and get her breathing back to normal, she continued, smiling at the bright blue eyes looking at her. So far so good. He wasn’t running.

“So, anyway, I had it done…I’d have lost it anyway, but…it was at MY hand that I lost it. My choice, my decision. I killed my baby.”

“No…no, Ciara…you just said you were gonna lose it anyway…and even if you hadn’t…you could have died, the baby may have died…no….you did the right thing.”

“I’m still not settled on that. And that’s a large reason why I just…I can’t let anyone close to me. I’m not worthy of someone loving me. I killed my baby, Nick.”

Again, nothing. He had nothing. He just sat and rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles, silently coaxing her to keep going. He could tell there was much more to say. What she didn’t know was hearing her talk, hearing what she went through alone…he was only falling more and more in love with her. He wanted to spend the rest of his life showing her that she was worthy of another person’s love. But now? Now it was time to let her talk. Let her begin to heal.

“And…that’s why I sucked up to Bill. He didn’t love me. He put up with me. He liked me…sorta. And he expected nothing. I didn’t have to open up to him. So, I’d get a little affection with no heart. It was perfect.”


“Well, yeah…until I got my head back and realized NO one is worth that kind of shit. But, Nick…this is why I tend to cling to the assholes. They want nothing from me. It’s horribly selfish, but I can get what I need and not have to divulge too much of myself.”

“So, why us now? Why did you give it a try?”

“I have no idea, and I’m regretting it.”

“What!? I thought…Ciara, please don’t say that.”

“I am, Nick…because…you’re too close. I can’t…”

“…You can’t what!?”

“Hang on…we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let me pick up where I left off, okay?”

“Okay….” Regret was the last thing he expected to hear from her. That one hurt. But he’d listen. Maybe it’d make sense…eventually.

“So, I get with Bill, and we’re gonna get married. I head to the doc to get some references for Tennessee docs and he asks me if I’ve considered getting my tubes tied.”


“Yeah. So we talk about it and um…I did. We looked at my whole health record and realized there was just no safe way for me ever to carry a child to term and if I did, the handicaps and disabilities this kid would have would be horrific. The damage to my kidney’s would be irreparable and…it just wasn’t worth the risk.”

“You had your tubes tied…”

“Yeah…I did, Nick.”

Nick turned back to the position in which they’d started, facing the bay, leaning back on his elbows. He had to let this one sink in. “Which is why you never worried if I didn’t use a condom….”

“Yep…I mean, STD’s always ran through my head, but I figured I was tested all the time with work, anyone else I was with used ‘em and I just…”

“Yeah, I always did with everyone else too…”

“…good to know.”

They both fell silent for a time, her letting him come to the full realization of what this quick confession meant. Him, chewing on it…wondering if it really made any difference at all. At first glance, it truly didn’t. Who cared?

“So, uh…I’m not trying to state the obvious here, but that means you’ll never be able to have kids, huh?”

“Yep. And…I sorta let that go for awhile. I was enjoying us being together again. No other relationships. Just you and me. We’ve never had that and Nick…”

Afraid he’d hear another admission of her regret, he tentatively looked up to her. “Yeah?”

“You’ve made me so happy. So…full…I never imagined it could be this way.”

“Then why do you say you regret it? I’ve never felt like this before either…”

“Well, my health took another interesting turn and it kind of brought the reality of my life…of our life…of a future with us…into a new light.”

“How’s that?”

She laid down next to him, rolling over on her stomach and snuggling up as close as she could be without being on top of him. Hiking up on her elbows, she leaned over on his chest. This is where she wanted to live out her days. With him. But it wasn’t fair to him. He had so much to offer someone…and she couldn’t…it just was not meant to be. Lifting her head, she took a deep breath and continued.

“Well, I found a new ob/gyn since the last one was such an insensitive ass.”

“This is good. I can’t believe he let you hear the baby’s heartbeat and then told you…”

“Yeah, I know…it was awful. Anyway, I go semi-regularly to see him…I suck at unnecessary doctor appointments.”

“Well, yeah…you go to so damned many anyway.”

“Exactly…but I’d do this one now and again, and one day, about two years ago or so ago, they found atypical cells on my cervix.”


“Yep…just abnormal. Sometimes pre-cancerous, sometimes just funky, sometimes nothing at all.”

“You don’t do anything by the book, do you?” He looked over to her and smiled…the first smile since this conversation started. It felt good.

“Nope. I like to keep ‘em guessing.”

