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Chapter One.

“I am so over this Mandy!” Nick screamed at the girl in front of him.

“What do you mean you are over it? Over what?” She questioned looking at Nick with a look that said if it were possible that she could kill him and get away with it, that she would.

“Us, Mandy. I am over us.” He said as he sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. He had been planning this for months now, but it was really coming to a head now. He just couldn’t take it anymore. He had only continued the facade of being happy with her the past few months because she was on tour with him, she was one of the openers and he couldn’t just break up with her in the middle of the tour. He had to see her every day, and when it was over he wanted a clean break.

“What!” she started to see what he was saying, “You are breaking up with me? You got to be kidding me right? Two freaking years Nick and you are going to break up with me? After all the shit I have put up with? I mean seriously look at you, you are a fat ass. ((Nick POV) Yes, this is regret numbers 1-5, I let myself go, started eating bad, drinking too much, stopped working out when not required, and got a little chunky…okay, a lot chunky.) Who is gonna want you, looking the way you do?”

“I can think of plenty off of the top of my head.” Nick threw back at her. He knew that even though he had let himself go there were still plenty of girls more than willing to sleep with him.

“Oh please Nick. Your fucking groupie fans don’t count. It isn’t like they would sleep with you because you look hot, all they want is to be able to say they slept with Nick Carter the fucking Backstreet Boy.”

Nick took a deep breath trying to calm down before saying anything else. He didn’t want this to turn dirty, but he also knew that with Mandy it was almost impossible for it not to. He took the chance to look up at her and that is when he realized that she wasn’t hurt that he was breaking up with her, she was just pissed that she wouldn’t have her meal ticket anymore. AJ and Brian told him all alone that she was in the relationship for the wrong reasons, but Nick really wanted to believe that she cared about him.

“You know what Mandy, I will take those groupie fan’s over you any day. At least they are up front about what they want, unlike you.”

“What is that suppose to mean?” she spat back at him.

“Oh please Mandy, I am not stupid. Do you seriously think that I don’t know the real reason why you are with me? I know all you really wanted was an easy way in. Well you got it. You got your record deal, now get the hell out of my life.”

“Okay. You got me. I guess it’s over then. I was pretty much done with you fat ass anyway.” She replied as she stood up and walked towards the door. “You can leave now.” She added.

Nick also figured she would say that. They moved in together right before the tour started and Nick knew that a problem would come up with it. He stood up and walked towards the door deciding not to deal with it right then. “I will leave tonight Mandy, but you have one week to get your shit together and get out of my house.”

“Your house? What the fuck are you talking about? We got this house together. I am not going anywhere.”

Nick couldn’t help but allow a smug smile to pull the corners of his mouth up, “See that is where you are wrong Mandy, you were with me when I picked the house out. You were not with me when I signed the deed to the house, nor is your name on the mortgage. This is my house and you will be out by the end of the month.”

Nick could see the rage building in Mandy’s eyes and before he realizes what was going on a book was flying at him. The corner of the Steven King’s Hannibel caught him right in the temple. “Son of a Bitch. What the fuck!” he screamed as he reached to touch his throbbing head. “You are insane.”

“Oh, trust me Nick. You haven’t seen insane yet. If you think this is over you have another thing coming. This is far from over. I am going to make you wish you never laid eyes on me.”

“Trust me, it is too late for that. I’ve been wishing that very thing for months now.”

((Nick’s POV) So this break up with Mandy is regret #6, not make that #7, hooking up with her in the first place was #6. Breaking up with her was the best thing that I could’ve done at the moment, but damn was there hell to pay for doing so. But hey, in my defense that girl is a psycho bitch!)