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Author's Chapter Notes:
Aaron and Angels 21st Birthday and Caroline brings Tyler
“Are you sure its okay that I came I mean after what happened last time we saw each other?”Tyler asked stepping out of the limo to one of New York City’s hottest night clubs. “I asked. He said he’d be cool if you were.”Caroline said holding onto his hand. “We’ll see what happens then.”Tyler said, but Caroline could not hear him. The music in the club was way to loud to hear anything. “You want something to drink?”Tyler asked practically yelling in her ear. “Yea…just get me whatever as long as its got liquor.”she said and he smiled and walked away from her. “Hey babe.”Nick said smiling as she walked up to him. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her on the cheek. “Tyler not make it?”Nick asked looking around behind her. “He is at the bar.”Caroline said as Aaron and her made eye contact. This would be the first time they had spoke since the ordeal at Tyler’s show. “Which is where I should be, I’ll catch up with you in a bit.”Nick said patting her on the shoulder as he walked towards the bar. “Hi.”she said looking down at the floor as Aaron walked up to her. “Hey.”he said smiling. It was his birthday, nothing could put him in a bad mood. “Happy Birthday.”she said handing him a small black box from Tiffany’s. “Damn I told you I wanted this forever ago….you shouldn’t have.”he said pulling her into a hug. “I’m making payments.”she said knowing that’s what he meant by that. He shook his head and then there was awkward silence. “Where’s the husband?”Aaron said sighing. “Bar with Nick…listen I’m sorry about before, I just…it was a bad night ya know?”she said giving him a side smile. “No worries you shouldn’t have to explain yourself to me of all people…you wanna dance or something?”Aaron said as the lights dimmed to a blue and a slow song came on. “Sure.”she said smiling at him as they walked onto the dance floor. He pulled his watch out of the box and put it on his wrist. “Wow right size and everything. You are awesome.”he said as he put his arms around her waist to slow dance. She breathed in deep as he pulled her in closer to him. She breathed in his cologne and layed her head on his chest. “I just know you that’s all.”she said quietly and he smiled. “Think I should be worried man?”Tyler said looking over at Nick so he would look at the two dancing. “It’s something that’s always gonna be there man. If you can handle it go for it, but if not, I guarantee you it won’t go away. I know her and I know my brother.”Nick said ordering another drink. Tyler looked over at them. Caroline had her eyes closed and so did Aaron. It was almost like this is what both of them had been waiting for a quiet moment just for them to be in each other’s arms. “Having a good birthday so far?”Caroline said after a few minutes of dancing. “Now that this happened.”Aaron said looking down at her. He knew what she was thinking and she knew how he felt. The song ended and Caroline felt Tyler’s hand go around her waist. “One drink for you…happy birthday man.”Tyler said handing Caroline her drink. “Thanks.”Aaron said sticking his hand in his suit pockets. “Im just gonna go find Nick.”Aaron said. He was uncomfortable so he made a quick exit. “Can we maybe talk outside?”Tyler asked grabbing Caroline's hand.

“Whats up?”she asked sitting next to him on the dock. “We can’t get married.”Tyler said looking down at their feet hanging off almost touching the water. “What? What do you mean?”she asked looking over at him surprised. “You’re still in love with him baby.”he said still not looking at her. “Tyler what are you talking about…”she started but he cut her off. “Stop…Im not mad I just finally realized when you guys were dancing tonight. It’s never gonna be over with you guys and I’m not going to be put in the middle for my whole life.”he said not making eye contact with her. She swallowed hard and tried not to throw up. “Ty are you breaking up with me?”she asked looking over at him. “It’s for your own good. I don’t want to, but I love you and when you love somebody if they need to be let go you do it.”he said putting his arm around her shoulder pulling her into him. “I think I didn’t expect it to get this far with you ya know, and it’s really weird because I love you and I do want to marry you, but then when I really stop and think about my life five to ten years from now as much as I want you to be in it, it’s not as my husband. I figured we would have broken up long before now I never would have expected you to be there for me like you are.”she said slowly as the tears started to rise in her eyes. “Don’t cry, you’ll mess up your face.”Tyler said wiping the tears from under her eyes. “I’m sad.”she said trying to smile a little. “Well don’t be. You’re free…and you know we can still hang out and