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Chapter 12
I walked into the outside sitting area of the studio, glancing around, finding no one. Well, hell, didn’t they tell me to meet them here? I glanced down at my cell phone, knowing it be the right time.

“Resa?” I turned around, smiling as I saw Kevin there.

“Hey. Did I miss something? AJ told me to meet him here and yet he’s not here.”

“He’s talking with Brian. Some things came up and it’s rather heated.”

“Oh, I can come back. I mean, I don’t want to intrude…”

“No, you’re fine. Here, sit down. Want anything to drink?” He pulled a chair out and motioned for me to sit down.

“No, I’m fine. Thanks. So, how’s the recording going?” Kevin pulled up a chair, straddling it.

“It’s okay. A little rough, trying to get everyone in order, and than there’s D’s voice, which I think is a little off.” He stopped talking and just looked at me.


“You know, AJ, he really can’t stop talking about you. I’m happy for you both.” Damn, he wasn’t happy, yet he just couldn’t utter the truth. And part of him didn’t want to, because that part wanted his band mate happy.

“I’m sorry, he shouldn’t.” And in all truth, was there a good reason why he shouldn’t? No. I just didn’t know what to say to that! I loved hearing it, but not from Kevin. After all, this man held my heart! “Was it pretty easy to get back in the groove? And back into sync with the guys?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty easy. These guys are family, so it’s really no problem.” He stopped again, his hand just inches from mine. “Resa, I don’t want things to be uncomfortable between us. He’s one of my best friends and I’m really happy that he has you in his life. And I know you’re with him…”


“But,” he stopped, running his hand through his hair. “But I can’t help feeling this way.” My jaw dropped, I know it had too, because I was stunned. I didn’t want to feel this way anymore, and to know he did, floored me.

“That’s part of why I have avoided you.” His eyebrow rose and damn, it was sexy. He rolled his chair closer to mine and I could smell his cologne.

“You don’t have to avoid me, you know? Although, being left alone, like now, might not always be the best story.”

“And in there lies the problem.”

“Oh? And how do you figure that?” His hand snaked out and pulled my chair as close as he could to his. Oh, there was no fighting what we both saw in each others eyes.

“Even in a crowded room, with AJ right beside me, I still have a yearning to be in your arms.” His fingers reached out and brushed a lock of hair that had fallen across my face, my face tingling at the mere contact. Oh my goodness, this man was going to give me a straight up heart attack!

“I wanna do something really stupid.”

“Which is what, Kevin?”

“I wanna kiss you.” I could feel my heart stop. He wanted that? Hell, so did I. And I was making no move to stop him. In fact, knowing with all my heart and mind that this was beyond wrong and asking the Lord to forgive me, I leaned closer. I felt his lips brush mine, and I moaned; I couldn’t help it. And I know I heard a noise come from this throat. His hands cupped my cheeks, his tongue seeking mine out. I ran my hands up over his arms, squeezing his shoulders slightly. I felt it, though, the moment someone entered the room, and faintly, could hear the slight snicker, which told me I didn’t want to see who that was. And I felt the moment he left, closing the door behind him. I glanced at Kevin, shaking my head, not having the voice to talk. I rushed out the door, running smack into the man who I knew saw it all, and his blue eyes held mine.
