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Author's Chapter Notes:
Making up...
THAcoustic: Please come home baby. I’m waiting on you.
EastCoastNFG: Ty you’re not at home. I’m at home. Where are you?
THAcoustic: …on my way
EastCoastNFG: Just don’t even worry about it. Do whatever you have to do.

A few hours had passed and she was now onto her second bottle of wine. She had been sitting outside the entire time freezing her ass off because she was to lazy to go get a sweater. She heard the front door close and watched Tyler walk into the dark kitchen. She was pretty sure he was plastered by the way he was stumbling around. She was well on her way to being just as drunk and was pretty sure if she stood up she may quite possibly be worse than he was. “Babe?”she heard him walking around saying. “Outside.”she said as he spotted her. She could barely see him as he sat down in front of her. “Hey.”he said and squatted down in front of her putting his hands in hers. “I love you baby.”he said giving her a side smile. “You’re so drunk.”she said trying so hard not to smile at him. “Not that drunk.”he said almost falling backwards. She laughed. “Sure….”she said as he looked up at her and smiled. “I’m sorry about bringing them. I should have told you before hand.”she said looking down. “It’s fine. I was a jerk about it.”he said sighing. “I just want you guys to like each other it would make my life so much easier.”she said looking back up at him. He rubbed his hands up her thighs and closed his eyes to kiss her. “I guess Ty I just want this to be it for us, you know, no more cheating like what’s been going on. Just us…I gotta know you want that.”she said getting serious. “I do want that…. I mean we’re getting married.”he said smiling. “You still want that?”she asked. “Of course..one night doesn’t change how I feel.”he said making her smile. He patted her on the legs and stood up. “Come on let’s get to bed.”he said holding his hand out for her. She put her hand in his trying not to fall over. “You’re pretty drunk yourself missy.”he said making her laugh.
“Listen to this one.”Tyler said picking up his guitar trying really hard to put his hand on the right chord to start out with as he sat down on the bed beside her.

I got a suit that fits me, better than well
And when I face to kiss you
Under you’re veil
We’ll know we got some plates from my mother
A blender and a toaster and an oven from your father

I want a perfect kind of life
Kids in the yard
A car in the drive
Puppies of every breed and size
I want a perfect kind of life
Shoes at the door
Carpet that’s nice
Oh our life when we’re together
Things might be alright when we’re together

We can just think about it
Sit around and dream about it
So let’s do something now
But I want the perfect kind of life

Oh baby things might be alright when we’re together