play music and stuff.”he said smiling at her. “Okay Ty.”she said as he stood up. “You coming back inside?”he asked holding out his hand. “Not right now.”she said downing the rest of her drink. “Send that waiter by with another one of these.”she said pointing to a guy in a waiters uniform. He nodded and she watched him talk to the waiter and walk back inside. “You missed the cake…”Nick said walking up behind her an hour and five drinks later. She was still in the same spot contemplating life, very drunkenly. “Darn.”she said snapping her fingers sarcastically. “Everything okay….I saw Tyler leave a little bit ago.”Nick said sitting down beside her. “No I’m trapped in a horrible soap opera I call my life.”she said making Nick laugh. “Broke up huh?”he asked looking over at her. “Pretty much. I guess it was a good thing. We shouldn’t be getting married.”she said looking past him back inside at Aaron dancing with all of his friends. “You know what I think…you may have loved him, but he was just to compensate for Aaron.”Nick said. “Everything is to compensate for Aaron. I am a mess Nick. I mean fucking look at me…I am a mess. This whole year has just been one thing after another and I’m only twenty one I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”she said sighing. “Take it from me who’s almost thirty…”Nick started. “You are twenty six Nick hardly thirty…”she said cutting him off. “Whatever…I’m just saying things will get better, then they will get worse and then better again. It’s called life.”Nick said hearing footsteps behind them. “What are you guys doing out here…whoa are you crying?”Aaron asked stumbling up behind them. “Yea so maybe a dock is not the best place for your drunk ass.”Nick said helping his brother sit down on the other side of Caroline. “Thanks for throwing me this party bro…it’s what I needed.”Aaron tried to get out between slurs. “No problem man…I am gonna head back inside.”Nick said patting Caroline on the shoulder as he stood up. “Tell the waiter to send more drinks to me.”Caroline said and Nick waved his hand to acknowledge he heard her. “You okay?”Aaron asked trying to focus on her face. “Me and Tyler broke up.”Caroline said and Aaron smiled. He couldn’t help it. “Why are you smiling?”she asked. “Because that means you aren’t getting married so me and you can keep doing whatever it is we’re doing.”he said looking over at her. “What are we doing?”Caroline said. “I don’t know.”Aaron said putting his hand on top of hers. “Your drink ma’m.”the waiter said handing her the small cup. “What are you drinking?”Aaron asked as the guy walked away. “Rum and coke, it’s fucking me up.”she said trying to hold her eyes open. “I am pretty fucked up myself…hey by the way where are you gonna stay now that you can’t live with him in Nashville anymore?”he asked out of nowhere. “Don’t know.”she said thinking. “You know your old house is always open.”he said as he locked his hand in hers. She looked down at their hands and sighed. “We’ll see.”she said quietly. “I need to go pay my tab and get back to the hotel.”Caroline said standing up almost falling over. “Come on.”Aaron said locking his hand in hers as they walked back inside. It was half way to hold her up and half way to hold himself up. Nick smiled at them as they walked towards him at the bar. “Whats up drunkies?”Nick said laughing. “Can I get my tab?”Caroline said as the bartender brought up her ticket and tried to hand it to her. “I got it.”Nick said snatching it out of her hand. “Damn girl…how much did you really drink?”Nick asked looking at the total. “I can pay for it myself.”she said getting angry. “I said I got it.”Nick said lightly pushing her out of the way. “You know maybe this is what I’m sick of, ya’ll are always taking care of me. I’m not a little girl and just because I don’t have millions like you do doesn’t mean I can’t pay a fucking hundred dollar bill for my drinks.”she said getting mad out of nowhere. Aaron was silent. “Cara chill.”Nick said handing the guy his credit card. “No I am just sick of it Nick. I’m not ya’ll s little charity case. You guys pay for me everywhere and I should be greatful, but it just makes me feel like an asshole.”she said. Everyone around them was starting to stare at them. “We do it because we care about you and we don’t wanna see you living on the streets.”Nick said being serious with her. He knew it was just a drunken rant. “Yea well I don’t need your help.”she said and grabbed her pocket book off the bar and walked towards the door. “So that’s what’s really bothering her huh?”Nick said looking over at Aaron. “Should I go after her?”Aaron asked confused at what had just happened. “That’s exactly what she wants you to do.”Nick said shaking his head slamming his glass on the bar embarrassed by the scene she had caused. “We’ll go by her room when we get back to the hotel.”Nick said and Aaron agreed.