“You like to keep me guessing too…normally I like that.”

“I’ve not been fair on this one though…so, let me keep going.”

“Okay…keep going.”

“So, atypical cells and I’d go a little more often and get ‘em re-tested. Kept getting the same thing. After a few months, they changed from atypical to pre-cancerous.”

“Oh shit…”

“Yep…oh shit is right. But frankly, I didn’t care. You know? Give me AIDS, give me cancer…give me something that will finally put me out of my misery instead of these damned chronic things that only make me miserable.”

“Ciara…you don’t wish for cancer.”

“Maybe YOU don’t, Nick…but I truly did. And if you had given me AIDS from all of your little groupie sessions, I wouldn’t have cared either.”


“Sorry…but that’s where I am. So, pre-cancerous for a few months and it never changes. I’m sick to death of these quarterly pap smears and talk to the doc. He suggests just going ahead and taking my cervix out.”

“Woah…don’t you…I mean, isn’t that kind of necessary?”

“Not if I’m not going to have any kids, no.”


“So, it came time for the surgery…which was Grammy time. I had it done while you were in LA.”


“So that’s why I pushed you away physically. Stupid nurse Cici didn’t realize she couldn’t have sex for 2 weeks after the procedure. So, I lied hoping to keep you at bay for awhile.”

“It worked.”

“Yeah…not like I planned though.”

“No, probably not. Why didn’t you just tell me then?”

“Because I’d have had to have told you about the baby thing and…”


“…and I was afraid you’d leave.”

“Why the hell would I leave?”

“Because, Nick….” She sat up and pulled him up to join her, touching his face, seeing that little boy creep back into his eyes. That sweet boy from the nursing home that was so full of trust, so ready to love, so willing to give…and it broke her heart. “…because I can’t give you the life you deserve. You deserve a wife who can be the mother of your kids…a whole houseful of them. And you deserve a woman who you can grow old with…and be a grandpa with.”

“I deserve you, Ciara.”

“No, you don’t. You deserve so much more. You’re young. You’re only thinking of right now. Kids aren’t in your plans in the next week, so it seems okay to you…”

“You don’t think I’m capable of looking past this week?”

“Well…yes…no…I dunno…I just know how far ahead I thought when I was 22.”

“I’m not you, Ci. I have to look at the future all the time. I don’t have a life-time career laid out for me like you do. Every penny I make has to be divided up right so I’ll have money when Backstreet’s just a blip on the pop charts. I have to make career choices that will help me 20…30 years from now…I can look past today.”

“But those aren’t matters of your heart.”

“To hell they’re not. My heart has been my work. You, of all people should know that.”

He had her there. It was true. But this? There was no way he could see clearly. He was clouded with his feelings for her now. “Now” and “then” were so far apart from one another there was no way he could see it all clearly.

“Nick, I know you’re too young to be thinking marriage, but I also know where this relationship has been headed. And after hearing what you said earlier tonight…about how you’ve thought about all sorts of things with work and the drug thing and me pushing you away…how you want me in your life forever…”

“I do, Ciara…”

“You don’t…you have no idea what that will mean for you.”

“It means that no matter what happens we’ll be together, and Ciara…”

She couldn’t look at him…she just couldn’t do this.

“…the best times in my life have been with you. Why would any of what you just told me change that?”

“Because you just haven’t let it all soak in yet. And it’s not just the kids deal…”

“What else is it, then? Tell me everything.”

She looked up to him, sadness filling her heart. There was no way he’d thought this through. Any guy his age would have run already had he thought this through. So, after this little tidbit, she knew. He’d run. He may physically walk. He may say, ‘I’ll need to think,’ but ultimately, this statement would break it all. And it almost made her physically ill at the thought. Life without Nick was not a life she cared to look at.

Standing up, she pulled on his hands to have him join her. “Look at my eyes, Nick.”

“That’s easy.” He rested his gaze in her eyes…his favorite place to be.

“You know how lousy my eye sight is right now? No peripheral vision, horrid night vision, a contact prescription pushing every limit so I don’t have to wear glasses…”


“This…like they are now…is the best they’ll ever be. They’ll never be better.”


“Touch my shoulders.” He placed his hands on her shoulders, instinctively massaging them, running his hands up and down her arms. “The pain I wake with every day in them…the pain I woke up with today? The pain I’ll wake up with tomorrow? The best they’ll ever feel. Never better.”

