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Author's Chapter Notes:
short chapter
I caught up with Alex as he was getting in his car. I grabbed his arm and started to beg him to talk to me.

"Alex please! You know me! I would never hurt you!" I said through my tears.

"Megan I can't be here right now! Let go of me!" He pulled his arm back, jumped in his car, and drove off.

I just stood there in the parking lot, watching his car drive off and soon disappear. I stood there crying minutes after he had left. I kept thinking that he would realize what he did and come back. But, he didn't.

When I heard Denise, Kat, and Nick come outside, I didn't look at them. I just walked away. I went back upstairs, grabbed my purse and left. I didn't know where I was going, but I couldn't stay there, and I wanted to be left alone.

I couldn't understand how they had gotten a picture of me. Someone had to have been spying on us. Because I would never be seen undressed. And, I certainly would never cheat on Alex. I would never do anything to hurt him.

After driving around aimlessly for a while, I realized I was at the docks. I parked in the same place Alex had taken me the night before to celebrate our anniversary. I walked over the the bench I saw close to the water, and sat down. I looked out at the water, praying that a miracle would happen and Alex would come back to me.

My cell phone rang, and I looked down to see who it was. It was Denise so I ignored it. Then, another came in from Kat's phone. Again, I ignored it. When my phone rang again, I let out an annoyed yell.

"People I don't want to talk!"

"Maybe they want to make sure you're ok."

I heard his voice and felt my heart stop. He sat next to me on the bench. I looked over at him and saw a tear roll down his cheek under his sunglasses.

"Alex.." I sighed.

"Don't Megan. Just don't."

I reached over and rubbed his arm.


I jumped back in shock. Alex had never yelled at me. Even when we fight, he would never be mean or yell. I sat there, trying to be strong and fight back tears.

"Alex, I don't know what to say except I didn't do it." I whimpered and lost my battle with my tears.

"Megan. There's a picture." He said. He said it with such anger and hate, I couldn't help but let out another whimper.

"I know there's a picture. But, I don't understand how there's a picture."

He looked over at me and took off his sunglasses. When he did, I saw his eyes. They were red and puffy, swollen from crying.

He was staring in my eyes, like he was trying to catch if I was lying.

"Megan?" He whispered.

"Alex. You know me. I would never. I love you."

"I just don't understand. I want nothing more than to believe you. But, the picture. That's what confuses me..I just don't know what to do."

"Believe me. That's what you should do." We sat in silence for a moment before I continued. "I'm going to that magazine's office tomorrow. I'm taking a lawyer. I am finding out where that picture came from. Who took it. And where he took it."

I stood up and walked away, when I got into my car, I turned around and saw him watching me.

"I love you Alex. And I will prove to you that I didn't cheat."