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Chapter 10
I parked the car, tapping my nails along the steering wheel, waiting for the guys to finish up. I sighed, glanced at my phone one more time and threw it in my purse. He had kept me waiting now for over half an hour already. “Babe, come pick me up, we’re almost done,” I muttered, feeling just a tad annoyed. I grabbed my purse, my shades and my keys and locked up my car. It was by far too wonderful of a day to be sitting in that car. I walked over to the bench, pulling out my pad and pen, jotting down some new ideas for my next story. I had another meeting with my editor earlier that day and she was getting rather upset that I had submitted nothing for my new book. But, it was the Lord who worked through me; I really couldn’t push Him to give me ideas, could I?

“What a lovely enchantress we have before us.” I shivered, wishing that anyone of the other guys would have uttered that.

“Hey baby.” AJ stopped right in front of me and offered out his hand to help me up. “I’m sorry, we got to playing another few holes, and I was beyond determined to beat Kevin and Nick.”

“Did you at least win?”

“Hell no. Alex got his ass beat.” I glanced at Nick before I tuned to smile at Kevin. I could feel my heart stop and than start up in serve pattern. I took in the white slacks and the blue polo shirt, and for some unknown reason, that golfing attire looked beyond hot on him. I closed my eyes, and mentally shook myself, but I saw the smirk on his face.

“Hey Resa.”

“Hi Kevin. So, who won?”

“I did. And poor Nick here shouldn’t be talking. AJ at least beat him.”

“Yeah, well, golfing isn’t my sport, you all know that.”

“Oh, blondie, don’t be a sore loser.”

“Sweetie, can I have the keys to put my clubs in there?” I turned around and gave them to J.

“How can I not be a sore loser when the prize that he takes home is a fly ass honey like you,” Nick whispered in my ear, his hand brushing down my arm before he made his way over to his vehicle. Son of a…I shivered, loathing him more and more with each encounter. He just wasn’t letting it up and it was becoming bothersome.

“You cold?” I shivered once more, but for a whole other reason, and shook my head.

“No, just…nothing.”

“You know he likes you, right?”

“Oh, he’s made it plain as day. But he’s not type.”

“Nick, not your type?”

“No, I prefer the strong, silent types a lot of the time.” Uh, did that just slip out of my mouth?

“AJ can be that way.” Yup, he was, that’s why I was liking him more and more each day.

“How’s Mason?”

“Good, he’s with Brian and Baylee right now.”

“That’s good. I’m glad they’re close.”

“Me too.” He smiled and there went that stupid heart beat again.

“Darlin’, ready to go?” I smiled at AJ and nodded.

“I’ll catch ya later, Kevin.”

“Sure thing, darlin’.” That endearment was awesome when AJ said it, but when Kevin whispered it, it made all kinds of little twists and turns happen in my stomach. Damn, I needed to go home and cry. And figure things out. And…do some serious thinking.

“You know we go into the studio tomorrow, right?” I glanced at him and smiled.

“Yup. Looking forward to it.”

“Yeah, I’ve missed it. It’s my home away from home.”

“As is the tour bus, and stage.” He laughed as he leaned his head back on the drivers head rest.

“Howie invited us to his house tonight.”

“You know what babe, I’m not feeling all that good. I think something I ate at lunch really is starting to upset my stomach. I’d just rather veg on my couch.”

“Want me to stay with you, because I can.” I glanced over at him and leaned over the console to remove his shades. Gosh, did I love those eyes. And that smirk. And he knew it all.

“I want you to have fun with your guys.”

“Are you sure? I hate leaving you.”

“No, don’t even think about it. Just, go and have fun, for me?”

“They’re gonna miss you, you know?”

“Maybe. Call me when you get home?” He nodded and his lips brushed mine.

“If you need me, call me, okay? I’ll stop whatever to come over.” Gosh, did I know that.

“I promise. I’ll talk to you later, honey.” He kissed me one more time before he climbed out of my car and made his way over to his. He waved as he got in and I waved back. I locked up my car, made my way into my house, throwing my stuff on the chair. I hadn’t completely lied to AJ. I wasn’t feeling good, but it sure as hell wasn’t anything I ate. I was confused, and I had no idea what to do. I walked over to my book shelf and grabbed one of my photo albums. I flipped through the first few pages and sat down on the couch, running my nail over his face. Damn, the one man who had a claim on my heart just never changed. “Why was I so stupid to let you go Kevin?”