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Author's Chapter Notes:
A special thanks to ozbsbgirl for her help with this chapter!! You rock!
Chapter 14

AJ stood outside of the hospital, smoking his second cigarette as he watched the rain fall from under the overhang. He had been doing some thinking about Nick. There just had to be something he could do to bring Nick out of the coma....a way for him to wake up. He took the cigarette and flicked it into a puddle, watching the ripples in the water. Closing his denim jacket for warmth, he walked back into the hospital and spotted Nick's mother at the reception desk.
"Shit....shit..." he cursed under his breath as he ran back to the room where Brian and Kevin were sitting.
"You alright, Jay?" Kevin asked, his eyes watchful.
"Nick's mother is here." AJ replied with disgust. Brian's eyes went wide at the mention of this news, and he squeezed Nick's hand before letting go of it to let him know he was still in the room.
"Where the hell did you see her? She didn't tell us she was coming today," Brian said.
"Maybe she is here to cancel the order." AJ said, shrugging his shoulders.
"I seriously doubt that, AJ. Why would she come all the way to New York to do that? She gave the order over the phone, she can cancel it over the phone." Kevin said as Jane walked into the room, nearly knocking AJ over. AJ was about to say something but Kevin gave him a warning glare and he fell silent.
"Out of my way." Jane said as she pushed Brian away from the bed. He fell, but caught himself by holding onto the chair as she went by.
"Hello, Jane." Kevin greeted her, holding out his hand. Jane did not take it, she gently touched Nick's face and brushed his hair out of his closed eyes.
"Kevin." she replied coldly.
"How could you take your own son off of life support? He has been trying to wake up!" AJ yelled before anyone could stop him.
"He has not improved according to the doctors and I thought it was appropriate to go ahead with the doctor's suggestion." Jane replied, her voice annoyed.
"I don't know why you are so concerned about him, you're the one who put him in this hospital bed!!" Jane shouted, her face an inch from AJ's.
"This wasn't his fault, Jane. Nick's wire broke...there was nothing to be done." Kevin replied quickly.
"He let go of him, didn't he?! He let him fall!" Jane shouted. AJ did not reply or protest, he simply looked down at his feet in shame. He could hear Nick's screams again....could see him tumbling to the floor.
"Nick is doing better..." Brian piped up.
"Don't give me that bullcrap. He is obviously not going to wake. The doctor says it will benefit him to be off the life support."
"Jane, Nick is trying to wake up. We saw him move today..." Kevin said. AJ turned to him in surprise.
"Nicky didn't move today..." he said slowly. As he said this, Brian nearly jumped out of his shoes.
"He just moved!!!" Brian shouted excitedly.
"Don't make up stories. I'm not canceling the order, Nick is to be taken off of life support on Wednesday." Jane said. Nick made a face as the words left her mouth and he moaned softly, his eyebrows scrunched up.
"Nick....come on...." Kevin begged, shaking his shoulder gently. Nick moved his head and his eyelids fluttered once more.
"NICK..." AJ started to yell his name, getting excited and calling for him over and over. Nick's hand moved slightly as he moaned again and fell silent.
"If he would stop yelling at him Nick would wake up. You're scaring him." Jane said as she took her son's hand and massaged it with her thumb. Kevin had to hold AJ back, who was an second from attacking her.
"The doctor said we should call his name to get him to wake." Brian explained.
"I don't want this lunatic around my son. He shouldn't be allowed in the room."
"You dumb ass bitch. Nick is trying to come back...." AJ growled as Kevin held him back by his arms.
"Call me whatever you want...but mark my words, Nickolas is ready to go. The order goes as planned." Jane said as she left the room.
"No..." three sets of eyes looked at Nick. Had he just spoken? Nick lay in the bed still stiff as a board.
"Nick just spoke...did you guys hear that?" AJ asked as he took Nick's hand.
"It sounded like he said No." Brian stated in confusion, he and AJ looking at Kevin.
"I couldn't hear anything. Maybe you imagined it....we should go and get some sleep." Kevin said. AJ looked at him in disbelief.
"Kevin, don't lie. You heard him speak just now."
"Jay...I didn't hear anything." Kevin answered. He had heard Nick speak but did not want to get overly excited due to the fact Nick was being taken off life support in two days.