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Nick woke up Christmas day with the bright sun shining in the window.  Grunting, he sat up and shielded his eyes from the brightness to shut the curtains.  Once up he had to use the bathroom.  On his way back to his bedroom he heard a noise from downstairs.    Grabbing the baseball bat out of his closet he headed down the steps slowly. 

As he rounded the corner to the living room the sun had filled the room with a radiant brightness.  The tree he had thrown out in the front yard was all set up and decorated.  And now that he noticed it, the whole house was decorated very festively.  He looked around again and he found Sera standing by the tree smiling at him.  

“Sera?” Nick said. 

“Yes Nick, it’s me” she responded.

Nick took off towards her and grabbed her up in a huge hug.  She clung to him, laughing,  as he spun her around in circles. 

“I didn’t think I’d ever see you again!” he shouted.

Setting her down and took her face in his hands.

“How tho? How is it possible?  I thought they took you back?” he asked.

“Well” she started, “HE saw how miserable we both were.  Honestly, I think he sent me down here to you.  He showed me how your life has been this last year and I was so saddened by it.  But I had all these feeling for you and I couldn’t explain it.  HE told me that it was love.  Pure love.  I had never felt love like that before.”

“I laid in bed all night last night and it hit me, the reason your sudden disappearance hit me so bad was in that short time we spent together, I fell in love with you.  I haven’t felt like this since Beth, and frankly, never thought I’d feel like this again” Nick explained. 

“So what happens now?  I noticed you are missing your wings.  You haven’t “fallen from Grace” so to speak, because of me have you” Nick asked tentatively. 

“No silly.  You can consider me a Christmas gift from HIM. I’m all yours, for as long as you’ll have me.” she told him.

Nick just hung onto her like he was never going to let go. 

“Well, I hope you’re prepared for a lifetime hunny” Nick said.

“I can handle that” Sera said.

And together they celebrated their first Christmas of many, together. 


The End