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Nick and Kevin drove Jamie and Taylor to the airport early the next morning. The girls took their respective flights, Jamie to Cincinnati and Taylor to Oklahoma City. The guys quietly walked out of the airport and headed to the recording studio to work. Both Nick and Kevin seemed a little lost without the girls around. Each faded into a tense silence, their thoughts swirling. On the ride to the studio, Kevin finally broke the silence.

"Do you even really remember what this Molly chick looked like?"

Nick paused for a moment, "Not really. I kinda remember she had long hair, maybe brownish. Honestly, I don't think I would know her if I saw her."

"Me either and it's pissing me off." Kevin clutched the steering wheel tighter. "She's saying all of this crap about us and we don't even really know who the hell she is."

"Tell me about it," Nick snickered, "If I'm gonna get busted for something stupid, at least maybe I could really have done the stuff."

"Not funny." Kevin said, although he laughed a little himself. "But seriously, this is really getting to me. I might have an idea. . ."

Jamie and Taylor both returned to Florida two days later. Their flights were scheduled about an hour apart and Nick and Kevin went to the airport that afternoon to get them.

Jamie's flight arrived first and she greeted Kevin passionately. Nick whistled to himself and looked randomly around the terminal as the couple continued kissing. Jamie pulled away from Kevin and walked over to give Nick a big hug.

"So, did my little brother stay out of trouble while I was gone?" Jamie reached up as high as she could with her 5'1" frame to tousle Nick's hair.

Nick responded nervously. "Ummm, who, me? Of course I did."

Jamie giggled toward him and looked at Kevin. "Why am I not convinced?"

Kevin shrugged off the query, shooting Nick a don't-you-dare-say-anything look. "All lawyers are paranoid, don't they teach you that in law school?"

"Hey, just because I'm paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not after me." The three laughed and headed to baggage claim to get Jamie's luggage.

Dragging Jamie's three suitcases with them, they returned to the terminal to wait for Taylor's flight. A few people recognized the guys and stopped to ask for autographs and pictures. Nick and Kevin did their best to oblige with a smile, but it was easy to see they were forcing it. Thankfully, no one mentioned their current predicament.

Taylor's flight arrived on time and the three were there to greet her as she came off the plane. Jamie walked toward her friend. "Hey Tails, déjà vu. Didn't we just do this a few days ago?"

"Um, yeah, I guess so."

"Bad flight?" Kevin asked.

"Yeah, just really tired," Taylor said quietly. "You guys mind if we just go back to the house so I can nap, or else I'm gonna be very grumpy tonight."

Nick was getting bold with his new found friend. "And that would be different from every other day how exactly?"

Taylor just glared at him. "Not in the mood Carter, but thanks for playing."

"Whoa," Nick and Kevin both said under their breath, and started to walk ahead.

Jamie put an arm out in front of Taylor to stop her from following the guys. "Taylor, are you okay?"

"Yeah, Heads, I'm fine. Just glad to be back here."

"So Mike was in a really good mood when you got home, eh?"

"I didn't want to talk about it the other day, and I don't want to talk about it now, okay Jaim?" Taylor's voice rose sharply at the end, as she started to follow the guys.

Jamie reached out and grabbed Taylor by the arm. Taylor winced painfully and quickly drew in a breath. Jamie looked over at Taylor, who quickly schooled her features into a passive expression. "Taylor, this has to stop now and you know it." Taylor just looked over at Jamie with a mournful expression, and Jamie sighed.

"Listen Tails, I'm your best friend, and I care about you damnit. I'll drop it for now, but your being upset is going to affect this case if you keep going this way and I won't drop it when that happens. Okay?"

"I won't let that happen. I promise, I know how much this means to you, trust me, I'm here for you."

"It's not just me, it's the two of them too. Remember that."

"Trust me, I'm not going to forget that," said Taylor, lifting her eyes to look at Nick, who had stopped to wait for them.

Taylor sighed, "Sorry, I told you the flight was bad. I don't mean to be this way, and you always get the brunt of my bad moods. Why do you put up with me?"

"Cause I love you, you bitch. Get it through your thick skull and move on." The girls laughed and tried to catch up with Kevin and Nick who were getting Taylor's bags from the carousel.

The foursome drove back to Kevin's house. Taylor went to take a nap while Kevin, Nick and Jamie relaxed in the living room. It was almost five o'clock when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it, I'm up," Nick called as he walked out of the kitchen from getting a soda.

He opened the door to find a police officer standing there. "Mr. Richardson?"

"Umm, no."

"Mr. Carter?"

"Umm, yes."

The officer handed him a large envelope. "This is for you. Is Mr. Richardson at home?"

"Yeah, hang on." Nick turned to yell for Kevin just as he walked up behind Nick.

"Nick, who is. . ." Kevin stopped when he saw the officer.

"Mr. Richardson?"

Kevin just nodded and the officer handed him a similar envelope to the one Nick was holding. The officer tipped his hat slightly and said, "Have a nice day gentlemen" as he turned back to his squad car.

The guys just stood there for a moment trying to breathe again. They looked down at the envelopes then back at each other. Nick said softly, "Kev, we are so dead, aren't we?"

Kevin gulped and said, "Oh yes, my friend, we are." The two of them just stood there, afraid to move, until Jamie called to them from the living room.

"Who was at the door?" She said wearily, stretching from her short cat nap. The guys walked very slowly back into the room.

They looked at each other and Kevin opened his envelope and pulled out several long sheets of paper. He started reading to himself and then looked up at Jamie.

"Baby, please don't be mad at us. . ."

Jamie looked very puzzled as Kevin handed her the contents of the envelope. She took them and started reading, then flipped the pages hurriedly.

A moment later she looked up at Kevin and Nick, "Kevin, this is a restraining order! I can't believe you two. What in the hell were you thinking??"

Kevin sat down next to her gingerly. "Jamie, calm down, please." It was to no avail, however, as her face became flushed as her anger rose.

"You two must be nuts. Why the hell did you go see Molly? What did you think that would solve? Huh? Answer me!" By this time Jamie was yelling loudly at both of them. "We leave you for 48 hours and you just had to go and do something stupid didn't you?"

Taylor walked sleepily down the stairs and into the living room to find Jamie pacing around the room yelling random obscenities as the guys just sat nervously on the couch watching her.

"Whoa, hey hey, stop! What's going on here, Heads?"

"Guess what Genius #1 and Genius #2 did while we were gone?"

Taylor giggled at the names but the laughter died seeing how serious Jamie was being.

"They went to see Molly! And now she has a restraining order against them." Jamie turned to Nick and Kevin and started yelling more obscenities.

"Hold up Jamie. Calm down. I'm the psycho one around here, remember? It's my job to yell and scream at them." Taylor walked over to Jamie and took the papers from her hand. She glanced through them as she sat down. Jamie stopped yelling but she was still pacing around the living room.

"Nick," Taylor said without even looking up, "go get Jamie a drink – a strong one."

Nick stood up slowly and went to the kitchen, walking backwards and keeping one eye on Jamie fearfully.

Jamie glared at Taylor who finally looked up at her. "Hey Nick – make it two. . . Jamie, it's not that bad. I mean it's bad, this isn't a good look for the judge. But we can work around it."

Jamie took a deep breath as Nick came back with two drinks, handing one to Jamie. "Whatever. I still want to know why the hell you guys did this?"

Taylor took her drink from Nick and sipped it, almost choking. "God Nick, are you trying to kill me?"

"But you said. . ."

"Don't listen to me. Didn't I tell you that already?" She laughed as she said this and then looked at Jamie. "Just relax Heads, we need to talk about this calmly."