His heart began to race as the realization of where she was headed started to sink in. “Look at my hands.”

He scooped up her hands, bringing her fingers to his lips and then looked down at them. Very old looking. Dry. Cracked. Arthritic. She’d told him before it was the Lupus that did that. Reminded him of his grandmother’s hands. “See how old they look? You know how much pain they’re in every day…even now…even when you kiss them so tenderly?”


“This is the best it’s going to get.” She took his hand to touch the area around each body part as she spoke of it.

“My thyroid is as stable as it’s ever going to be. My kidneys are the best they’ll ever be. One day, they’ll quit working and I’ll need to be on dialysis. It’s an awful plight, but it’s mine.”

Looking down at her bare toes in the sand, she wiggled them. “My feet hurt now and they’ll never feel good again. Never. Neuropathy. Degenerative. I might even lose toes, or…a leg.”

Bringing his hands around from behind her, she could see the fear creeping into his eyes. “My hips, my knees…the best they’ll ever be. I’ll always have symptoms of the myasthenia, I’ll always have bouts when the Lupus flares up, I’ll always have insulin reactions and high blood sugar spells. Until the day I die, this is as good as it gets. And Nick, the day I die will be sooner than…well, I’ll never have to ‘grow old’ anyway. If I’m lucky, and I mean really lucky, we’re looking at maybe…maybe another 35 years. And that’s being optimistic.”

“I know that…”

“No, I don’t think you do. I think that somewhere in your mind you believe, like I did for so many years, that one day we’ll wake up and the sun will shine in on our bed and all of this will just go away. I’ll get pregnant that morning, we’ll have a houseful of kids and we’ll ride off into the sunset together. But, Nick…that can never happen with me.”

“Then we’ll make a different sunset to ride off into.”

Bless him. He was trying so hard. He just didn’t want to see. And it was wonderful and refreshing to think that someone loved her enough to be blind to the truth. Most men would see only a brief glimpse of the truth and they’d run. He had the whole thing in front of him and couldn’t care less. At least now he didn’t. Some day he would. She was convinced.

“I just can’t waste your time like this, Nick.”

“You are not wasting my time, Ciara…” He pulled away and started to walk toward the surf. Spinning around on his heels, facing her again, he shouted…not sure who he was angry at, but suddenly incredibly furious. “Goddammit, Ci. I can fucking think for myself. I’m NOT the idiot everyone thinks I am.”

“I never said you were an idiot, Nick…you know I’ve always…”

“Then don’t…” He was shouting at her and he’d never shouted at her before. Raised his voice, had a bicker, but never shouted. And he wasn’t shouting at her as much as shouting as his racing mind, his racing heart, the feeling that everything he knew to be true and good and right with the world was suddenly completely wrong. So, he couldn’t calm…he had to shout. “Just don’t fucking think for me. Let me…just let me process all of this, okay?”

“Absolutely.” She remained calm. This is exactly what she expected…only sooner, to be sure. But she knew…she knew he’d react this way.

He couldn’t even talk, no less think. Running a hand through his hair, he looked to her helplessly, wanting to just erase it all. Make it all right and perfect…just as it should be. “I just need…I…”

“Do you want me to go home?”

“Yeah…yeah…let me…do you mind?”

“Nope. I kind of expected it. Should I call a cab?”

“No…no…God, no. I’ll take you. I just…I can’t stay. Not tonight.”

“It’s okay, Nick. Just take me home.”

He walked back to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and took her back to his house, back to his truck, and finally, back to her home. With an almost platonic kiss goodnight, she went inside, knowing that from this moment on, nothing would be the same again.


A week had passed and she hadn’t seen Nick since their evening on the beach. She’d heard from him once. He sounded…odd. He’d gone down to Marathon. Took off on his boat, finally spent some time with his mom and worked out that mess from their previous visit. He was thinking, processing, making decisions about his career, his heart, his life. Ciara was not going to interfere. Because, deep in her heart, she knew where it would all end up. Just like it was now.

With her alone.

Grateful for a long stretch at work looking her dead in the eye, she took her last night of rest for herself. She cut up a bowl of fruit, grabbed a water bottle and went to bed. As she sat down on the edge of the mattress, she turned back to “Nick’s side” and sighed. It was cold and empty over there. The whole bed was cold and empty. Patting the spot where his blonde hair would play against the dark green sham, she mentally said good-bye. It was time to start doing what she knew she’d have to do eventually.

Looking ahead and letting him go.